50 Things That People Should Know About Adolf Hitler and National Socialism

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by Flare, Sep 22, 2016.

  1. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    The Third Reich was doing the Lord’s work on earth.

    On January 30th 1933, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. From an unknown soldier in WW1 in 1919, he became master of a nation which had long been governed by Aristocratic elites. He was from a middle class family and during his early life he knew what hunger was as he had been through starvation. He fulfilled a dream of every poor and of middle class person to make it big. Eighty years later, Let us now examine, Good things that Adolf Hitler / Nazis did in 5 years of their rule that we are never taught. But first, the lies being taught:

    The National Socialism (NAZI) is one of the most evil political, economic and social systems in the history of the earth, made famous by their severe acts of cruelty and completely inhuman behavior etc etc etc.

    Now the truth:

    1. Breaking free of International Financiers;

    When Hitler came to power, the national treasury was empty. Countless homes and farms were lost to private (Jewish controlled) Banks. The very first “invention” of the Third Reich was the breaking away from the international banking system, which made its money on debt finance; i.e., usury. (This act later probably caused WWII.) Nazi government thwarted the international banking cartels by issuing its own currency known as Reich Marks, free from manipulation by International Financiers. World Jewry responded by declaring a global boycott of German goods. See here. Within two years, Germany was back on its feet. It had a solid, stable currency, and no inflation.

    The Third Reich was building for the future, not trying to destroy the past.

    2. Thriving Economy, Removing Unemployment and Zero inflation.

    When Hitler came to power a wheelbarrow full of 100 billion-mark banknotes could not buy a loaf of bread. Germans lived in hovels. They had no work, no money and were starving. Hitler began a national credit program by devising a plan of public works that included construction of new roads, bridges, Dams, canals, and port facilities and flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences. All these were paid for new State owned currency Reich Marks which was free from manipulation by International financiers. Hitler said, “For every mark issued, we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done, or goods produced.” Women were encouraged to be homemakers thus creating jobs for unemployed men. Within two years, the unemployment problem had been solved, and Germany was back on its feet.

    3. Strong family values:

    Maintaining the traditional family value was the principle doctrine of Nazis because they think that there was something special in children, in family and in the togetherness. Hitler was master in fixing the family to its true place. He was widely admired for his “high regard for mother” attitude. Poor families were helped by financial incentives. Family allowances, marriage loans and child subsidies were provided equally to each and every segment of society.

    The family is the primary unit around which a functioning society is built.

    4. Workers Welfare Programs:

    In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

    a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

    b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

    c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

    d) 5 day week.

    e) Free Public Health.

    f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

    g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

    h) They also banned “lock outs” for industries. No “reverse strikes” for them either.

    German workers were better treated in the Third Reich than at any time before, or since.

    5. Organized Industrial production

    In 1933 Nazis put in place policy of AUTARKY. The aim was self-sufficiency. Industrial Production was controlled to produce not what is more profitable but to produce what is required by Germans. Emphasis was laid on to produce whatever Germany was hence before importing so as to make it self sufficient and debt free.

    6. Organized Farming:

    In 1933 new Farm Policy and Laws were introduced. In Nazi Farm law, farmers were organized into Reich Food estate and strictly controlled to produce not what is more profitable but what is more required by Germans. To compensate loss of profit, Farmers were assured 100% sales and given subsidies.

    7. Elimination of crime:

    Nazis adopted all means to keep away social misfits and criminal elements from his land and to bring them in mainstream by giving jobs. In order to encourage a peaceful lifestyle, Hitler banned general strikes on the city streets. By all accounts of historians, during the Nazi period, it was safe to walk on streets at night and people were far away from the apprehension of any kind of burglary, theft, arson, loot or murder. Offenders of peace were sent to concentration camps and were punished to extent.

