[video=youtube;dBJihJBePcs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBJihJBePcs&feature=youtu.be[/video] I guess it's okay for Mooch to tell us that Kenya is Obama's home country?
I have no doubt that Obama's home country is Kenya. I also have no doubt that he was born and raised in Hawaii.
I don't know which is crazier: that image from that booklet or the site you got it from ("Western Center for Journalism").
Mmmmm... rerolling through all the birther crap again? It's been how many years now? 6? Absolutely nothing credible has been found that disputes that President Obama was born in Hawaii.
Oh for crying out loud his mom was American so no matter where he was born it wouldn't matter. You get dual citizenship up till the age of 24 and then you have to decide between the countries.
Birthers? We're doing this again? Yes, I'm aware you just can't stand that a black guy is President but seriously, you could be less obvious with your racism if you're really trying to turn people against him instead of you.
How quickly they forget that John McCain's home country is Panama, George Romney's home country is Mexico & Rafael Cruz's home country is Canada. My home country is Norway but I was born in the USA.
All of the leftwing Obama boot lickers can call me anything they want, I still consider him an illegal president until I see a valid and examined athentic birth certificate. Also I want to see all his college records. Why does he have a Conn social security number? WHAT IS HE HIDING????
He's a phony/puppet/plant, but he seems like a pretty nice guy. He can also dance pretty good and play basketball. What more do you want?
I don't know who "Mooch" is- but why would it not be okay for anyone to call where their father came from their 'home country'? Meanwhile what is relevant is that Barack Obama has consistently told everyone that he was born in Hawaii. Only some whackjobs and con-men claim otherwise anymore. - - - Updated - - - LOL....name the only President in American history who has shown voters and reporters his birth certificate. Now name the only President in history that Birthers claim hasn't proven he was born in the United States. LOL- Birthers.....
Seriously- you don't really believe this stuff do you? You just pluck idiocy from Birther websites and parrot anything that is anti-Obama- because really no rational person with any modicum of ethics would believe this stuff. First of all, you post a video of Mrs. Obama not telling us that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. And then you switch subjects to Obama not telling anyone that he was born in Kenya. So lets go with the obscure brochure you reference. How obscure is this brochure? So obscure that the finest Birther minds couldn't find it for 4 years- it took the semi-intelligent ones at Breitbart to find it. So did Barack Obama write that quote? Not according to the author of the brochure: Youre undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more. http://politicalwire.com/archives/2012/05/17/literary_agent_says_1991_booklet_was_a_mistake.html Meanwhile in the real world, in 1990- the year before this obscure brochure was published- Obama's place of birth- Hawaii- was reported in several major newspapers and magazines in the U.S., when Obama made history by being chosen as the editor of the Harvard Law Review. And of course in 1995, when Obama did publish his book- he specifically notes that he was born in Hawaii. Birthers.......they decided in 2008 that this man could not possibly be President- and have been trying to find reasons for 5 years why he cannot possibly have been elected- twice now- President of the United States. Luckily Birthers are reduced now to just a trivial and laughable collection of wingnuts.
Oh my gosh- how did you uncover these documents? LOL- thanks for posting those. Birthers are always willing to believe the rumor or lie du jour but will never believe any official document if it says that Barack Obama could possibly be eligible- and our President.
My Home country is America. I was born here. The home country of my grandparents was Italy. y came to America and proudly became American citizens. They all came here legally through Ellis Island over 100 years ago.
But if someone calls says your home country is Italy- does that mean you are no longer an American citizen? - - - Updated - - - It has been proven valid to the satisfaction of everyone who matters.