The drooling morons keep saying that no state uses that format for archived BCs but fail to show us any evidence other that their ear crickets. Totally retarded ideation.
Personally, I could not care less where he was born. Much like John McCain, Ted Cruz, George Romney, or Lowell Weicker. In each case, their mother was a US citizen, and they were raised in the US. Simply because the mother was overseas when the child was born does not mean they are not "naturally born" citizens. So to me this entire issue is irrelevant.
Yep- think of the thousands and thousands of children of American military born overseas, and the children born to Americans working in oil fields or charities in foreign countries. Birthers are flailing around in search of some 'bullet' which would make Barack Obama somehow not ever legally elected President- to that end they pretty much are suckers for any theory that supports that conclusion, no matter how whacky.
John McCain is one of them. Born in Panama to a US Navy officer and his wife who was stationed there at the time. Personally, I could not care where President Obama was born. Never have, never will. He could have been born in Hawaii, Kenya, England, China or the Moon as far as I am concerned. His mother was a US citizen, and he was raised in the US regardless of where he was born. Now interestingly enough, he could have been born in New York, moved to Cuba as a baby, raised and lived there his entire life, then moved back to the US in his late 20's, and so long as he had not changed his citizenship, there would have been nothing from stopping him from running, since he met the status of "natural born", even if he never lived in the US. And I am not suggesting that this clause should be removed, but some people are so obsessed with disqualifying him that I find it a major distraction from real issues. And smacks of racism to be honest if you ask me. Not all of them are, but enough are.
Oh the squeels of outrage if anyone suggests that any Birther could possible be motivated by racism. Line up images of all 44 American Presidents in a row- and ask someone to pick out the only President ever asked to prove he was a natural born citizen. They won't be picking one of 43 pastey white guys.
Notice, I did not say it *was*, but it has to be admitted that there are more then a few who are racists. Although I think it is far more political then racial to the majority. Much like those that had tried to call John McCain's "natural born citizen" into question, and demanded that he reveal his birth certificate.
I think in the case of Obama, there were persons who raised the issue, hoping to use as a stealth attempt to appeal to racists. I do not however think that all Birthers are racists. I do think they are all loons though. I have always felt that McCain was an excellent example of why someone born outside the United States must be able to be a natural born citizen. I don't always agree with McCain but I certainly have never doubted his dedication to America. I may disagree with Cruz, but to me he is clearly a natural born citizen even though he was born in Canada.
No, that makes me open-minded, non-gullible, and very honest! Try some of those traits sometime, you may find them refreshing!
Many of us see those traits all to often in here. In the Conspiracy Theory section. Everybody who believes in 9-11 nukes and holographic airplanes considers themselves to be "open minded".
You're inability to determine fact from fiction is clear in your thinking...(or inability to think). Well, it seems that "birfers" all lack that same critical skill ability.
If you were clued in and honest, you would be talking about non-birthers/worshipers like yourself! Truth be known, my critical thinking skill is obviously superior to yours! I haven't seen any "facts" from you or your ilk. Birthers are morons
Translation: Nothing you say or present to me will satisfy my anger for "that guy" being president. I will never accept him as being my president because he doesn't look like I do, and I am mad that the majority of the country does not feel the same as I do. As such, any rational debate you think you will have from my fellow birthers and those with the same mindset, on this forum and the rest of the internet, will be counter-attacked by just saying it is Obama's fault.
Playing the race card is pathetic and indicative that your side really has no verifiable facts to prove the authenticity of The Kenyan's BC! Non-birthers/Worshirpers ! Birthers are morons
Discern much? That letter verifies a genuine copy, but does not verify that what is copied is genuine! You non-birther/worshipers are not overly bright! Geeez!