    8. None shall starve nor freeze to death:

    The Winterhilfswerk (WHW, English: Winter Relief—literally “winter help work”) was an annual drive by the National sozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (the National Socialist People’s Welfare Organization). Nazi Germany had one of the largest public welfare programs in history, based on the philosophy that all Germans should share a standard of living. Its slogan was “None shall starve nor freeze”. The Hitlerjugend and Bund Deutscher Mädel (boys’ and girls’ associations, respectively), High ranking Nazis and common citizens all took to the streets to collect charity for the unfortunate. This generated general good public feeling toward those in need and instilled spirit of comradeship. As part of the effort to place the community over the individual, totals were not reported for any individuals. In fact those who “forgot” to give had their names put in the paper to remind them of their neglect. On one occasion, a civil servant was prosecuted for failure to donate, and his argument that it was voluntary was dismissed on the grounds it was an extreme view of liberty, to neglect all duties not actually prescribed by law, and therefore an abuse of liberty.

    A canister used for the Winter Relief Fund effort.

    9. Anti-tobacco mission:

    Nazi doctors, in line with their campaign for public health were the first to write a major scientific paper linking smoking with lung cancer. The Nazis banned smoking in restaurants and public transportation systems, citing public health, severely regulated the advertising of smoking and cigarettes, tobacco tax was raised to extent, medical lectures were organized for soldiers and health education was promoted for the restoration of better lifestyle. Nazis had one of the most expensive and effective anti-tobacco movements throughout history. Several health organizations in Nazi Germany even began claiming that smoking heightened the risks of miscarriages by pregnant women, now a commonly known fact. The statistics of annual cigarette consumption per capita as of 1940 had Germany at only 749, while Americans smoked over 3,000. He prohibited selling of cigarettes to women. He prohibited smoking to people in uniforms and persons under the age of 18. He also prohibited smoking in public areas. He first placed photos of lungs etc. on cigarette boxes.

    10. Nazis started first checking of drunk drivers.

    Alcohol consumption was discouraged though not banned.

    “He does not devour it, it [the cigarette] devours him!”

    11. Music promotion:

    In an attempt to synchronize the culture on musical platform, Reichmusikkammer (State Music Institute) was founded in 1933, just after the Nazi came into power. This institute was formulated to promote the legendary work of masterminded composers – Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Wagner etc. In order to preserve the rich cultural heritage of ancient Germany, the Nazi government promoted youngsters to adopt music as a career. It is a matter of fact that jazz, swing and sexually suggestive type of music were banned. Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio. Music was used extensively to inject a sense of pride in national heritage.

    12. Respect for women and children;

    German was seeing declining birth rate. Depression had added effect. What to say of feeding the children, families were finding it difficult to feed themselves. Birth rate had declined from more than 2 million children in 1900 to less than 1 million children in 1933, hence in August 1933 a law was passed that enabled married couple to obtain interest free loans minimum 1000 Reich Marks (equal to 9 months salary) to set up homes and start families. For each child produced they got to keep 250 marks and did not have to repay. Same system is still prevalent in Switzerland. The importance of women’s role in a nation’s success believed by the Nazi Party can be seen in what Hitler once said; “…what would become of the greater world if there were no one to tend and care for the smaller one? Nazi Party set out women’s roles in life which became to be known as the three Ks, Kinder, Kirche and Küche (children, church, and kitchen). The Nazi viewed women as the preservers of the tribe, the guardians of future generation, and the priestesses of domestic virtue.


    13. Modern Day boy Scouts is based on Hitler Youth.

    Boys were made to be physically and mentally fit from the youth to undertake public welfare. The nature of the Hitler Youth was; camping, outdoor activities, outdoor skills, and sport. This helped attract the youth to the Hitler Youth movement. With its summer camps the youth were able to escape from their normal lives and drudgery of school. Hitler preached for peace and equality. During the Hitler Youth rally, he states;-

    14. To achieve classless society.

    Nazis believed in equality for all women and men despite class, rank, race, or religion. Nazi regime insisted that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and bourgeois and ultra rich. Films like Metropolis ’whose message of equality and fair treatment of anyone regardless of class, rank, gender, or race was emphasized to inculcate feeling of oneness. The film revolves around a capitalist controlled state, in which the majority of people are oppressed by an overbearing, rich minority. (remember OWS). The masses are forced into hard labor whereas the rich minority dwells in comfort and solace with little or no work to do except supervise the masses and frolic in their beautiful, ornate gardens. By capturing the true plight of the workers, through the filming of them walking to and from work like lost drones Nazis assuages the viewer to their cause. When Maria arrives and leads them to revolt, casting off the chains of oppression, the viewer is with them every step of the way, cheering them on. Similarly, Riefenstahl’s Triumph des Willens embodies a similar spirit of oneness. These two films carried almost exact messages of rebellion against unjust oppression and of equality for all women and men despite class, rank, race, or religion.

