I bought all my components at the height of the "Obama is coming for your guns, again" panic of 2012, and the market was hot. What I did was setup a dummy email account and signed up for every manufacturers emails. Sifting through those I found the lowest prices for the parts I needed. No reason to think that wouldn't work the same way today to get the lowest prices.
I am one who would not recommend a do it yourself AR trigger job. Plenty of good drop in's for low cost. PSA has a pretty good enhanced trigger group if you need to go cheap. I went with a Geissele 2 stage (G2S) trigger for something around $100 on a Black Friday deal a couple of years ago. Truth be told unless you are a target shooter the stock Mil Spec trigger will work just fine.
Was it PSA (Palmetto State Armory)? I just Googled "cheapest AR-15" & that was one that was mentioned.
Regarding accuracy, there are a lot of factors at play, .22 bullet weight/profile, barrel twist, trajectory differences between .22 LR cartridges and any .223/5.56 round and even between different .22 LR cartridge loads. Even different .223/5.56 loads will show variances depending factors like on barrel twist and barrel length. However, testing and doping the differences for your gun, the mod you are using to fire .22 LR ammo, and your .22lr cartridge choice can allow you to make relatively predictable sighting adjustments to get reasonable accuracy for uses within predictable limitations of a specific .22 lr cartridge load. But, the same can be said of feeding any gun. Take any AR out, feed it different loads and see which perform better for your specific gun.
Agreed. But, with the cost of an AR-15 .22LR upper being as cheap as they are, it just seems to me that the easier way to go is just to buy a dedicated .22 upper. Of course, I already own a pristine 1959 Marlin Model 99 .22LR, and it would be nearly impossible to beat the accuracy of that "Micro Grooved Barrel"...
my custom CZs are like that but a friend of mine has an interest in a commercial reloading (using state of the art CAMDEX machines -they reload close to ten million rounds a year for a chain of indoor ranges) and he gets me sized and primed brass for 9mm(the priming system on my old 1050 sucks so I used to deprime and then hand prime etc) with unplated CCI primers. those primers are softer and I have yet to have an issue with them not detonating. the trigger on my SA only CTS is under 2 pounds
Most of those I have met that compete, make a living hunting, or seeking personal perfection spend a great deal of money and time continually tweaking the tools they use to get every advantage possible, ofrten expending far more for that last tiny percentage of advantage than the 98% they do for the purchase of their basic platforms. I was one of those that did that when I supported myself through college and graduate school hunting. It was what drew me into reloading and learning everything I could about ballistics, cartridge design, barrel twists, etc. and going through countless experiments with various loads for the firearms I owned, rechambering for various wildcats, and far more. I was never completely satisfied... there was always that search for protection, including the largest variable... me. That obsession cost me a lot of money. Funny, though, my first .22 rifle hunting rifle I had at about age 8, was a too big (for me), J.C. Higgins bolt action, tube fed .22 with rear leaf spring elevator sights. The sights were slightly off, shooting a bit high and left, but I developed the instinct to know where to hold at distances out to 100yrds (bottles) and any running bunny’s under 50. Cheapest firearm I ever owned, but if I could see the target, I could hit it. It could shoot shorts, longs and long rifle and never had a single jam or ff despite, when young, rarely cleaning it. I fed it thousands and thousands of rounds bagging more plinkage and game than all my guns since combined. But, that was pre Obsession...the search to replicate my young abilities with that gun than with all my other, prettier, more expensive guns. I would hate to know what it cost me. My first AR was inexpensive, prob about $500, but very little of the original gun remains after all these years...It’s probably the gun I own with the largest investment.
These are the salad days for AR's. Combination of overstock from the 2016 election, increased AR popularity, and lots of competition. I picked up a 350 dollar upper a few weeks back just to see what 350 will get you. Shoots pretty well with no malfunctions. I may upgrade to a faxon pencil weight barrel. Also, picked up several thousand rounds of Federal XM-193. Not the most accurate but I have other loads for that.
This has been the standard at every gun show I've attended this year and most of last. Totally bare bones for 300-350 or so. They're stupid simple to machine out, why not?
Be super careful with the ar pistols now. Double check your length. You heard about the BATFE pulling the rug out from under everyone right?
Last I read, as long as you do not have a stock and the gun was never assembled as a rifle, you're good for any barrel length.
I see what you're saying. However. To fully understand, it is important to look at the definitions. The term “any other weapon” is defined to include …any weapon or device capable of being concealed on the person from which a shot can be discharged through the energy of an explosive…Such term shall not include a pistol or a revolver having a rifled bore. The term pistol is defined as A weapon originally designed, made, and intended to fire a projectile (bullet) from one or more barrels when held in one hand… (emphasis added). So, al long as the AR is a pistol - single hand use, no stock - the AOW classification cannot apply. The measurement issue comes onto play when you have something that is not defined as a pistol Thanks for the heads up!
A number of people I know had a little issue with that ruling let's say. It was a beautiful thing while it lasted
Particularly since they can just change definitions now. Any letter theyve sent out I would essentially not trust if it's on anything borderline, the shouldering the pistol brace is ok one most of all
I LOVE how if you ever assembled a lower as part of a rifle, putting a pistol upper on it makes it a SBR and subject to the NFA.
Check again. The ATF just made a new ruling on AR pistols. I honestly don't remember what it was, but there was a change. I don't remember the specifics of the change because I think AR pistols are absurd, and I never intend to buy one.
If it's what Reality and I discussed, then pistols are unaffected. AR pistols give you the equivalent of a SBR without the BS.