So basically, AOC raised more money in 2 days for Americans in need with her political stunt ( $2 million ) than Dirty Donald gave with his 4 year political stunt of donating his salary ( $1.6 million ). Funny as hell.
Trump treated Cruz as his personal biatch for the past several years. But good ole lying Ted, who Trump attacked along with his wife and even trying to implicate his father in the Kennedy assassination, just kept bending over for him. Can anyone, and I mean anyone still have any respect for Cruz, even before he just abandoned the ship, and blamed his kids for it?
there are only 2 chances Cruz does not attempt to become president in 2024 1. Slim 2. None Cruz cannot become the GOP nominee I don't think...he could not even beat trump in 2016.. and you can bet your ass it is not only AOC and the dems that will use this against him when it comes campaign time every GOP opponent will begin every attack with the below accusation.. Ted Cruz left his home state at a time of can he be trusted with the entire country at a time of emergency?? Nikki Haley, Marco Rubio , Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, and a few other to be named are starting their list of attacks this is one for Cruz
Well I am sure it wasnt to help Texans as much as it was to hurt Cruz. Gotta hand it to her, never seen someone so vindictive. Meanwhile Biden already has the government dollar printing machine running hardcore, so I am not sure what she will actually end up doing with these funds. Why do the terms of service on her website make me agree to the use of the funds related to campaign finance law, related to the transaction? I thought this was a donation to the Texans? See under "The Fine Print",
A fantastic display of supposition and conjecture. Come back and let the readers know when you can support this post with valid documentation.
While I’m not with the same electric company, a lot of us have digital meters that are read at any time. No one comes to your house to read the meter. You can find out your current usage and how much you will be paying so far. My electric company’s app can even tell you what items in your house are using the most power. I’m in Texas with TXU Energy. Electricity is different here. We have a ton of providers, but the lines are all owned by a few companies. Mine are owned by ONCOR, others not too far from me have COSERV(I think that’s the name). ONCOR makes sure the lines work and fixes them when broke, maintains them, etc., and companies like TXU or Reliant contract with their lines to provide electricity. We have several line owners and hundreds of providers.
Thanks for that explanation, makes more sense. Obviously no one can pay these bills so it will be interesting to see what happens with this.
the woman is sending 2 million to texas and is being accused of it being a vindictive move..kinda lame once she gives the money to the texans they can do what they please with it.. maybe they will take it it the indian casino in oklahoma or use it to prop up horse racing at lone star or maybe the texans will send back her 2 million and refuse the assistance I think the indian casino will get the money before the texans send it back and NOBODY in the entire history of this country ran up debt and printed money like trump did he tried to bankrupt the country like he did every business he owned thankfully he was voted out of office before that happened
"Rocket Surgery". - that is inadvertly funny. Must have been developed by Werner von Braun. Anyways let us hope that "Rocket Boy" Kim Dung Bung of North Korea never learns how to,perform "Rocket Surgery". I have had these types of typos myself....
You can do some nice things for the wrong reasons. I don't trust her because of past things she has done and said. I think she has a vindictive personality, with alterior motives, not that the action was vindictive. The donations are to these below, but if they are not used, they go to AtcBlue. North Texas Food Bank, Central Texas Food Bank, Houston Food Bank, Feeding Texas, The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center, Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley, ECHO (Ending Community Homelessness Coalition), Family Eldercare, and Corazon Ministries They will have to figure out how toget the food to the food banks. A lot of these people have money, the problem is that there isn't any food in the grocery stores to buy.
My plant peoduces over 2,000 blades a year. It is interesting. I don't claim to know all of the facts nor did I know that Texas removed the heaters in the blades to save cost until now. It is expensive to build wind blades. I don't know about the tower etc. There was rolling blackouts across the country but Texas was definantly hit the hardest. At first I saw the Republicans use the crisis for political gain which backfired and then the left attacked Ted Cruz and the right attacked AOC and both decided to go to Texas to try and fix problems that were already being fixed. AOC in my oppinion is fake and just wanting publicity. Anyways I agree it was BS for Republicans to only blame wind and solar power. For once I don't agree with my party. At first I jumped on that band wagon but quickly realized I was wrong. Republicans need to pick thier battles more carefully.