    Hitler himself drew the original design for the Volkswagon.

    15. Volkswagen:

    It was 1934, when Hitler started on his dream project that every German family had a car which can carry at least two adults and three children with maximum speed of 100km/h. Hitler started working hand in hand with his top-notch officials and eventually launched his dream project, powered by an 25 horsepower engine. Literally meaning “People’s Car”, this vehicle was presented as a car that every German citizen could afford to buy. It was based on the advice of Hitler to the designer, saying that it should resemble a beetle. The car was a huge success (it was made available to citizens of the Third Reich through a savings scheme at 990 Reich marks, about the price of a small motorcycle. It became the most popular vehicle in the world, known for reliability, stylish design and ease of use.
  2. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    If Hitler was doing the "Lord's work" I don't want any part of that lord.
    JohnHamilton likes this.
  3. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    So yeah, Hitler was a socialist. Left wing socialist.
    JohnHamilton likes this.
  4. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    16. Affordable Homes with Gardens.

    All Germans were made available affordable housing and environmental homes. Homes with gardens. No more “rabbit-warrens”.

    17. Banning Vivisection;

    Nazi Germany was the first country to ban vivisection in the world, enacting a total ban in April 1933. High ranking Nazis such as Hermann Goring, Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Hitler were very concerned about animal conservation, particularly pertaining as to the manner how animals were butchered. Most current laws in the World are derived from the laws put forth by the Nazi Party. Hermann Goring, who was established as the Prime Minister of Prussia, had this to say:

    A cartoon showing animals saved from vivisection saluting Hermann Goring. The sign in the window says “Vivisection Forbidden”.

    18. Preservation of nature and animals:

    Leaders of Nazi Party were patrons of animal protection and that’s why they adopted standardized parameters to ensure the security of animals in their regime. Mishandling an animal was considered as a heinous crime and if someone was discovered treating them like a pulse less property, then he/she was straightforwardly sent to concentration camps. Hitler, himself, was a great admirer of animals and was widely popular for his fascinating relationship with Blondi, his German Shepherd dog. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, their concerns not only laid with the people, but with the animals native to Germany. In 1934, a national hunting law was passed to regulate how many animals could be killed per year, and to establish proper ‘hunting seasons’. These hunting laws have now been applied in most western countries.

    This law was known as Das Reichsjagdgesetz, the Reich Hunting Law. The Reichstag also footed the bill for education on animal conservation at Primary, Secondary and College levels. Additionally, in 1935, another law was passed, the Reichsnaturschutzgesetz (Reich Nature Protection Act). This law placed several native species on a protection list including the wolf and Eurasian lynx. Additions were added later as to afforestation and the humane slaughter of living fish. Without this law it is likely some species would have completely disappeared from Germany’s forests.

    19. Nazis Created 1st ecologic laws for protecting water, earth and air.


    Lands protected included:

    Hitler was a well-known animal lover.

    20. Autobahn / Freeways:

    The idea of highway system was given by the Nazi and till the date they are admired for dispersing the network of roads to get you somewhere faster without a speed limit. Right after the Nazi takeover of 1933, Hitler bosomed the idea of interstate highway system without intersections with sophisticated engineering. This ambitious project was the best tool to eradicate unemployment and to cater mobility for the motion of motorized land forces. Using state-of-the-art technology, the highways were made without a single pothole with free resistance surfaces and gentle curves. Hitler was an enthusiastic supporter of the idea and pushed for the largest network of roads to be built across Germany. Established as the first freeway system in the world, the autobahn was a revolutionary feat of engineering that forever changed the way humans travel. Thousands of countries have emulated the system Hitler put in place, including America and Britain. It is single handedly the largest network of roadways in the world, with roads stretching all across the country, even to other countries such as Austria.

