9/11 WTC Demolitions, American Anger Lives On! The Criminals Exposed!

Discussion in '9/11' started by Kokomojojo, Nov 13, 2012.

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  1. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Your petty bickering about my monicker only exposes just how weak your position is, as I will show you in a second.

    Who says I haven't listened to the accounts? I believe them. What I don't believe is the incredibly dishonest liars like yourself who like to try and pretend the ONLY thing that can explode, especially during a very large fire, is high explosives. You don't think anything else can go bang? Then explain why not a single fire fighter present on 9/11 claims the explosions were caused by high explosives. Unlike you who is only trying to get his fellow Muslim terrirst buddes off the hook, I actually look at ALL the evidence AND the people who were there instead of cherry picking quotes while ignoring all else.

    Second issue. High explosives in no way, shape or form melt steel. Period. Here is where your extreme ignorance really becomes apparent. High explosives work via a high pressure wave that actually breaks the steel. It doesn't melt the steel, nor does it work with much heat.

    Third issue. How do you know with such certainty that the molten metal was actually steel? You don't. No excuse you come up with will convince anyone you know with any degree of certainty that it was steel and not some other metal that witnesses saw. There is also no way for the other witnesses to know the composition of what they saw. This should be self evident to any honest person; you can't know the composition of something simply by looking at it in a molten state.

    You're going to have to try harder than making ignorant and blatantly false claims.

    BTW, the explosions in the basement were caused by the freight elevator letting go and crashing down several floors. Or is that suppose to be silent?
  2. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Isn't it amazing that there were recording devices on through the whole thing and not one picked up any explosions?
  3. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    No not at all, whats their threshold set at?
  4. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    What is the threshold of imagination?

    BTW, explosions would have been the loudest thing around and overcome any background noise, yet no explosions were recorded.
  5. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Koko's right. Everything in the city had its "detect demolition explosives" settings set to "off" that day.

    It's a good thing there's still a few straggler truthers around to connect a bunch of random dots into a picture. No matter how stupid that picture ends up looking in the end.
  6. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Well, the one I saw of the WTC 7 collapse, you could clearly hear the people speaking, and then the collapse itself. The video was taken about two blocks from the WTC 7. You can hear high explosives used in controlled demolition for miles, yet you don't even hear so much as a bang a couple blocks away. Also, you would have seen all the windows on WTC 7 violently blown outward from the shockwave of the explosives. All you see is windows falling out from the internal collapse that was occuring before the global collapse.


    Watch the people as well. The first indication they have of the collapse is the collapse itself. You don't see people flinching like they would if high explosives were going off which, at that distance from WTC 7, would be louder than a gunshot from a couple feet away.
  7. Indofred

    Indofred Banned at Members Request

    Jul 4, 2012
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    This 9/11 stuff is a difficult one.
    There are clearly strong views on both sides but I tend to come down on the 'suspicious' side.
    There, in my opinion, were two aircraft that hit the towers.
    I suspect Islamic extremists were piloting them. To fly an aircraft is easy, to take off and land is hard work. Given they simply had to steer the things into a large target, I can believe they did it, regardless of the flight school report. As to who controlled the extremists, that's another question.
    As for the one in the field, different story. I've looked at a lot of images of large aircraft downed in fields. They all have easily identifiable large bits of aircraft and all the bits you'd expect from a crash, 93 had none of this and reports from local officials back this up.
    That stinks of something wrong and requires real investigation.
    The last is full of holes, the Pentagon crash.
    Sadly the hole isn't big enough and there are no marks where wings, engines and so on should have hit.
    Add the total lack of a single photo from any of hundreds of security cameras and you have a problem.


    Something stinks and that alone means there are questions about the whole thing.
  8. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    1. Insider trading
    2. WTC 7
    3. Air defense
    4. Wargames
    5. Flight 77
    6. Identification of hijackers
    7. Evidence regarding Bin Laden



  9. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    So all it takes to convince you of something is something like it happening before? Watch this video. It is very similar to flight 93 in almost every way, including debris being recovered eight miles away and no large plane pieces.


    So. Now that you have seen that a plane crash can indeed be just like flight 93, do you change your mind?

    The hole is exactly the size it should be. The height of the hole is 16'. The diameter of a 757 is 14'. The wings did leave marks.

    Start with a bull(*)(*)(*)(*) premise and you get a bull(*)(*)(*)(*) conclusion. You claim there were hundreds of security cameras pointed to the southeast of the Pentagon that would have caught sight of the plane? How about backing up that claim first before questioning why you can't see the pictures from these imaginary cameras.

    You do know this is the "punch out hole" made by the fire fighters in one of the inner rings and not the entrance hole made by the plane, right? :lol:

    Here. This is a picture of both the entrance hole and the wing damage.

    The only thing that stinks is the lies told by truthers and as exhibited in your posts. Does that mean you question truthers?
  10. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Holston, when are you going to actually post something credible in your own words instead of resorting to cut and paste hack jobs? :lol: Pretty sad, Holston.
  11. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    1. Insider trading
    2. WTC 7
    3. Air defense
    4. Wargames
    5. Flight 77
    6. Identification of hijackers
    7. Evidence regarding Bin Laden




    Satellite photos confirmed the high temperatures.

