The fact that there were hundreds of witnesses on the scene precludes that possibility in the mind of a rational person who knows anything about soldiers, fire fighters or cops. You do not plant evidence in the presence of persons who could have been victims but by the grace of God. Nobody is sweeping that dirt-dumb video under the rug. It serves as good evidence3 that 9/11 T is a Nazi job. Hufschmid is a lying Nazi piece of crap who needs to find another universe to live in where he can do no harm. Comes the RaHoWa, it will be the duty of any American soldier who knows that sleaze bag's whereabouts to kill or capture him.
So, think its easier to, and makes more sense to, orchestrate this hoax using a large amount of people planting body parts and debris.....RATHER THAN JUST CRASHING PLANES INTO THESE BUILDINGS? Why jump through all these hoops, using all these people to make it look like a plane crash when......(wait for it)....YOU CAN JUST CRASH PLANE AND GET THE SAME RESULT!!!! How does your logic work?
You're getting desperate now. If they were planted before the crash, it would have been possible to do it without being seen. This is so basic that it's hardly worth responding to your post. Another post that's hardly worth addressing—the point is that the assertion that body parts prove that flight 77 hit the Pentagon is flawed. First of all, there's conclusive proof which I've already posted that a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon. I'll post it again so that it doesn't get buried. The nose of the craft that hit the Pentagon is too pointed to be the nose of a 757. This mathematical proof shows that the craft that hit the Pentagon was too short to be a 757. (5th picture from top) I'm no expert but there seem to be some other reasons for their not having used a real 757. There are also some experts that say it was impossible.
Here are some reasons why the government would fake a terrorist attack. This is about the pipeline they want to build in Afganistan. (1:20 time mark) If the link stops working, do a YouTube search on, "YouTube BANNED - Project for New American Century ("PNAC") - 5 of 7". Evidently, that's one of the reasons the government planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks; they wanted a pretext to go into Afganistan and take control of things so that they could build the pipeline. I don't know if it's actually been built.
In short order I will give you the video of the commercial aircraft that took off and then crashed into the pentagon along with the radar data as well as a Google Earth Satellite Photo sowing a COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT IMPACTING THE PENTAGON....I am doing a scan right now of my networked system so bear with me. AboveAlpha
Photos are fakable so it won't prove anything. You're also ignoring the proof that the craft that hit the Pentagon was too short and had a nose that was too pointed to be a 757.
Scott....there was ABSOLUTELY NO ADVANTAGE OR ANYTHING TO BE GAINED by any element of the U.S. Government or elements of Corporate America to stage the events of 9/11. The effects of 9/11 COST BOTH THE CORPORATIONS AND THE GOVERNMENT DEARLY. I know what you and a few might say...."The Government and Corps. staged 9/11 so we could get into Iraq and Afghanistan so both politicians, big oil and Halliburton could make money. The amount of money that the Government, Corporations and other business elements in the United States LOST due to the after effects of 9/11 are THOUSANDS OF TIMES GREATER IN COST than what was spent to go to war and all other war related issues and costs. The United States has a $17.7 TRILLION economy and it is projected that the United States GNP would have been a total of $14 to $20 TRILLION more over the 10 years from 2001 to 2010 if 9/11 did not happen and throw the U.S. into the greatest economic decline since the GREAT DEPRESSION!!!! Do you honestly think the U.S. Government and Politicians who get paid more money into their Election Fund War Chests when the economy is GOOD.....and all the U.S. Corporations that lost BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF DOLLARS because of 9/11's after effects would have PLANNED THIS ACTION? The concept of this is IDIOCY!!!! AboveAlpha
You gave us a video clip of the lying sack of crap who tried to tell us that the landing gear bays were pods attached to the bottom of the aircraft that hit the south tower. Your "experts" are lying terrorist-supporting sacks of crap. Latrine is that way-----> (excerpt) --------------------------------- In 2000, Iraq converted all its oil transactions under the Oil for Food program to euros.[2] When the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003, it returned oil sales from the euro to the USD.[3] --------------------------------- (excerpt) --------------------------------- What prompted the U.S. attack on Iraq, a country under sanctions for 12 years (1991-2003), struggling to obtain clean water and basic medicines? A little discussed factor responsible for the invasion was the desire to preserve "dollar imperialism" as this hegemony began to be challenged by the euro. --------------------------------- If any viewers are confused by this, they should watch this video series. If the link doesn't work, do a YouTube search on, "The New American Century (1/10) PNAC Exposed". You're being a little simplistic. It's not that easy to tell whether the pod in the footage is a landing gear bay. It does look a little bigger on the right side. "9-11 Ripple Effect - FULL" (7:18 time mark) The main issue though is the flash of light that is seen just before the plane hits the building. It can be seen in both flights 175, and 11. You're ignoring the main point. The above issue is really about how the government did it, not whether the government did it as there is already irrefutable proof at the Pentagon crash site that the government did it. The nose of the craft that hit the Pentagon is too pointed to be the nose of a 757. This mathematical proof shows that the craft that hit the Pentagon was too short to be a 757. (5th picture from top)
Hog wash. I used to live just down the street from where they build the aircraft. Shaddows, gotta love 'em. Jayhan and Nelson are lying sacks of crap. That was not a release of any known weaponizable energy nor an explosive charge of any sort. It is pointless Not a bit of it. The idiots who put that site together do not know what they are looking at. Their math is off, perhaps deliberately.