    It was a goal of the Nazi party to try and bring the country into a sense of unity through the roadway system, and for the most part it was successful. Aircraft was tested on the long, smooth, straight sections of road and Grand Prix racing teams are known to practice on them.

    The autobahn is still famous to this day as being the finest roads in the world.

    21. Innovations in Film

    Audio technology using magnetic tape was a Third Reich invention. Copying German tape recorders was how the famous American corporation Ampex got its start. Magnetic tape was also essential later for the video tape recorder. Allies hadn’t a clue how the Axis was transmitting speeches and programs hours apart to different locations and having them sound “live.” It was top of the list of technologies to capture as the war concluded.

    Management systems for keeping massive and complex development programs on track was another “invention” transferred to the US, along with its scientists and project managers. These systems allowed the Germans to have developments underway in numerous categories and perform them remarkably well.

    The Nazis were very interested in both film and music as essential cultural pillars. The first known magnetic tape recording was of a speech made by Hitler, and Joseph Goebbels pushed for more complicated methods of filming. The propaganda film ‘Triumph of the Will’, sequel to the former propaganda film ‘Triumph of the Faith’, is regarded as one of the most important pieces of cinematographic history. The director, Leini Riefenstahl (pictured below) used an astounding thirty film cameras and over one hundred technicians to produce the two hour film. Cranes and track-rail filming were used, techniques still used today to make a smooth ‘traveling’ effect.

    The Third Reich movie industry was big enough to be a serious rival to Hollywood.

    22. Advances in fashion and sportswear.

    The Nazi style of uniform was as bold as their style of government. Thick-soled leather boots, slouch hats, cowhide coats, and peak hats were some of the staples in Nazi fashion, as well as muted color tones often in gray, tan and black. The SS Panzer military organization struck fear into the hearts of their adversaries, with black forage caps and leather coats which were later adopted by American rockers. Doc Martens closely resemble the jump boots that many Schutzstaffel officers wore. Look around at any rock, industrial or otherwise ‘edgy’ group and you see small traces of Nazi fashion sense. The American novelist Kurt Vonnegut once described the style as ‘mildly theatrical’. Additionally, the founder of Adidas, Adolf Dassler (whose nickname was Adi), was a Nazi. He produced shoes for the Wehrmacht during the war, as well as providing American and Nazi athletes with his footwear during the Berlin Olympics. This created national acclaim when Jesse Owens won the sprinting event at the Berlin Olympics wearing Adolf Dassler’s shoes. Adidas is now a multinational company, supplying athletes all over the world with a supply of footwear and sports accessories.

    His brother, Rudolf Dassler, was the more ardent Nazi of the two brothers and went on to found another proficient sports company puma and Hugo Boss was a Nazi who, from 1934, was an official supplier of uniforms to the SA, SS, Hitler Youth, NSKK and other Party organizations.

    23. Development of all Sports – Berlin Olympics 1936;

    Morale of the people was high, there was euphoria among the population and a feeling of freedom after 15 years shackles of slavery under war Treaty for Versailles. A sense of general well being and good feeling after years of repression was felt by public which was reflected in performance of its people in all spheres of life. In 1936 Berlin Olympics; Germany topped the medal tally with 33 gold, 26 Silver, 30 Bronze medals. United States of America came a poor second with 24 gold, 20 silver and 12 Bronze. Habsburg empire (Hungary + Austria + Czechoslovakia ) won 17 gold, 13 silver and 8 Bronze.

    Hugo Boss advertisement.

    24. Olympic torch relay ceremony was introduced by Nazis.

    25. Jewish settlement in Palestine by “Havaara Agreement”

    Hitler and Nazis are also known as Founder of Modern day Israel by being first to actually start Jewish settlement in Palestine (modern day Israel) to fulfill 2000 year old desire of Jews and Final solution of Jewish question of their own homeland, Nazis began active collaboration with Jews and Zionists for active Jewish control of Palestine.

    The Agreement made it possible for millions of German and other European Jews to occupy and control Palestine Lands now known as Israel till England’s declaration of war on Germany which prevented allocation of further resources for immigration and settlement. The Reich spent several million RM on Jewish occupation and settlement in Palestine. The total amount transferred from Germany to Palestine through the Ha’avara between August 1933 and the end of 1939 was 139.57 million German marks (now equivalent to more than $66 billion). W. Feilchenfeld, et al., Haavara-Transfer, p. 75.; “Haavara,” Encyclopaedia Judaica, (1971), Vol. 7, p. 1013.

