He claims that gay men go to hospital to have mobile phones removed from their anuses, yet he can't provide any proof. He says that sperm is meant only for the vagina, yet he says that anal and oral sex between heterosexual couples is perfectly okay. He contradicts himself that many times its laughable. Funniest interview I've read in yonks. Seriously, huh? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/30/patrick-wooden-north-carolina-pastor-gay-men-anal-sex_n_1241905.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003 There is too much to post, but the interviewer is brilliant. Wooden is cornered and tries to back out by justifying his ridiculous claims, and just ends up digging his hole deeper. Enjoy.
I read the transcript and 'began' laughing; I started the audio and realize (more than ever) what you say is true.
He already is a hypocrite. I bet he has anal and oral sex with his wife, and frequents public bathrooms, too.
I work in a hospital. I have seen some pretty horrendous stuff. Wanna know what a strawberry smells like after its been moldering in a woman's vagina for a month? Yeah, neither did I. Her boyfriend apparently lost it in there while they were being intimate and trying to spice up their love life.
This is likely true since a lot of people who work in hospitals can tell you all kinds of horror stories about the things they've had to remove from people's asses. Years ago, I remember seeing a humor website with a page that had a bunch of examples. No idea whether those people were all gay (there was that rumor for a long time about Richard Gere and the gerbil), but the surgical removal of foreign objects from the rectum is not all that uncommon.
I'm very sure that most people (gay/straight) aren't sticking inanimate objects into their anuses. That pastor is out of his mind and so are those in this forum who think this aspect of the topic is worth pursuing at all.
Google "cell phone" and "p****" or "teen" and you get a lot more, trust me Basically everything the pastor described is physically possible (including fisting) and some gay people do those things. But then so do straight people... Yet he obviously finds it acceptable when they do it. What a (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*).
The point is, Wooden thinks that anecdotal incidents of people doing these things (and again, he offers no proof of his claims whatsoever) somehow means that all or most people in the maligned group do these things. It's a classic misstep in logic, attempting to apply what may be true of one or some as if it were true of all. It would be laughable if there weren't so many people that 'reason' in this manner and are absolutely convinced that these examples say something true about all gay people as a group.
He was enjoying himself, wasn't he? Men in prison hide mobile phones and all sorts of stuff in their anus. It makes a fairly good hiding place.
Patrick Wooden is against anal sex whether it's straight or gay. Since you made an accusation against Patrick Wooden, then back it up with proof otherwise it's ad hominem. If anything, I would not be surprised if Patrick Wooden & his wife have not had sex in years because for most couples sex becomes boring in a marriage. My view with sex is that after a woman hits menopause, it's best to stop having sex with her. There's a saying that old men look like old men but the problem is that old women also look like old men.
Here you go! From the interview linked in the OP. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/...-sex_n_1241905.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003 Hence, hypocrite. He spends most of the interview accepting various behaviors among heterosexuals while condemning them among homosexuals. It was a pretty entertaining read, I even chuckled a few times.
It would not surprise me if there were comments Mr. Wooden made against anal sex by straight people which was left out by the Huffington Post which makes the article 1/2 truth. Patrick Wooden has said that he is against anal both straight & homo because it's sex. Most straight people don't take part in anal anyhow. It would be interesting to know what the Huffington Post left out regarding what Patrick Wooden said.
No, actually the interview from the OP showed him speaking against anal sex among straights as well. Which means it was not showing 1/2 truths. It showing the full truth of his position: a contradictory, confused and hypocritical position that was all too easy for the interviewer to dig out and make fun of. The 1/2 truth would have looked better for him.