5 Iran tankers sailing to Venezuela amid US pressure tactics

Discussion in 'United States' started by Iranian Monitor, May 17, 2020.

  1. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    No ...
    The real nonsense and fact is that under the fool Trump, the United States got out of the deal with idiotic lies and allegations. The deal had worked wonderfully, but of course wasn't like by Donald Dumbass and his supporters because it doesn't gag evil Iran enough and submissively in their eyes!
    There are enough idiotic Americans who will only calm down when the mullahs in Iran are no longer in power because they still cannot forgive the occupation of the US embassy back then ... but completely ignore the fact that the United States used the United States Embassy in Iran as base for a counter-coup try to get the Shah back in power. The storming of the US embassy and the hostage-taking were undeniably illegal and evil under international law, but using the US embassy for a counter-coup was just as illegal and evil!

    And that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons again after you quit the deal is perfectly logical ... because thanks to your former Presidents Bush Jr. and Obama, the world has learned something very important:

    Trusting in the word of the United States is a huge mistake, because the United States only keep its contracts and promises when it suits them, but they break as soon as it suits them better.

    # 2
    This means that for countries that are not friends or allied with the United States ... which is also a questionable issue because of # 1, whether you can rely on the United States at least ... that they search either another major power (Russia or China) as a protective power / friend / ally ... or alternatively develop nuclear weapons theirself, so not to be a victim to an illegal, lie-based attack by the USA.
    Last edited: May 27, 2020
    Jeannette likes this.
  2. Creasy Tvedt

    Creasy Tvedt Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    So we've completely given up on the "nuclear power" nonsense now?

    Good to know.
    Last edited: May 27, 2020
  3. Iranian Monitor

    Iranian Monitor Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    I wish. But even the US knows that, at least under current Supreme Leader, Iran has no plans to develop nuclear weapons. Otherwise, you could bet your last dollar that Iran would have had plenty of nukes already.

    That said, I am truly hoping that, especially after the US withdrew from the JCPOA and then the assassination of General Soleimani, Ayatollah Khamenei has developed a different view on this issue. Too many Iranians died or were maimed by another WMD weapon, namely chemical weapons at the hands of Saddam (with US reconnaissance often pinpointing for him Iranian troop concentrations for him to use his weapons against), for Iran to again sit and play by one-sided rules. So, while I have no evidence that is the case, I am hoping against all evidence known to any of us, that somewhere, besides Iran's civilian nuclear program, Iran has a nuclear weapons program which has produced and stockpiled what Iran has been able to produce for many years.

    If Iran does what I suggest, its next step should be a underwater nuclear test not far from Israel. Do it without acknowledging the test, letting everyone who needs to know what had happened, without publicizing it. When that happens, Israel will be the first to use its 'considerable influence' in America to push the US in the opposite direction of where it has been pushing the US until now. In that case, the fight will no longer have, on the same side, the Jewish ultra Zionists and billionaires allied to the Christian evangelical Zionists and the military industrial complex adventurers and imperialists, but will be between the Jewish, pro Israel, lobby on the one hand, against their true historic enemies, namely the neo-Nazis, Christian evangelicals and imperialists and their ilk. And Iran can sit back and enjoy watching them fight it out!
    Last edited: May 27, 2020
  4. Texas Republican

    Texas Republican Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 10, 2015
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    And people are still dying to get to the U.S. any way they can. No one is immigrating to China.

    Why is that?
  5. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Ehm what?

    No, you got it wrong ...
    You Americans have given up on being seen as a trustworthy, respected nation that sticks to contracts with you ... and above all, abides by their own given word.

    Therefore, the serious question arises, why should you be taken seriously at all ... and why should anyone conclude any contract with you or believe your word at all, eh?

    It is interesting that you are hypocritical again on this topic. With Iran you are putting incredible pressure on nuclear weapons because you classify yourself as a rogue state ... and Iran is certainly not a state of angels.
    But if other rogue states like Israel do the same, because Israel already has nuclear weapons illegally and doesn't let anyone control anything at the nuclear facility, not even you Americans ... then it doesn't matter because Israel has its nose deep in your butt.
    The same applies to Saudi Arabia, where at least as much evidence as for Iran indicates that they too have nuclear weapons ... and even missiles for that, which not only achieve everything in Iran, but also Israel and deep into Europe ... because that too Saudis of you have a wild card for it than your friends!
  6. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Because you Americans have made their **** holes in Central America so much more **** holes with your influence in the countries that they have no alternative but to try to come to you to live a reasonable life.
    Unfortunately you are between these people and Canada ...