    A Coin commemorating the German/Jewish collaboration had on one side the Swastika and on the other side the Jewish ‘star of David’ now seen on the Israel national flag also. The ships which carried Jews for occupation and control of Palestine bore their names in Hebrew and the Swastika flew from the mast.

    26. Father of Modern V-2 Rocket:

    V2 Rocket (the world’s first known object to achieve sub-orbital spaceflight). Better known as the A-4, V-2 is credited for being the first non-human-piloted artifact as well as the world‘s first long range combat-ballistic missile. This rocket comprised a number of key technological innovations, still used in the space programs of the United States and the Soviet Union. Hitler named it “Vengeance Weapon 2″ because it was conceptualized to wipe out a city-size target with its accumulate guidance and transmission system. Father of Modern Rocketry

    The man who invented rockets as we know them today, Wernher Von Braun, was a member of the Nazi party and commissioned Schutzstaffel Officer. He aided both Germany and the United States in the use of rockets during and after WW2, and eventually became a naturalized U.S. Citizen. Although he pioneered many areas, including the installation of liquid-fueled rockets in aircraft and orbit to ground missiles, he is best known for his achievements in NASA. His best achievement there was undoubtedly the development of the Saturn V booster rocket, that helped man to finally touch the moon, in July 1969. Von Braun officially opened the gate to space travel through his innovative inventions.

    27. Banning Nuclear and atomic weapons;

    In 1938, two Germans scientists, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann, working at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, discovered that when they bombarded uranium with neutrons they could split the uranium atoms’ nuclei into two parts releasing energy and more neutrons (a process called fission.) Thus Nazi Scientists knew how to create energy-producing fission chain reactions as the neutrons from one split-atom plowed into surrounding atoms, splitting them also.

    According to Skorzeny, the atomic Bomb was opposed by Hitler himself as early as in 1940 “for not converting this planet into a stellar object being consumed by Flames” After the sabotage action in Norway, “which had damaged the capacity of producing heavy water and also freighters transporting heavy waters were sunk”, he discussed the topic with Hitler:

    Hitler, who had read an article of Heisenberg, said:” The effects would be terrible.. All kind of life, not only human life but also life of animals and plants would be exterminated for hundreds of years within a radius of 40 Kilometers …… No nation; no group of civilized humans beings could consciously bear such responsibility. From strikes and counter strikes the human species would exterminate itself”

    Modern rocketry would not exist without the advances that the Third Reich made.

    28. Development of Missile technology:

    Ground-to-ground, air-to-air, air-to-ground, ground-to-air, ship-to-ship, etc., using wire guidance, TV guidance, IR guidance. Most of these missiles were not at the highest form of development, but their work launched and made a bundle of money later on for corporations like Boeing, Raytheon, Hughes Aircraft, North American Aviation (Rocketdyne Div.), etc. All of these companies had their German “Chief Scientist” heading up research and development operations.

    29. Reunited all German speaking languages into Großdeutsches Reich;

    Germany was cut in several pieces in Treaty of Versailles and its pieces gifted to other nations. Saar Rhineland, Austria, Sudetenland, slowly rejoined Germany under Plebiscite needless to say without firing a single shot. Dangiz was last of such places. 98% population had voted against its forcible separation from Germany in 1919. Poland and England refused to allow Danzigers to choose their own destiny to rejoin ‘home’. After the war, England gifted whole of Poland to communist Russia along with half of Europe as against small German corridor of Danzig desired under Plebiscite.

    30. Hitler had spared the 338,000 British and French troops at Dunkirk in 1940 if not the result was the capture of the entire British Expeditionary Force.

    31. Hitler refused to use chemical weapons against allies during D Day Landings.

    Hitler had sparing the 338,000 British and French troops at Dunkirk in 1940.if not the result was the capture of the entire British Expeditionary Force. He was first to realize the Threat of Bolshevism and Stalinist Russia which was followed later by NATO but realization came after 72 million had died and Europe UK lay in ruins.

