[video=youtube;F6WncYDYJ2s]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6WncYDYJ2s[/video]I want to talk about the United States from the point of view of Russia. I want to tell you about Russia as it really is. I'm not going to lie about Russia. Any Russian will tell as I am. U.S. looks as aggressive and as a fascist state. The Americans and the British brought to power in the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev. Today Russian know that Mikhail Gorbachev a traitor Russia. For what he destroyed the Soviet Union, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. After the collapse of the Soviet Union Americans hired Yeltsin. Russian President Boris Yeltsin continued destruction of Russia. Russian people demanded a national leader and a miracle happened. President Putin is a wonderful gift from President Yeltsin. Putin is not dependent on the U.S. and leads the Russian policy in the interests of the Russian people. In Russia, the president is not a puppet, but a real head. Putin's bloody regime is a myth. This myth invented Western forces. This is cheap propaganda. In the West, people believe in this myth. Our neighbors to the east in this myth do not believe. Terrorist attack September 11, 2001 was coined by the U.S. Congress. He was made with remote controlled airliners. Due to the terrorist attacks of September 11, the U.S. came up with the myth of global terrorism. Under the guise of global terrorism the U.S. expand their influence in the East. Indeed, Europe, Russia and the East, are aware of these crimes the U.S.. Such methods are supported monopoly dollar. Central banks in most countries are totally dependent on the U.S. Federal Reserve. Most of the world can not trade in their money. Foreign trade only through the dollar. But still want to trade through its currency. If someone decides to do so, the country is attacked by the U.S. Army. Any country that is independent of the U.S. and Britain, Americans consider totalitarian. Today, Russia is a strong country. We got stronger after the devastation of the nineties. Russian government wants to restore the Soviet Union, but in another form. Russia will have many allies in Europe and the East. Russia is included in alliances BRICS, SCO and the Eurasian Union. Eurasian Union is an analogue of the Soviet Union. These alliances have one goal. The purpose of this is to destroy the U.S. dollar as the monopoly. This fall BRICS began to make external transactions through their own money. BRICS today refused dollars. For the U.S., this means the beginning of the end. World domination is based on the U.S. dollar. Printing dollars instead of real work. Very soon, this will not do. When the dollar collapses, the U.S. could start a civil war. Individual U.S. states will divide the property. Special services of Russia, Germany, China and other countries, will warm the U.S. population. So we try to divide the United States. Our share is Alaska. Easy way to get just as easily and take away.
a lot of truth except about putin, he is a dictator who stole an election and changed the constitution so he could return. I can say that cause the fsb dont read my posts.
saddam had plans to start trading iraqi oil in euros for example, then 18 months later they invade, so there is a lot of truth to stuff about the dollar
i found a lie I'm not going to lie about Russia. Any Russian will tell as I am. everyone in a big nation agreeing no way
He stole what? An election? He DID NOT STEAL anything, he took the reigns of the country with the guarded approval of the people. He took the" presidency" because Russians may not necessarily like him but they do trust him to do his job. He has a track record they approve of. He took the throne because there was no one who could replace him. A lot of people look at Russia and see things as they should be from their point of view. Russia is not a western style country, it is not a DEMOCRACY. It never has been it never will be, one thing the author didn't say is what Russians think of democracy. Most think it's a freaking joke. Russians prefer Tsars, strong leaders that have the power to keep the chaos to a minimum. Putin has kept Russia stable for the last decade, people can plan and make money and live their lives I dare to say with more freedom than I have as an American.
Russians want to re-install the Soviet Union? I'm sure the rest of eastern Europe loves the sound of that. So when can we expect Bhudapest to be leveled? The blame you place on the US is a joke. Russians have no one to blame but but themselves. The Soviet Union was nothing but a thugocracy that survived by terrorizing and raping their neighbors. I worked for years with a Polish gentleman that suffered at the hands of the nazis. The only thing he hated more in the world was Russia.
He means a wonderful dynasty. He sure does... How about the Russians who have been protesting about his 3rd reelection for ages or the Pusy Riot scandals? He is quite a head indeed. He is all the heads of all Russians. A better way to put it would have been 'he is the nucleus of all Russia'. Of course they don't believe. They don't believe anything. Most of the Eastern neighbors are too hungry to think they think anything. Come on this is the ridiculousness of the earth. I'll skip this (*)(*)(*)(*). Whoever wants solid physical evidence just ask... And who will be those many European allies?? Belarus? Moldavia, Ukraine?? How about the East? China is in such close ties with USA! So who is left? North Korea? Vietnam? Laos? Maybe Mongolia like the old times ;D ? I would tell the creator of the video not to worry. The upcoming United States of Europe will make sure to balance whatever world instability Americans made more or less consciously. It is the Soviet Union and communism that had a culture of guaranteed sheltering and giving paid work to all the incompetence nature has to offer. Communism takes from the capable and productive and gives it to everyone else, including the lazy and inept, keeping everyone just a hair width above the starvation line.
Neither was Nazi Germany. Same did Germans say about Hitler. Did you like it when he attacked? Did you like it when Stalin sent you like pigs through the industrial slaughter machine to beat the other idiot's? 40 million of you. 40,000,000... 40 (*)(*)(*)(*)ing million of you died. You liked that? He could have cut that in less than half but the leadership in him wanted to be the first to reach Berlin. So bad when oppression, hunger and the sensations caused by them with blood leaking out of you are mistaken for one's personality, psychology, identity...
That bit is trying to reverse cause and effect. I don't know the diplomatic situation with Libya so well (although the US wasn't the one pushing for that war). But in the other cases it isn't at all that we were great buds, and then they talk about going off our currency and trouble starts. Rather the US had placed sanctions on them. In Iran's case in particular making it difficult to do any business in dollars no matter how much they might like to. So they're looking for other options. That said the US does, or at least did, derive great benefit from our petrodollars being the worlds reserve currency. And as the US continues on a path of fiscal insolvency and money printing I'm betting a lot of players from around the world have at least pondered dethroning the dollar. I don't see Russia pulling it off though. Just too unstable and Europeans already get jerked around enough for buying their heat from Russia. China, however, might be able to pull it off. As for much of the rest of the video I'm curious how much it actually reflects what Russians think. Some stuff in there is pretty BS, but there is plenty of propaganda to latch onto if one wished to.