    And that nobody wants to go to China is not really right ... ask North Koreans, they would like to emigrate to China if they were released and it does not mean their death sentence if they are caught or china would let them ... because they want to leave their **** hole for the same reasons.

    The "American Dream" is since a long time outside the USA for clear majority no longer any dream, but a nightmare.
    Last edited: May 27, 2020
    Iranian Monitor likes this.
  7. Texas Republican

    Texas Republican Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 10, 2015
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    That’s some wacky stuff.
  8. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    For one, I agree with almost everything you said, except that it's not Trump that forms our foreign policies, it's the deep state. This is why he says one thing, and then changes it. Anyway I realize that Germany hates him for his bullying, in the same way that other nations hate Germany for their bullying.

    The EU is ready to break up you know?
  9. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    To escape our bombs and the hardships we've imposed on them. Let people have a life in their own country, and believe me they won't want to come here. People do want to be among their own you know?
  10. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    OK, I don't care.
  11. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Very interesting graph, but wouldn't it have to do with the amount of people a nations has, since the more people, the more talents and brains? No one seems to take that into account when it comes to China. As for Iran, they are very bright and talented, and if it was not so, they wouldn't be perceived as a threat by Israel and the Arab states.
  12. Iranian Monitor

    Iranian Monitor Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    It is a mix of things. Population is, of course, a part of that mix but if it was the only thing, such lists would mirror the list of the most populous countries. It is not even (just) about having bright people: in not just this list, but in academic Olympiad medals and many other lists, there are countries like Iran which weren't even close to the 20 a couple decades ago, which are now quite high on many of these kind of lists. Basically, these lists show the level of educational, scientific, industrial development in various countries, which is itself a function of many different issues.

    But, I of course, posts these kind of graphs mainly to challenge stereotypes and unfounded views about Iran. The fact that Iran has as many enemies as it does means much of the news about it is basically propaganda and spin. Otherwise, despite all the obstacles placed on its way by the US and company, Iran was actually doing fine. Indeed, all things considered, it was doing remarkably well. But, while it was able to handle each challenge it was being served in isolation, the combination of these challenges, are beginning to cause some cracks.

    Iran is resilient, if nothing else, and I trust that somehow it will find a way to maneuver these challenges and come out looking even stronger and better because of them. My own view, however, is that unless Iran decides to "cross the Rubicon" with regard to its nuclear program, it will end up regretting the course it has been following.
  13. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    I didn't know you had access to highly classified information. Tell us more.
  14. Texas Republican

    Texas Republican Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 10, 2015
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    We’re dropping bombs? In Central America? Africa? China?
  15. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    In some nations like Syria and Iraq, in other we're supporting rebels and terrorists, and in other we're imposing economic hardships as well. Our foreign policy changed after JFK, so instead of helping nations develop themselves so they could build up their standard of living, we began manipulating them to retain our dominance and competitive edge.

    It's a misguided policy based on fear of others, rather than working with others to maintain a sense of balance and peace and it can only lead to more hardships, and eventually to war. Libya is a perfect example of our flawed policies. Because of the mess we made, Erdogan with his opportunism and Ottoman quest, has sent over heavy arms and terrorists and plans on taking over the whole country.

    He has maps uniting the oil rich seas between Libya and Turkey when they legally belong to Crete and the other Greek islands. It's as if they didn't exist. All this is a repeat of Mussolini and his invasion of Ethiopia to revive the Roman Empire before WWII - which was ignored then, the same way Erdogan is being ignored today.

    Erdogan in his audacity, has maps showing the large Greek islands of Lesvos, Chios and Samos as being part of Turkey, as well as Thrace in the north. All this friendliness between Turkey and Russia is nothing but a show. Putin has been bending over backwards to avoid a war, and unlike other, he's very aware of Ottoman deceptions - after all they did fight 16 wars with them. So it's only a matter of time.


    We love to cheat to get our way

    for it's a game we like to play
    towards infidels like you.

    Now don't get mad and be alarmed
    for we don't really mean to harm.
    It's just that you have got to know,
    Islam's the only way to go - Jeannette
  16. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    I'm living a nightmare. Who would have guessed? The anti-Americanism is sure heavy on this forum. Most of it is really envy.
    MMC likes this.
  17. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    As always ... any criticism, justified or not justified ... is interpreted directly as anti-American.
    This is not yet a forum that the USA only allows praise and your oh so sacred principle of freedom of speech applies here.

    If you have a problem dealing with criticism of your country ... a problem with why others do not share your view ... a problem with how other people see your country and why ... sorry, then lies the problem with you and nobody else!