    32. From Weak to Strongest Nation in just five years:

    In just five years Germany became most powerful state in the World. On September 3, 1939 England and France declared World War 2 by attacking Germany. France was run over in 2 weeks, England ran to US for help. It took combined strength of 50+ nations including Russia US, UK, France, and China to defeat a country of size of Texas only because collectively they had far more resources than Germany. The ratio one Nazi Soldier to allied soldiers was 1:97.

    Wernher Von Braun developed the booster rocket that enabled man to reach the moon.

    33. Computer, invented by Konrad Zuse 1941.

    34. After death of Fritz Todt he created black box for airplanes.

    35. Jet plane in 1939 by Heinkel Flugzeugwerke.

    36. Nazis Invented first effective automatic rifle, single person anti-tank weapons (precursors to RPGs). StG 44 Assault Rifle (considered by many historians to be the first modern assault rifle).

    37. Stealth technology was invented by the Horten brothers during the Reich.

    38. The Wankel engine, which is now referred to as the “rotary engine” was invented during the Third Reich.
    Mazda uses this engine extensively.

    39. Development of IR technologies used in Night vision, Thermography, Hyperspectral imaging, Tracking, Communications, Spectroscopy, Meteorology, Climatology were mostly all developed during the Third Reich. They had “night vision” devices while the Allies were still wondering if such things were possible.

    40. Modern sewer treatment facilities are all derived from Third Reich technology. They are generally seen with their settling ponds and huge skimmers.
  5. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    41. It was the Third Reich that perfected television and conducted the first broadcasting While the Englishman, Farnsworth, gets credit for the invention of a very rudimentary television.

    42. Application of geophones for seismic wave detection used for locating artillery.

    Hitler did not see any work as demeaning and would not ask anyone to do something that he would not do himself.

    43. The “rail gun” was another significant invention, which the US and SU copied. This weapon employs a series of ring magnets to propel a rail mounted projectile. The significant feature of this “gun” is that it can accelerate the projectile at a speed nearing infinity — at least in theory. Conventional explosives are limited by their individual, finite rates of expansion and hence constrained in how fast they can make a projectile move.

    44. The Fischer-Tropsch process to produce synthetic fuels from coal, which fueled Germany’s armed forces throughout the war.

    45. Third Reich scientists also performed extensive work in the area of occupational carcinogenesis. Physicians documented the health hazards of asbestos, and in 1943 Germany became the first nation to recognize lung cancer and mesothelioma caused by asbestos inhalation as compensable occupational illnesses.

    46. Inflatable sex doll – Dr. Rudolf Chargeheimer, a psychiatrist appointed by Himmler to help develop the prototype, wrote that “the purpose and goal of the dolls is to relieve our soldiers. They have to fight and not to mingle with ‘foreign women.'”

    47. The opiate drugs methadone (the heroin substitute) and pethidine (a powerful pain killer) were Nazi inventions.

    48. Much of what we know about hypothermia (re-warming techniques and cold-water suits) comes, from Nazi experiments.

    49. Microwave cooking (necessary for troops in Russia)

    50. Nazis had invented the Nerve gasses Sarin and Tabun.

    51. Magnificent Nazi architecture.

    Hitler was a very versatile artist and did not just draw architecture.

    Hitler, as a trained artist, was well-versed in architecture. Hitler felt that the key qualification for an effective public building was that it expressed the strength of its owner. Perhaps the most archetypical of Nazi buildings was the New Reich Chancellery in Berlin. The building housed administrative offices for senior officials of every branch of the Nazi regime. The Chancellery, displayed all the features that have since come to be associated with the Nazi architectural style. The Voss-strasse entrance, high columns and massive doors. There are no columns or statues, only rows of windows, evenly aligned. There is nothing exciting happening on this facade, no writhing sculptures or twisting baroque decorations. Instead, Speer’s design focuses on line. Nothing pushes against the lines and nothing curves.

    In buildings not intended to be part of diplomatic life, they imitated traditional German dwellings. The Hermann Goering Youth Home and Speer’s West front headquarters both imitate this traditional style. The Tannenberg Memorial draws inspiration from the castles of the medieval Germany’s Hohenzollern era and combines it with the new Nazi aesthetic of clean lines and stark, blank facades. This style echoes the glory of German conquerors like Barbarossa, and reminds the Volk of their history of greatness.


