Worse yet - it could impact contraception as many contraceptives rely on preventing implantation of embryos https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2000/0501/p2605.html
Not all COVID vaccines were MRNA based and, given that billions of vaccinations have been administered worldwide - well we have still yet to see significant side effects bad enough to rival outcomes of COVID itself BTW please stay on topic
1796 four years later it began to be given to a small number of people..... 4 years later. You know that sort of information is easy to look up right?
Smallpox is thought to have existed in at least as far back as 1500 BC. The first vaccine was created around 1800 AD. Literally took over 3,000 years to get a vaccine. Even if you take the time people were actively trying to develop a vaccine you're multiples longer than the covid vaccine. This isn't difficult information to find so I'm not sure why you'd think a Smallpox vaccine was developed as quickly. But I guess it's par for the course with the belief that women in Alabama are being jailed for miscarriages and stillborns.
Make sure you sign up for the next one that's pushed upon people with very little research. But if I was you I'd at least insist on being paid to be an experimental test subject
What makes you think there wasn't enough research?? And, maybe you are talking about testing - which is not "experimentation". We clearly had major testing of the viruses produced by more than one medical institution.
Nothing endorses faith in your product more than telling the consumer that they have no right to sue for damages from any harm caused by said product.
You are talking in fallacy .. What does not reflect on our science based medicine ? ? what a joke of a comment .. not telling us what you are referring to. The rest of your post accuses me of something I did not say. I am the scientist in the room thanks .. so tell me what does not reflect science based medicine ? - The Science told us that the mRNA treatment had no significant effect over the unjabbed with respect to transmission. You must be confusing the lies and propaganda coming out of the Biden Administration / health services - and mass media punditry with Science. Now share with us what it is you think does not reflect the Medical Science - proving that you did not understand any of our previous conversations on this topic.
No one said jobs did not required to abide by workplace health and safety .. so why you are pretending I said this .. I do not know.
I was on topic -- Why are you pretending that I said all Covid vaccines were mRNA ? I said no such thing .. The vast majority of Covid Treatment taken in the USA was mRNA - and this product had a very high SAR rate (Severe Adverse Reaction) .. and thus your claim is false and the add on "bad enough to rival outcomes of Covid" is nonsense. How is that a measuring stick of any value .. despite being unsupported and false. What were the odds of Death for an unvaxed healthy person from Covid vs the odds for a Jabbed healthy person dying from Covid ? What are the odds of Death from the Jab ? In order to make your ridiculous claim .. you must be able to answer the 3 questions above. Good luck
a nonsensical comparison is forcing a woman to give birth that has no alternative vs a private company forcing employee a jab who does have alternative to find work elsewhere.
The statement I responded to blamed science for policy decisions. Bad policy doesn't reflect on science. Those vaccinated are substantially less likely to need hospitalization. That was a serious issue for first responders and medical workers. These people were facing overflowing hospitals and were contracting COVID. Even so, retired workers were coming back to help - doctors and nurses of the age group most seriously affected. They risked their lives to save idiots who could not do so much as wear a mask, stay away from crowds, and GET VACCINATED.
This is not about an abortion or a miscarriage, do you even know what happened here that resulted in the deaths of these unborn babies? The Alabama Supreme Court ruled these children who died in this mishap were children covered under the laws against abuse of minor children under THE ALABAMA CONSTITUTION which they are as it explicitly states. That's what Supreme Courts do, they decide if the laws passed by the legislature comply with the state constitution. You don't believe these couples have a legal claim against the clinics responsible for their deaths?
The state constitution as passed and approved by the citizens EXPLICITLY states that the laws governing the protect of minor children apply to unborn babies including extrauterine embryo's. The state supreme court rules whether or not laws and lawsuits comply with the state constitution. In this case it does. Do you not believe this clinic should be held accountable for the deaths of these unborn children in the mishap that occurred?
Holy poly -- The woman can just go find an abortion elsewhere .. just like the employee .. who's boss want's a BJ .. can go find a job elsewhere. What a joke .. you can't just "Go Elsewhere" in many cases .. The woman wants an abortion .. she can just leave the country .. for good because if she comes back and we found out she had an abortion its life in prison. "Nonsensical comparison" you say .. but the nonsensical thing here is your really bad argument -- So daughter can just find a new Job then right mate .. Boss wants a BJ .. she can just find another career .. in another city .. where hopefully there are not more bosses like this one .. because in Eddie-Land .. she can just find a new Job .. and when that boss wants a little sum sum .. go find another. KK If that's what you say .. in the Eddie Legal system anything is justified to be done to the employee who .. if they do not like it .. can just move on and find another Job Elsewhere. All good with Slave Labor I take it . they can just find work somewhere else.
Thanks to precedent of utilitarian justification for Law .. doing an end run around Essential liberty safeguards put in place by the founders .. Fallacious utilitarian justification in this case .. Just like Genocide Joe's Forced medical treatment program .. Sometimes we need to be careful what we wish for "The woman must be believed"
Our founders absolutely did NOT consider embryos to be people. And, your comment about genocide is flat out disgusting. Yes, it's her body and thus her decision. Let's also remember that the Alabama judge who decided that an embryo is a person made that decision based on his religion, NOT our constitution. In the USA, that is NOT A JUSTIFICATION that a judge may use. We are governed by our constitution, NOT some self appointed prelate.
This would have to be one of the most morally bankrupt posts I have ever read A woman who is experiencing blatant sexual exploitation at work “can go elsewhere” “Hopefully there are not more bosses like this one” Accepting the premise of “just go elsewhere” is an assurance there will be more out there because you are blaming the woman not the man