Trump had something called covid 19 that required a big stimulus package. Unless you can say he ran up the deficit to record levels before covid then you have no arguement.
Cruz was never going to run. Candace Owens plans to run and Cruz likes her. He would step aside if she chose to run and she has the support of most Republicans and Trump supporters so I don't know who would dare challenge her. The Republican party nominating a black female to lead the party would be historic and she has my vote. She is the Democrats worst nightmare in 2024 if she runs.
I'm not sure that was a political stunt by Trump. He was already rich so it's not like he needed the money. If he was not rich he would have probably kept the money.
I agree with you. It was stupid for people to blame a deal that does not exist. Republicans need to stop acting like the Democrats did the last 4 year's.
I think the point is that the Democrats want to completely eliminate fossil fuels and there are dire consequences for doing so. The issue with wind turbines and solar is we have not provided a means to store that energy as often times they are producing when you least need their energy, and not producing when you do. To top it off, you have to expend energy to keep the turbines moving and heated so that they are ready if the wind does pick up. I think, the USA needs to install energy storage facilities for emergency use. Maybe like the below... Hopefully after this incident, they will look into it.
wow.. do you really believe the Q anon trump supporters would vote for a black woman?? and besides, candace owens is nothing more than a black woman version of Rush Limbaugh and just like Rush, she wont run for office, she will keep talking BS and countin money worked for Rush...and he was the king it may change between now and 2022 when the GOP begins the campaign but at this point in time the GOP nominee will need the q anon believers and trumpers owens may get a few trumpers..but the Q anon people will never vote for a black person they wigged out so bad over Obama, they voted in trump...
Natural gas only caused 80% of the blackout per the news. If all Texas had was wind turbines they would contribute to 100%. Now I don't think the state decides if the turbines have heaters. That's up to the company running them. If Texas had about 75,000-80,000 wind turbines and all of them had heat protection they could power the entire state on wind energy and be fine. Problem is they only have about 15,000 and have a long ways to go. Natural power is still needed for now and those jobs will need to be replaced when we do get rid of them.
I agree wind energy does not produce much power and it's only clean energy after we make them. It's a dirty job to build them. I agree with storage facilities being needed too.
You are just talking left wing narrative points. I don't know a single person who supports q anon. I know several who love Candace Owens. The q anon people are less than 1% of the Republican party. Candace has been to several hearings and every time a Republican politician gives up his time to let Candace Owens speak. She has alot of influence over the party and many online have been begging for her to run. She is the first and only female that actually has a chance of getting nominated and a good chance at that. The Republican party loves to nominate old white men. Candace is the first person in my lifetime that will probably change that. Being black also means Democrats can't use the racist party b's or race card. That is why Candace is a big threat to the Democrats. She recently tweeted she was mulling a run for POTUS in 2024. Republicans need to embrace her if they want to win with minorities other than Cuban Hispanics, the only minority that is overwhelmingly Republican in some states.
Were they using cogeneration facilities to meet their base load? I thought cogeneration facilities are for peak load due to the quick response and their ability to change production to meet demand. The natural gas is also used directly to heat the homes through the gas lines, which was probably elevated during that cold snap. There is no way it could be used to maintain the base load if everything else failed. That means its not just maintaining the electric grid but also has to supply heat to everybody's water heater, natural gas stoves, and natural gas furnaces, and various industries. That's a lot of reliance on a single source of energy and a lot of eggs in one basket.
Meh. Sorry, didn't read most of this thread. It was nice that AOC made some token offer to help Texans, even if it was completely political. I saw yesterday that FEMA send 1 million bottles of water...which I guess 30 million Texans can all split between them. Or 60,000 blankets, which are supposed to arrive sometime this week. (Wednesday the high temp is going to be 70 degrees, like "normal" Texas winter.) Whatever....AOC was making a nice gesture. The far left and the far right have a lot more in common right now in being the only two "extremes" who are "for the people". After the Establishment is gone, there will be an even bigger battle, but for now, the "ends" are wanting to kick out the elite middle. I never give AOC credit for anything. On this topic, I will congratulate her, even if her motives are not sincere.