    To call itself developed, Western society in general, absorbed as much of the Nazi technology and social control mechanisms as we could lay our grubby hands on. We didn’t invent them, and we weren’t working on them at the same time. We took them from the Nazis wholesale. In all, 300,000 patents and copyrights were expropriated from Germany by the Allies after 1945 under Operation paperclip.



    No one in history of mankind has achieved so much in so little a time as was achieved by Nazis / Adolf Hitler and possibly none ever will.
  6. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    No, you have no idea of the concept of National Socialism. It's neither left, nor right. It's the 'third option'

    It combines the best from nationalism and the best from socialism, in order to take care of the nation and the people.

    If you want to learn some more about the concept, have a look:

  7. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    You did not mention a 51 Thing That People Should Know About Adolf Hitler and National Socialismthing.

    It is the Mein Kampf.




    I show the meaning of the fourth part of Mein Kampf (which I read).
  8. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    An important addition.:clapping:

    Hitler didn't saw threat from Soviet Russia in 1925,,,,,,when Hitler announced his strategic plan in the Mein Kampf to conquer the territory of Russia
    Hitler planned to attack Soviet Russia despite the fact that he did not saw a threat from Soviet Russia.

    It is a historical fact.
    Northerlies likes this.
  9. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Which people? The chosen people? Jews where Germans too, but they weren't very protected.
  10. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    All of you people who believe the official version should at least check out the revisionist version. If you're going to be against something, you should know what it is.

    There's a theory that Mein Kampf was manipulated after the war. I won't be surprised if that turns out to be untrue but I wouldn't rule it out considering the above info.

    Sorry, but they never went to the moon.
  11. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    This is the most ridiculous nonsense that was invented about MainKampf.:smile:
    There are many volumes MainKampf, that was published from 1925 to 1940.
    Important passages were quoted many times in other books.
    "Mein Kampf was manipulated after the war" - This isn't possible in principle.:oldman:

  12. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    1) Here you greatly exaggerate the problems of Germany .[​IMG]

    Until 1940, England and France created the perfect conditions for Hitler and for his small German .
    Only in this way, Hitler was able to seize Czechoslovakia and Poland.

    2) You are greatly understate the resources of the small German in 1941.[​IMG]
    June 22, 1941 when Germany attacked the Soviet Union, it was like this:

    Hitler struck a colossal power blow to Russia 22nd of June in 1941 . Almost all of Europe participated in this.
    It is Guinness record for all time.
    Germany, Italy, France, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Romania, Belgium,...... Japan (Russia was forced to keep the Far East many troops).

    Every third German shell was made in France..... Etc.

  13. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I haven't taken a firm stand but in order to verify this, someone who speaks both German and English in possesion of an old copy of Mein Kampf would have to read both books. We can't rely on the media to point out differences in the two versions if they are in fact different if it goes against the official version of things. The owners of the media would want to cover this up. If you know of a verifiable quote from a pre-WW2 copy that shows that Hitler had imperial ambitions, could you link to it? What you said doesn't square with research such as this.

    That's why I'm taking the theory seriously. It shouldn't be ruled out until it's proven false.

    I just finished reading this book.

    When the Author talks about the WW2 period, he clearly believes the official version of things. He says that half of swedes were pro-German during the war. He makes it sound like they were a bunch of mental perverts who simply supported fascism. In the revisionist scenario, being pro-German doesn't make one a mental pervert and it's not likely that half the population of Sweden were mental perverts back then. This is only circumstantial evidence but it points in the direction of the revisionists' version being true.
  14. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    1. MainKampf was written in 1925. Long before 2 World War .
    2. On what basis do you call these movies as "research"? Who is author?

    3. If the attempt was made to manipulate the text of MainKampf , a Hitler's fan would rejected it immediately. To do this, just to show the MainKampf's page of the book. Them do not need to "sculpt" the movie.

    "Mein Kampf was manipulated after the war" - This isn't possible in principle.

    This is the text MainKampf .


