As a German, I am assailed by various posters who want to discuss HOW AMERICA WON THE WAR. I have no objection to discussing HOW AMERICA WON THE WAR but I think it deserves a special place to (a) stop Americans discussing HOW AMERICA WON THE WAR on threads that have nothing to do with HOW AMERICA WON THE WAR, and (b) to let the Russians know it was AMERICA WHO WON THE WAR. And that their history books are all wrong. I think this is the proper place to discuss HOW AMERICA WON THE WAR and would be grateful that no frivolity ensues. Giggling excepted. The authors of unfunny responses will be shot. Heil!
Hm, K. Rich America not only provided massive quantities of soldiers and military hardware across the Atlantic and the Pacific, but also provided desperately needed supplies to Great Britain as well as the USSR, thus enabling those powers to stay in the war and eventually help rich America to conquer Germany, even as rich America did pretty much all the work in beating Japan into submission.
Mmmm. K. You now need to apologise to the Monty Python crew and cast for not being silly enough. Try to remember where we are. Or I vill haf to haf you shot! Heil!
You're saying the USA helped. It is a fact that the Soviets took on 2/3rds of the Nazis while the Americans sat home for years albeit sending supplies. Cool you beat the Japanese and helped with a third of the Nazis and Italy. US did not win the war. It was a global effort.
Zee Russians applaud you. Vould you like a Congressional Medal of Honour? They have a basement full of them going spare.
Not funny enough. But being a civilised race, I ask how you vould like to be executed. A surfeit of hamburgers and ketchup can be arranged. Heil!
Oscar Wilde once said "Where is my pimp? And why am I in Reading jail writing a book?" I am sure that helped AMERICA WIN THE WAR.
However, on the upside, an American author write a book called "The Moon is Down". Guy called John Steinbeck. Very popular amongst those awkward resistance movements in Europe. Later turned into a movie called "Thelma and Louise". Who drove themselves off a cliff in a Pontiac.
Perhaps Japan would not have had to attack America? Which, I agree, was not as funny as one would hope for.
have gone Anyway, Germany would have had a much easier time subduing England as well as Soviet Russia without US interference. I doubt it would have been a resounding defeat for Germany the way it turned out with US involvement. There would have been no reason for one.
When UK praid God "Help our state," the sea widely spreaded. When US praid God "Help our state," the sea retreated. It's the reason of the end of the war. That was horrible power.
OK, please refer the website below. It's written by Japanese, but robot translater is available, I've seen.