    De Bunkos say that anything could have made the tiny iron spheres, but that doesn't tell you how "anything" was heated to the temperatures required to produce them. If they say the heat was produced underground, it doesn't explain how they got in the dust that was collected above ground long before the underground fires could have produced them.

    An underground fire would be somewhat oxygen starved as well.

    You can check on line for video examples of tall buildings undergoing controlled demolition, none of which are near as tall as the WTC towers were, but many of which do not fall nearly so symmetrically.

    De Bunkos continue to ignore the variety of types of thermate and explosive cutter charges which could have been used and the many combinations in which they could have been applied.

    They insist that it was the fires alone that caused ALL THREE buildings to fall down, ALL giving the uncanny appearance of controlled demolitions. At the same time they will say that TONS of thermite/ate would have had to have been used or many, many explosives such as RDX if it were a controlled demolition.

    According to them, damage to some floors in conjunction with sporadic fires could produce no other result than the complete collapse of ALL THREE buildings in a manner which would only "appear" like controlled demolitions. Yet no amount of thermite/mate or explosive could possibly have been used!

    Otherwise how could they call anyone stupid for considering the possibility?


    Does anyone need this apparent contradiction explained to them?

    De Bunkos also fail to mention that not only can the explosive quality of thermite/ate be varied, but that not all explosives must be as loud as RDX and that any explosives, including RDX which may have been used would necessarily be attached to the inner support columns surrounding the elevators; and because of this location would tend to be less audible or visibly conspicuous.
  12. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Not necessarily. It really depends on how the aircraft hits and at what attitude. Even a small aircraft can bury it's passengers in the ground once it hits. There is nothing worse than an investigation into an aircraft related crash because usually all that is left looks like confetti, including the passengers.
  13. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    News flash, Holston. We're explaining your own theories and their inherent flaws back to you based on the facts YOU claim are true. Truthtards are incapable of reconciling their own theories, much less able to comprehend the fact that other people don't believe them. :lol:
  14. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Sorry, but thermite requires encapsulation to be effective which would mean extensive construction throughout multiple floors over a period of time that would have been visible in the populated floors and that would have to have been coordinated with the pilots to hit the proper floors. Sometimes the most elegant explanation is the simplest. Huge aircraft hit the buildings and massive amounts of material and jet fuel moved through approximately 5 floors each at a speed of approximately 500 miles per hours. The structure survived the impact well and could have been saved if not for the resulting fires. The buildings were never designed to withstand a multi floor fire for hours and in fact the insulation, much of which would have been stripped due to the mass of material moving through the structure, was only designed for two hour protection and even stripped, the buildings stood for almost that long. The fires were moving both up and down due to the amount of burnable materials in the building which could not be contained which is the only other contributor to the failure of the buildings.

    There are a lot of theories but some of which only make sense. For instance, the outside columns were subject to internal heat but external cooling which provides a bending moment to steel. Core columns were damaged on one side and when one side of a multi column structure is damaged it produces a bending moment to the structure where the other side gets reduced load but the center ends up taking the full load for support, which it was not designed to do. The most lightly fireproofed structure were the floor joists which supported 4 inches of concrete each floor. It was only a matter of time before they came down and only because of the fire.
  15. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    What is difficult about it, is to wrap your mind around the certain knowledge that a Zionist cabal working from within the highest echelons of the US government in tandem with Israeli intelligence operatives and the possible assistance from members of the "Russian" (Jewish) organized crime now residing in the US, conspired to allow 9/11 to take place and took measures to ensure the complete destruction of the WTC buildings for political and financial reasons.

    What is incredible is the idea that the US government has undergone a silent coup and is now under the control of these same Zionist factions who are in large measure using funds stolen from the US treasury and US tax payers to maintain their power.

    The implications of all this are indeed staggering.

    Nevertheless, acquiring the knowledge to confirm the substance of what I am contending is not difficult at all, for it is readily available on the net to anyone who has the time and is willing to study it.

    What makes this "hard" is the difficulty with which all of this material must be digested. It's rather like trying to consume a plate of raw ramps. Anyone who has grown up believing in the idealized America I was taught to believe in is bound to be left with a huge case of indigestion.

    This meal is made all the more unpalatable by the present company of liars who have at times expressed open glee at the down fall of what was once a nation predominately comprised of white Christians. They now gloat in their ability to force feed the remainder with a multicultural agenda which denigrates everything the original founders stood for.

    They are like so many pirates celebrating over their newly acquired booty.

    The preponderance of evidence clearly indicates that there was foreknowledge of 9/11 and assistance in carrying it out by agents within the US that leaves practically no room for doubt.

    All one needs to do is take the sum total of all the available information at once and consider the odds that all of it could be due to chance. Even a person with no knowledge of statistics at all should be able to intuitively grasp this notion with no more experience than one might glean from pitching pennies.

