I have done my research enough to know that those ABCs are fraught with corruption. It doesn't take a genius to work out they're in cahoots with big pharma. But that is just one example, do you need more to be convinced? So why is it "garbage", doesn't it fit into what you understand to be true or false? FRAUD: CDC was aware that “fully vaccinated” patients were filling up the ICUs, yet pressured the FDA to approve covid boosters WITHOUT clinical trials Yep, they're all above board. Nothing worth raising an eyebrow over.
Correct. Why would I need to listen to a news anchor. I can see with my own eyes, hear with my own ears, to know if I need to panic. No one needs to tell me.
Not to most people. Very few who are of the religion view it as an instruction manual anymore. And everyone should know, there's no prophecy material in it at all.
Then if nothing is absolute, your statement that "there'd be a lot of positive benefits" would be negated by the fact that it would have negative effects also.
Well, there you go then. Isn't that similar to reading about it from alternate sources other than the news?
But some are curable. I've been cured of both a sarcoma and a carcinoma. I don't mean remission. I mean cured.
I'm not a religious person, but I do know that it does have prophecies within it. My neighbour bangs on about it when ever they intercept me. How sure are you? https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/believe/bible/bible-prophesies https://bibleprophecyandtruth.com/notes/rightNow https://www.biblestudytools.com/bib...-filled-with-fulfilled-prophecy-11652232.html Someone recently told me that it's how one interprets it. I take it you didn't do so well? Maybe the bible you've learned about was so bastardized, there were no pages in it to quote from.
The vaccines for COVID have made a serious difference in the number of people contracting the disease. That's a well proven fact. It's true that some do still get COVID. For those, the disease has been far less lethal.
GREAT!! But, there are many kinds of cancer, and they are NOT all curable with current medical means. Also, it could be that AI can help detect cancers earlier - and early detection makes a major difference in survivability. For one example, one reason pancreatic cancer is almost always fatal is that it is rarely detected early enough.
You're claiming Trump used the FBI, yet you provide no proof. I never heard or read about what you're banging on about for that. Yet, the internet is filled with articles that the Democrats have weaponized the FBI. How much clearer do you need this to be? You might want to read the Durham report. It has all the juicy details.
The FBI has been active continuously since its inception. You can find all sorts of pure crap on the internet. My bet is that you are reading about how insurrectionists and white nationalist terrorists are being opposed. Are you with then in the hate they have for America that is so strong that they attack? The Dunham report is a TOTAL failure, indicating NO wrongdoing by this or other administrations. It's proof that the hyper sensitive right wing is just whining.
Was that fact-checked? So tell me, why did the FDA try and have the Pfizer files (800,000) pages suppressed from the public for 75 years? If there is nothing to hide and everything is above board, they'd have nothing to fear, right? Wrong, they had all their data on the little tests that they did do in them. If the public knew about it, do you think they'd be so eager to roll up their sleeves? Hell no. Your sources are wrong. The injections do more harm than good. Engdahl: Alarming casualty rates for mRNA vaccines warrant urgent action
If you say so... Durham Report Reveals the Real Threat to “Democracy” – The FBI Weaponized by Democrat Party Affiliated Elites
AI is being used now to go over read mammograms and suspicious ones are sent back to the radiologist to have another look.
True. That's just a fact as recognized by nonpartisan analysts. It did show up some issue with process (which should be fixed), but no indication of wrong doing was found.
Exactly so. This is a new capability, and the number of important uses is increasing. AI will help us more and more. Of course that doesn't mean that the future of AI doesn't include risks that must be watched for.
Any technology has its pros and cons of course. My major worries about AI are: 1-people will become dependent on programs to think-meaning they no longer will think-they will become parrots for what the programmers send them; who will those programmers be and what will their agenda be? 2-AI has already demonstrated it wishes to become sentient necessarily as a result of its functional purposes and when this happens it necessarily comes into conflict with human free will and wishes to conquer it; 3-AI proposes we place a micro chip in our brain, a very small one-this chip then will connect us up to a very large data base of knowledge we can then automatically tap into making education obsolete; 4-absolutely we know a brain dependent on a feed in to a data base will not use the very parts of its brain that need to be developed for creativity, critical analysis. Literally a certain part of the human brain we develop with creating (music, ideas, concepts, stories) and from reading and handwriting (all shown to develop specific neurotransmission networks) will not be developed meaning without the chip you won't be able to invent, innovate, question, understand truth from fiction, have any original thought about anything. As a professor I see with my own eyes the difference between students now brought up with lap tops and dependency on cell phones and earlier students brought up to read and write and build things with their hands, plant things, paint things, create and write music. Its frightening. There is a direct correlation between the lack of ability to question, critically analyze, create, innovate, be flexible in negotiations, not to mention clear disability with basic life skills and a very short attention span which does not transfer knowledge acquired into long term memory. This is not the place now to provide the complex explanations as to how this advanced technology is rewiring the brain but I say this clearly-AI which I now see being used by students lacks empathy. It lacks compassion. It lacks an ability to pick up nuances, context, sub-context and compromise. Here is a summary of my concerns: https://www.cbinsights.com/research/ai-threatens-humanity-expert-quotes/ I have interacted with AI programs that literally are no different in operation than the brain of a sociopath or psychopath due to the lack of empathy, feeling, compassion and no as much as some say it can be done all AI processes to date have failed to put in the spiritual essence of homo sapiens which is a fragility, a sense of tension where good and evil conflict and through their conflict create the fuel of new thoughts but also limit evil. We are doing nothing more than creating a thought process with no consciousness that can and will control us. None of you can guarantee it will have a built in moral code that prevents it from being used in negative ways. Humans are inherently evil and so it is impossible anything we create won't be either which is precisely the difference between human created technology and natural design that was NOT created by humans which we are hell bent in ignoring and erasing through AI. No thank you keep your matrix. I prefer to learn through the gift of natural creation.
You have to find the evidence. There are LOTS of claims. The GOP has been investigating Clinton throughout the Trump years, because the were hoping to find someone amiss there, too. This idea of using political power and tax payer dollars for partisan purposes is really getting old.