You can, but it is easier (and yes, more enjoyable) to get those nutrients from a diet of both animals and plants. - - - Updated - - - Source? I've read sources that claimed differently.
Enjoyable for you. Based on the misery of others -the animals that live through horrendous conditions and the poor people who's grain prices are astronomical because you so much grain for anima;l feed ( having to use 7 times as much grain to get the same calories in meat as you would for the grain itself) You expect me to just accept your statement? If you can give me any source that shows that anything I have written above is untrue then please post it. I am not going to do your research for you. - - - Updated - - - You expected me to accept yours. Please post the source.
Well we have two different sources. Since they are both at first glance reputable then for the moment I have to be honest and declare that his needs further research. Howevre even if this is true it doesnlt justify the conditions that the meat industry brings. If meat eating was a case of hunters killing a dear with a singkle well aimed shot through the brain then that would be one thing. The industry relies on the most appaling conditions
In post 93 you said killing is abusing, have you changed your stance on that? If not then why is the hunter killing a deer with a single well aimed shot differant? Is it the slaying of animals the issue or just how it is done?
I still think it is an unnecessary abuse. However there are degrees of abuse. At one end you have a single animal shot with an immediate death and eaten. I would never do it but Its not something that overly bothers me. At the far end you have evil Chinese and Vietnamese people who torture animals to death like dogs and cats because they say the stress makes them taste better.I would happily kill those people. Everything else is somewhere in between. However I believe that there will be affordable artificial meat in the not too distant future. It actually exists now though its fit only for hamburger an each burger costs about 10,000 US dollars. Given the way technology moves I expect to see it enter the market in about 10 years time. At the start as a cheap filler for burgers and Sausages and then getting better and better in quality until it is better than the real thing. Obviously there will be movements against it . People screaming 'frankenfoods', But Like other GM products most people won't care. Older people will declare they would never eat it then gradually will and the demand for meat will drop until a majority don;t eat real meat after which it will just become socially unacceptable to kill animals for meat probably followed by banning it.
Interesting, I do not think that people will embrace fake meat that easily. The latest trends have been towards all natural and or organic foods. Science offers us alot of options in our lives but I am not sure I would trust their fake meat. We have already seen the things that science has brought to our food sources, such as steroids, fatteners, and all the other junk they inject into these animals. Also I think it will be hard to get the public to accept the whole sale slaughter of all of the demesticated animals when the farmers have to put all their animals down. The loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs and the hundreds of small towns that will die when their buisnesses close their doors. The ramifications of eliminating any large industry should be taken into account and mitigated. People deserve just as much compassion as you give animals.
A chicken uses about 2 pounds of feed for one pound of meat. A turkey the same. A good gaining pig can gain one pound of meat for three pounds of feed...but it is usually 4 to 1 I bought a fifty pound bag of feed for my two cows when I first got them (to get the eating) and have fed them only pasture and hay ever since. They are about 700 lbs a piece and thats on fifty pounds of grain. I bought another fifty pounds to get them used to the corral to make it easier to ship them. My pigs eat leftover and unsellable produce, food we don't eat, turnips and stuff we grow, and allstock feed. The allstock feed is mostly stuff left over from food processing plants...wheat middlins, soybean hulls, corn shucks etc. We have three full grown pigs that eat fifty pounds of the stuff a week. The world is not going to ever live on a diet of rabbit food. In fact, as people all over the world make more money they turn to meat. We would be better served controlling the amount of food we throw away. In the U.S. it comes to about 40% and thats a lot of pig feed!
The latest trends amongst wealthy westerners have been organic/ all natural foods however these are also the mopst likley people to be pro animal rights. The bulk of food production for everyone else has just gone along the road of GM foods which are growing constantly as the green movment has failed to establish enough opposition to to stop. I think that farmers will slaughter off their flocks for people to eat and then not breed more as the industry becomes unsustainable. It will happen gradually with demand lessening and lessening as die hard carnivores die off and their grandchildren become the opinion makers As much ..sure. If I hear of people being treated as badly as animals are treated it angers me just as much.