They filmed the collapse after it happened? What an ignorant statement. There was no countdown, since it wasn't controlled. No one could say exactly when they would collapse. The press did know, because they were reporting that the FDNY was predicting the collapse of WTC7. Hence the cameras trained on the building, and the subsequent video and commentary. [video=youtube;nRwWO01opE8][/video] Firefighter tells reporter of imminent collapse.
Another video of the fires in WTC7, and the FDNY predicting they building will collapse. [video=youtube;jk5o-zmvMiM][/video]
Yeah... I explicitly remember all three networks and CNN counting down to the "impending and well known ahead of time" collapse of the building that no plane ever hit. That's right. Who doesn't?
They were not counting down to it at all. They just knew that it was expected to collapse. When they heard that it "is collapsing or has collapsed," they assumed that it was finally gone. Nothing about this seems at all strange to someone who has had to do any public information work in an OH (*)(*)(*)(*) situation.
Funny...I don't recall ANY network reporting that WTC7 was doomed to collapse AT ALL (until the physic BBC prediction). They way the media was all over every detail and showing the black operation over and over every 5 seconds, you'd think somebody would have mentioned the upcoming and predicted WTC7 collapse. Go figure. Not a word! (probably because they either DIDN'T know about its impending collapse, or because mum was the word from the "planners"). WTC7 is the smoking gun that can't be explained away. (though some still try).
[video=youtube;WQSkDyVkkbA][/video] I'll bet you never even bothered to look,fraud...
"Hours" before? "In danger" isn't quite the same as "impending inevitable collapse" either, as the team tries to advocate.
You'd b**** about being hanged with a n ew rope,wouldn't you? You were wrong,it only took me 10 seconds to find that news an adult and admit it.
[video][/video] [video][/video] Two more reports. Seems your claim is proven incorrect, 'Fraud.
Since I was in front of the television continually that day, and nobody was getting ready for the "impending collapse", I assumed nobody really expected it to fall. I do understand your goal however.
Apologies, was paying attention to Iran going nuclear and the Benghazi testimony. Anyway, do you really want me to sift through your posts to find an example that I know is there? Look, we all double-speak. For example, what do you call what our military/intelligence operatives do to captured enemy combatants to gather intelligence? Is it torture, or enhanced interrogation? If you say the former, then you're not double-speaking, but if you say the latter, you are. Fair enough?
Okay. What do our military/intelligence operatives do to captured enemy combatants to gather intelligence when they're resistant to normal questioning?
If you want to discuss this, make a thread and ask me directly. Back to topic: support your statement or retract it. - - - Updated - - - If you want to discuss this, make a thread and ask me directly. Back to topic: support your statement or retract it.
You first. Your statement is regarding my history, right? Support it or retract it. Stop changing the subject. - - - Updated - - - Nervous laughter is for cowards. Support your statement or retract it.