    If it is a fake, then in Internet would be a link to the "present" text. It would be necessary. Fans of Hitler created his halo fighter for peace. They create the aura of emptiness. Hitler's fans would not miss the chance to catch a present fake.
  15. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    Hitler hadn't an imperial ambitions.


    Northerlies likes this.
  16. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    But would we hear about it?

    If you're familiar with Mein Kampf, could you link to a page in which he shows imperial ambitions?

    You seem to think that I'll be disappointed if the book turns out to be real. I don't have a foregone conclusion. I just want to find out what the truth is.

    Here's a thread I started a while back.

    If that book hasn't been manipulated, he shows imperial ambitions in it but that book may have been manipulated, or even totally fabricated.

    There have been so many other lies such as these...

    ...that it's reasonable to be suspicious. They same people who told the above lies were in charge of the history that we learn today and Hitler's books are part of that history. Issues such as these should be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    I've seen the same info presented in othe sources.

    It may turn out to be bogus but it's too soon to simply dismiss it. You seem to be ready to rule it out. You seem to have a foregone conclusion.
  17. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    I just started watching this.

    The War That Had Many Fathers (WW2 Revisionism) by Gerd Schulze Rhonhof

    I'm only up to the 16:00 time mark but I'm going to post it anyway. Start watching at the 10:30 time mark to see where it is alleged that a speech of Hitler's that appears in German school books was manipulated.
  18. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    Read my post # 15 once again. What did you not understand? Ask please..

    This book has not been published. It makes no sense to watch it.

    Is the author of these sources not known too? Maybe this is one author?
  19. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    It is quite possible. Hitler's speech is not the text of the famous book Mein Kampf......Which was reprinted (and quoted many times in other books) from 1925 to 1940.

  20. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    It may turn out that it was quoted many times in other books from 1925 to 1940 but without links to examples, how are we supposed to know this is true? Actually, we'd have to have an actual book in our hands as links to info can be bogus.

    I'm not saying I'm sure his version reflects what really happened. I don't see how we could figure out what really happened for sure as it's all second-hand info. I'm just saying it may be true as so many people who do research such as Mark Weber are saying the same thing. It would be foolish to rule it out, especially after all of the confirmed lies that have turned up (see post #16).

    You seem to be ruling it out simply because you don't want it to be true. Tell us what you think of the confirmed lies I pointed out.

    Another lie is dealt with here.

    Some posts were deleted in the above thread and all of the page numbers are different now. The pages of posts I pointed out are wrong now.

    I was in a bit of a hurry yesterday and I just scanned the info. Having taken a closer look, it does show imperialist ambitions. We still don't know whether or not that part of the book was inserted though.

    If Hitler really wrote it, it doesn't matter whether it's been published or not. The issue is whether Hitler really wrote it. Take a look at it. It supports your side of the argument.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    It's like reading the Democrat party platform.

  22. RUS

    RUS Member

    May 26, 2016
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    Read my post # 15 once again. What did you not understand? Ask please..
    Well. Let's turn on the logic.
    Let us assume that it is a fake. Suppose that Hitler did not write these text.(I mean a meaning, because Hitler wrote in German language.)

    Do you believe that Hitler's fans would not have made a site with an authentic text Mein? Do you believe that just a fake version of Mein would be in the Internet ?:smile:

  23. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Hey Rus

    You didn't address this part of post #20.
    Here are the lies I was referring to.

    I think they'd try to but they might not succeed in doing it. It might be blocked by the forces that censor stuff on the internet. There used to be a very informative anti-establishment forum called "War On You". It disappeared suddenly. I could tell you more similar stories. Mein Kampf's having been tampered with would put a serious hole in the official world view that the establishment is promoting and the forces that be probably wouldn't allow it on the internet.

    I posted some examples of official lies. That shows that the idea of Mein kampf's having been manipulated is not so far-fetched. Now please address the issue of the official lies I posted.
  24. NewGuest

    NewGuest New Member

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Short video about Nazi Architecture

  25. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Scott, could you elaborate on what exactly you want to know whether it was written by Hitler or inserted or taken out? I could ask around in a German forum, they might be able to tell us.

    Any idea for how long Flare got banned? I miss him!:frown:

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