This is a huge misnomer among many liberals/progressives/socialists. Scandinavia and other European countries have capitalist economies, but are able to offer many services free to their citizens. Health care, college, housing etc. But leftists never ask why they are able to do so. Is is great governance? Nope. It's taking advantage of the U.S. defense umbrella, where virtually all spending goes to government services and little goes to military budgeting. Essentially, U.S. taxpayers are paying for all the free **** these European countries provide. This is why we should shut down all overseas bases and create an isolationist military that is very capable of defending the U.S. And keep our nukes primed and ready. Scandinavia can then support its own defense or learn to speak Russian or Mandarin. And we should care less about this...
We agree. But it seems you were quite unaware why these European countries are able to provide "socialist" services to their citizens. If they had to budget their own defense these services would quickly go away...
Which is our own fault. There is no reason for us to be the worlds police. Why do we need bases all over the world to the level that we do? No other country has anywhere near the military bases the US has. There is no need for the US to have a military budget bigger than seven other countries combined.
Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea to name the best known socialist economies. There are some others as well - Laos and Nicaragua are a couple of them. Somehow I think the American system is better. Why don't you?
Greenpeace Co-Founder Rips "Pompous Little Twit" Ocasio-Cortez As "Garden-Variety Hypocrite" On Climate '@AOC 's Green New Deal calls for: "(J) removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere." … Technically (scientifically) this would mean removing all H2O vapour and all CO2 which would mean the eradication of all life on Earth. Brilliant. Pompous little twit. You don’t have a plan to grow food for 8 billion people without fossil fuels, or get the food into the cities. Horses? If fossil fuels were banned every tree in the world would be cut down for fuel for cooking and heating. You would bring about mass death. Patrick Moore@EcoSenseNow You are delusional if you think fossil fuels will end any time soon, maybe in 500 yrs. AOC’s attitude is unjustifiably condescending. She is a neophyte pretending to be wise. Her kind bring ruination if allowed to be “in charge”. (from the cheap seats). Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ✔@AOC · Mar 2, 2019 I also fly & use A/C Living in the world as it is isn’t an argument against working towards a better future. The Green New Deal is about putting a LOT of people to work in developing new technologies, building new infrastructure, and getting us to 100% renewable energy. Patrick Moore@EcoSenseNow The "world as it is" has the option of taking the subway rather than a taxi. option of Amtrak rather than plane, option of opening windows rather than A/C. You're just a garden-variety hypocrite like the others. And you have ZERO expertise at any of the things you pretend to know
We have it here. That is a major reason we have the wealthiest and most powerful nation on the planet. Capitalism wins every time.
The pertinent question is, does ONE socialist, make the whole party commie? That question is the one that the right wing THINKS they can skew, to win the white house again. Or use as a wedge, to fracture the Dem party.
There are more people of Scandinavian decent in the US than in Sweden and Scandinavia is socialist to about exactly the same extent and exactly the same way as Mussolini's Italy.
If you believe that is is possible to create a perfect society from the bowels of DC I suppose you might think it okay. However if you're rational and you are even vaguely familiar with history, yu'd know that there is no such thing as a perfect society and people trying to create one invariably wind up being the worst sort of totalitarian monsters.