So I guess the eyewitnesses who identified the plane as a commercial jetliner were all lying, correct? Why?
You're not going to impress any thinking people unless you show your work. Witnesses can be planted. Check this out. Some people say they saw a comercial jetliner. Some other people say they saw a much smaller plane. This is consistent with the scenario of a mixture of planted witnesses and real witnesses. In an operation as big as this one, planted witnesses are to be expected. I'm watching this three part video now. "September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" - Full version (2/3) I'm watching part 2 now. At the 18:29 time mark of part 2 there's an interesting theory about the two sets of footage released to the public. They say that this picture may have been doctored because the footage from which it came is out of sync with the other footage. Check it out.
Sure they can...BUT there is no evidence this is the case.NONE. As in any tragic, chaotic event like this, there are always going to be conflicting witnesses...HOWEVER, the majority of eyewitnesses claim to have seen a commercial airliner. As a result, you have to look at the evidence which is, body parts, pieces of a commercial airliner, radar tracking, missing people identified by the airlines and family as being passengers. These video are completely dishonest in their presentation. Nothing to see here.
Wow,so everyone in lower manhattan and around the pentagon were 'planted' conveinient,for truthers,that is.
Another post which is hardly worth addressing—what kind of evidence could be found? Our not finding any doesn't mean there isn't any that we didn't find. Anyway, the my point was that the fact that witnesses can be planted shows that the assertion that witnesses saying they saw a comercial jetliner proves that flight 77 hit the Pentagon is flawed. All of the stuff they found was plantable. The theory is that a 757 overflew the Pentagon and landed at the airport behind it so the radar doesn't prove anything. You people keep playing dumb about this so I have to keep reposting it. "9/11 - Painful Deceptions - (Full Length)." (44:00 time mark) All I can say is that the viewers should watch them and decide for themselves. From what I've seen so far their arguments are very logical.
No, wrong. We can find people who didn't see planes fly into the WTC but, that doesn't show a flaw in the fact two planes crashed into the WTC. Really?, that same video take from the guard station, the one that showing something flying into the Pentagon....continued to record...where are all the people on the video planting evidence? Where are the statements from people, who watched from the road, claiming to see people planting evidence? I've seen most of them, and their arguments are pure crap.
That's their logic. Apparently, its much easier to spend months wiring up the WTC wiwth explosives, hiring all those people to plant evidence, hiring all those people to lie...than it is to actually just crash planes into the Pentagon and WTC. That's their logic at work.
You're misrepresenting the truther position. Truthers believe that planes hit the towers. They don't believe a comercial jetliner hit the Pentagon though. People who say that no planes hit the towers are plants trying to discredit the truth movement. (7:20 time mark) In that video the craft that hit the Pentagon can't be seen. Only the explosion can be seen. You're trying to mislead the viewers by misrepresenting what the video shows.
No, that's not a correct statement. there are plenty of truthers who believe no planes crashed into the WTC. They are just one sub-species of truther. Just as there are those who belive the towers were brought down by controlled demolition, by high-energy device, by low-level nuclear device.... How do you know they're "plants"? while I agree they have the critical thinking skills of a plant, you have no proof they are plants and don't actually believe their woo. Wrong, that video runs quite long after the crash. No, I'm just exposing how abusrd your claims are and how easy they are to disprove.
I don't know if you're deliberately avoiding my question, or you just misunderstood. I'll clarify it. Go back to post #320. You said this... I was pointing out that the video doesn't show anything flying into the Pentagon. The craft can't be seen. Please respond to this.
The aircraft can be seen but is not in focus. Nobody was much interested in making a video of an empty stretch of lawn.