Yeah, okay. Try years 2005,2006 and look for 911. Tell me how many you find. - - - Updated - - - Well, I say your lies are way out of sync with you boss. Speak truth, and I'll consider conversing with you sometime. Till then, I'm done so, continue your baiting comments if you like, and enjoy your obsession over me but, my amusement with you has come to an end.
In that I've only been a member on this board since 2009, why would you look THAT far back for something you claim I said? For that matter, you've only been a member for 2 years, so this whole 'not available past 2 years' excuse is just more dodgeballing .
What does that have to do with how many are missing? Specifically which information are you claiming is missing? Do you know a thread title from 2005 that isn't there?
So, the several computer simulations, and the comments made by "experts" comparing the demolition of other buildings with the falling of the Twin Towers, are practically wrong. The Twin Towers were built different than the rest of buildings. The traditional construction with welding of beams and columns, and pouring concrete on floors and walls making the structure more solid, were replaced by a different method that was jointing the beams and columns with bolts, and adding pre-fabricated floors and platforms to the structure. The Twin Towers were practically two gigantic Lego toys. No wonder they weren't capable to hold the pressure from the floors above the hit of the airplanes. If the Twin Towers were built "the traditional way" then they should hold the floors from above the airplanes hit. The remodeling should be made on the affected upper floors and no big catastrophe should happened. The falling of the Twin Towers can't be blamed on the terrorists, because they themselves never imagined that such a falling should happens. The only ones to blame for the falling of the Twin Towers are the ones who designed and built the towers.
They can't be blamed either.....Ramzi Yousef planned on toppling the wtc with the first bombing in the 90's,but didn't quite do it.
Oh boy...The lies get bigger. You were here since at least 2006, and probably prior to that. Have you no shame? - - - Updated - - - Things are missing., pertaining to 911. You figure it out.
Oye vay...what BS. I've been wasting my time with you way prior to 2009 boss. I've been wasting time with you far longer than 2009. I know, you know it, and you lie about it. I am 100% completely done with you boss. I kept hoping some honesty would sneak out if I was persistent it but, not happening. It only deepens so, enjoy your kingdom. You and your minions have this place locked down so tight that no truth could ever escape its grip. I can only hope than when you're old and grey, you'll have a grandchild or some other small child ask you why you defended what you did after it's well known what actually happened, and I can only hope you feel shame. Bye boss. Your gull is beyond incredible, and not worth the effort it takes to respond to your nonsense. It's your forum again. - - - Updated - - - Minions. Join Date: Feb 16 2011 The evidence says otherwise, 'Fraud. - - - Updated - - -
It's 2013, so that's 3 1/2 years of dealing with you, which in dog years is about 22 years. Feels about right. I think Einstein said something about time dilation. The closer one is the Fraud's gravitational mass, the slower time runs.
This doesn't make any sense, and I have no idea what someone would say that the falling of the Twins towers should be blamed on the engineers\architects. First off, the buildings would be standing just fine if some crazy, religious fanatics didn't fly planes into them. Secondly, the buildings absorbed the impact of 2 fully loaded Boeing jets, and stood tall for an hour with unfought, burning fires raging inside. I would say that, structurally, they were built great.
From all reports, had these buildings been built using the traditional technology of that time, rather than this newer design, these tower would have collapsed much sooner. IT'S BECAUSE THESE TOWERS WERE BUILT THE WAY THE WERE, THAT ALLOWED AS MANY PEOPLE THE TIME TO ESCAPE.
Something to consider: [video=youtube;dsjfSG69Pik][/video]
Why would anyone take that seriously when we can see steel bursting into flames and exploding in mid air. ....and cutter charges ripping through the side of #2 a couple posts up? You do recognize the difference between explosive demolition and collapse dont you?
Yeah in the Nutter world where you don't have to prove your Nutter claims. Well, here in Reality you do, you can't and your haven't. There is absolutely no forensic proof of any explosive materials. Nutters lose again.