    The question that remains, is not so much exactly who every individual involved was and exactly what their roles were, but how can the power they have usurped be reclaimed.
  16. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    LOL, just another Jew conspiracy theorist with no proof other than their own paranoia and hatred.
  17. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Funny how the Jew haters are so incredibly afraid of the Jews. :lol: LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU! A JEW! Skinheads are so easy to predict and manipulate because everything revolves around their fear and the hatred that fear generates.
  18. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Whatdoyouwannabet, those Saudis that took over the planes were really Jews in disguise?
  19. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    There again, you can see for yourself how each problem that is brought up that contradicts the official (Kosher) story is dealt with.

    De Bunkos contrive an explanation for each in turn, aiming only to create a plausible doubt within the minds of the unconvinced.

    If they can fabricate an explanation that seems at least possible, the hope is that they can get the curious to dismiss each of them in turn.

    An effort is made to isolate each difficulty in turn in the effort to prevent anyone from taking the birds eye view of all the concerns in their entirety and then take them in one fell swoop. No single piece of evidence taken by itself may pose a problem so insurmountable that some idea couldn't be conceived of in order to brush it aside.

    It's when you take them all together, that it does become impossible. That is to say, it is impossible that all of these incriminating pieces of evidence could all point in the same direction and still be due to chance.

    Of course a person who is unfamiliar with the physics principles involved might be persuaded that the impact of a jet plane and the ensuing fire might be enough to precipitate a total collapse. That collapse might conceivably happen in the manner of a controlled demolition as well IF that's all there was to it.

    All this might occur despite the original designers claim to have tested for the possibility prior to construction. And the subsequent tests which have been conducted that indicated the unlikelihood of a collapse might be ignored as well as all the doubts expressed by numerous experts in the field.

    After all, experts can be wrong. Stranger things have happened. We have all seen the last minute goal made from across court during basketball games that won the game by a point. What is less apparent are the numbers of times which such an event occurs out of all those in which it does not.

    It is unlikely for any one person to win the multimillion dollar jackpot even with several tickets. But it is a certainty that someone will eventually.

    What we have witnessed with our own eyes of the collapses is a certainty. What the likelihood that fire and or damage alone was sufficient to explain what was observed is the question. What we observed was the unlikely symmetrical collapse of all three buildings in the manner of controlled demolitions, not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES IN A ROW! For this to have happened on any one occasion had never been seen to have happened before.

    Since everyone saw the planes hit the buildings, it is only natural to assume that to be the cause associated with the effect. And this might be perfectly acceptable to assume under ordinary circumstances. But what we observed was not ordinary and neither were the circumstances.

    Time after time one is pressed to explain away one suspicious looking piece of evidence after another. Time after time the Hasbarats appear using the same methods over and over in the attempt to dispel doubt from the minds of the doubtful and intimidate the remainder into silence.

    Where neither of those methods are successful, the only remaining one is to continue to cover up the information by burying it under mounds of spam and concealing the rest beneath a pile of preposterous fabrications which are intended to discredit factual information by associating it with their own contrived BS.

    This is why you will see the facts often surrounded by stories so preposterous that only a reader of tabloids could swallow it. It is also why the only radio shows which have ever hosted the best of 9/11 Truth representatives will be those which also entertain fanciful notions of men from outer space and monsters lurking around on earth.
  20. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    well the problem with debunkers is that this :


    KEY piece of evidence is completely meaningless to them.
  21. holston

    holston Banned

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Are you trying to say that the Jew lobby or the "Russian" mob doesn't exist?

    Are you saying that you don't believe the words of your own most illustrious Rabbis and leaders?

    Are you denying Israelis espionage?

    Anyone reading this should be able to see for themselves that it is YOU who are out of touch with reality. The alternative is that you are liar.
  22. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Nobody is saying that but you.

    The only one making the bull(*)(*)(*)(*) claims that we are Jews is once again you. Your lies and evidence of your dishonesty keep mounting up.

    Nope. Israel, like every other country on earth, has spies. Think the US doesn't have spies in Israel?

    Good description of yourself. A liar out of touch with reality. ;-)
  23. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Your rantings of a Jewish conspiracy without proof and logical fallacies are simply hilarious.
  24. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    out of touch with reality is when one believes cgi is real


    and real is transformers


    that blasts people out of windows at 60 mph


    and that falling debris can cause a 40 ft deep crater


    and that there was no molten steel when it was littered all over the place!


    that molten steel is really something else, like aluminum when molten aluminum is silver when it begins to flow


    now that out of touch with reality!

    Over the top delusional!
  25. Patriot911

    Patriot911 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 2, 2008
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    We agree. Your claims are over the top delusional. :lol: Especially since you think the technology exists to modify what is on every video camera filming an event! Not even the shows that deal with freaky supernatural events come up with stuff that looney! You should be proud of your accomplishments.

    Still doesn't explain all the people who saw the planes hit the buildings with their own eyes. Do you believe the government now has the ability to implant CGI directly into our vision?

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