    One suggestion: Perhaps you should ask yourself why I and many others say it is no longer an "American dream" outside the United States ... unless you are so arrogant and you don't care and you don't care about other people's opinions . Only then are you definitely a problem that even what is called "american dream" stains with dirt!
  18. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    we both extremely rarely agree or largely agree.
    Regarding any form of conspiracy theories, any of these theories I know is proven nonsense. No matter if 9/11 was an inside job, NASA was never on the moon, Kennedy was not shot by Oswald, Rossevelt knew that the Japanese attacked Pealr Habour and let it on purpose ... and and and ... sorry, all total and refuted BS and nonsense.
    The same basically applies to this "deep state" talk. Here, in my eyes, a mosquito is made from actual things, into a giant elephant from alleged entanglements. I had a closer look at it ... neutral and using all sources ... and found that many things are only half-truths, not mentioning contradicting facts and claims.

    As for the hatred of Trump on Germany and his bullying, well ... it is by far not only Germany. It's far easier to count the countries on this planet that don't hate Trump. The fingers on both hands are enough for that.

    And as far as hate or bullying against Germany is concerned ... I found that there is still a lot of Nazi time and WW-2 in the back of your mind, especially when Germany says or does something that they don't like . Then the club with the bad Nazi Germans comes back very quickly.
    These people have a huge problem accepting that it is no longer West Germany, which largely shuts up and pays the bills for everyoneand everything ... and Communist East Germany, which not even goes on the toilet without Moscow's permission. These times have passed since reunification and full sovereignty ... forever. And this means that these people have to live with, whether they like it or not.
  19. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Perhaps you are even right, because it is wacky how much the USA interfered in evil in the countries of Central and South America and continues to interfere, bloody-thirsty "El Presidente" to power and support, unpleasant governments topple, assassinations perpetrate via CIA and support bloodthirsty insurgents, who could easily be called terrorists, in their fight against unpleasant governments ... and vice versa support their supported El Presidente, who stand for everything but not for American values, in the fight against insurgents.

    But really wacky is that many Americans ignore, deny these irrefutable facts or at best want to talk nicely with lame excuses like "was in the cold war" .... but play the hypocritical moralist if anyone else in the world does the same like the USA!
  20. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    I stand by what I said.
  21. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Banned

    May 3, 2009
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    Weren't virtually all of the incidents you allude to during the Cold War? Doesn't the U.S. have the natural right as a nation to prevent regimes that might be hostile to it and its interests from coming to power? Isn't that what any nation does if it has the power to do so?
  22. Ethereal

    Ethereal Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    I thought Trump was supposed to end wars, not start new ones. So why does he keep trying to insinuate Americans into a new conflict with Iran and Venezuela? Neither of those countries pose even the slightest threat to America. Meanwhile, new evidence has emerged that Saudi Arabia's government was involved in the 9/11 attacks. Is Trump going to hold them accountable? Of course not. Since it was Trump's administration who sought to conceal that evidence from the American people.
  23. Ethereal

    Ethereal Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Saudi Arabia are the biggest supporters of terrorism in history. Al Qaeda is provably the proxy army of Saudi Arabia's government. As we speak, Saudi Arabia is sending arms and money to the Al Qaeda savages in Syria. The FBI's own documents prove that at least one Saudi official was involved in the 9/11 attacks. Saudi-funded madrassas are responsible for indoctrinating children into the violent extremist ideology of Al Qaeda. All the major terrorist attacks against western civilians over the past twenty years have been committed by people who follow the same Wahhabist ideology as the Saudi state. And at least Iran has some semblance of democracy in their country. Women in Iran are allowed to get educated, to vote, to serve in political office. Women in Saudi Arabia have no rights at all. They're treated like property. Yet the US government, under both Obama and Trump, has been sending billions of dollars worth of foreign aid to Saudi Arabia's thuggish monarchy every year. So spare me your selective outrage. It's clearly not grounded in anything consistent or principled. You just hate whoever the government and the media command you to hate.
  24. Robert E Allen

    Robert E Allen Banned

    Jul 17, 2018
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    yup Saudi Arabia does too.. if it were up to me we'd have nothing to do with them.
  25. Ethereal

    Ethereal Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    75% of the world's oil production is controlled by state-owned oil companies: Saudi Aramco, Gazprom, China National Petroleum Corporation, Petrobas, Petronas, etc. Yet we're supposed to believe Petróleos de Venezuela is the only company among them incapable of managing its oil reserves?

    Do you realize that CNN and MSNBC and the New York Times all say the exact same things about Venezuela that you're saying right now? Do you realize that it was Obama who first declared Venezuela a threat to US national security?

    Why are you so willingly lending yourself to the CIA-directed neoliberal campaign against the sovereign state of Venezuela?
    Jeannette and TedintheShed like this.

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