Several of us have. You failed to post anything based in science. It is all emotional claptrap. Pick out a single person you think brought any science to it. - - - Updated - - - Several of us have. You failed to post anything based in science. It is all emotional claptrap. Pick out a single person you think brought any science to it.
You are not bringing any evidence of anything. Not having an orginal, supportsable idea suggests that you are a shill for the Organization, trying to kick-start the RaHoWa.
Not a bit of it. You offer no proof. It is dismissed until you do. Those other countries wanted something in exchange. There sare prices you do not pay. At that time, ObL seemed a manageable threat and was thought mostly to have been the money man. Source that. Got evidence?
Actually, the problem is that Gallup is not a useful witness as to the means by which her office was wrecked, i9n as much as she could not see through concrete floors, and she was already awarded a cash settlement for her injuries, but decided to sue for more. Her attorney should be disbarred and run out of the country for so abusing a disabled veteran and getting her into so much trouble. The fact that Bush's cousin is the judge of this case should raise red flags to even the most die hard 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists that defend the official version of the governments here that this is a fair trial. No, the shyster got fined for bringing a fraudulent and frivolous suit before the court.
...and you're a trained fireman...yes...I know. What ideas you support are rather obvious, wouldn't you say? Debate is not what you're interested in either so, propagate on, while you claim some sort of superiority over all that disagree with you. I don't really care. - - - Updated - - - Right after shills started enjoying tube steak.
Seriously Fraud, or you really this stupid or just uneducated? I think I know the answer, but I was giving you the benefit of the doubt with that "question". Learnin' get some.
I find it pathetic that truthers can call us shills all day long, and not one single moderator says anything about it. However, you get called one of the slightest insults in the world and it gets removed. With no evidence truthers will run around and call normal people shills, which is viewed as insulting, and not ONE moderator shows up, not one warning issued, or one single comment stated. But a whining truther gets their attention over "numbskull." Seriously, fine work.
I do not call any one person a shill in particular. I leave that up to the reader to determine primarily. Somebody apparently reports me for much less trivial things. I generally don't "report" ANYONE as a rule. I feel it's cool for the poster to express his or her self. But if we're gonna play, I guess I'll play. What can I say huh?
The term was totally on point and actually nice considering the context. You willfully disregarded a link that clearly referenced the loaded question you were guilty of and I responded with clear example of said fallacy with the hopes you "might get it". Clearly, you have no natural curiousity to educate yourself when confronted with something your very limited education was amiss in covering. Being so willfully ignorant like that is kind of sad if it weren't so hilarious (in your case). Btw, how come the Mods that are suposedly in cohoots with all the "shills" did nothing regarding your fellatio reference? That particular response only showed how clueless you were with regards to your amazing ability to not comprehend anything logical. Like I said, you're really a treasure, "special" even.
"Cohoots" was YOUR word. That's another thing that shills do on occasion (not you, of course). Oh....apparently being "on point" is irrelevant when it comes to insults. (not my rules). For what it's worth though...I think you're "special" too. Good day my friend.
It wasn't an insult, it was merely an observation based on the context. You had no idea or any interest in what I was referring to. I used that same well known example on one of your buddies Suede and he reported me as well and clearly didn't understand it. Peas in a pod. Future reference for the incredibly thin-skinned It's a link, not a pit bull that's going to bite you.