I know, I know. These threads are annoying, but it is just for the sake of fun anyways. This time it goes under the not-so-serious tag of "Ask a Swede anything". It is random and it is pointless, any questions are welcome though. Leave a question, leave an insult or just have a visit. Lolz.
Stieg Larsson is quiet possibly the most overrated author since Dan Brown his and da Vinci Coma. Did he actually right anything interesting or entertaining prior to his untimely death?
I actually have not read any of his work and haven't even seen the films based on his Millennium series. Not the right person to ask. I generally do not enjoy fiction.
Whatever happened to Hansel and Gretel? Was that even Swedish? Those names sound like they might be Swedish which is why I ask.
Nah. The Grimm brothers were German folklorists who travelled Germany to collect old folktales; Hansel and Gretel and Rapunzel amongst others are from there. However, the names are Germanic. Swedish equivalences being Hans and Greta. Those names are not common baby names at all anymore though.
Is every house in Sweden furnished with horrifically made, ill fitting Ikea crap? If so, what do you folks do with all the spare wrenches every kit comes with?
Average Swede is not happy because media frequently spreads apocalyptic propaganda about the two. Imo none of the two is to be feared more than any other leader.
Most likely. Although some Oriental-fetishists claim king Karl XII brought them here when returning from his escapades in Turkey. Sadly, yes. Most homes look identical and as far as the wrenches go, they just end up in a drawer somewhere never to be seen again.
I am probably just as biased as media, but my interpretation is that institutions (media and government etc) wants to spread fear so that joing the North Atlantic Terror Organisation is seen as justified. A few summers ago there were talks about Russian submarines in Swedish waters. Apparently Russia owns invisible submarines now. Meh. Why would it be safer for Israel to have nukes than it would be if Iran had them? I want Sweden to have nukes so that we can nuke Mars in order to create life.
Did somebody say MEATBALLS? [video=youtube;sY_Yf4zz-yo]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY_Yf4zz-yo[/video]
Your opinion of Malmo. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/bl...w/news-story/4b571cd5c32e67d498efc503798504a4
Malmö indeed has a lot of problems with integration, suspected ISIS-recruition and gang violence. Was not too long ago that gangs had shoot-outs in bright daylight in the middle of the street with heavy, auto-weapons and grenades (!!!) But, it is a nice city. Haven't been tjere since like 2002 though.
What do you think or how do you feel about what is happening with immigration in regards to Muslim immigration in Sweden? It appears, like you said, they are not integrating. What do you think would change that?
Don't you ever dare mistaking Sweden for Switzerland again! Well, obviously not all Muslim immigrants fail to integrate. A lot of them are decent, hardworking people. However, Sweden has been going with a rather sloppy immigration policy the last few years, allowing in more people than we can actually afford. The first step is of course inflicting more heavy border control (which all the coat-turner politicians from left to right want all of a sudden and it was only this summer that most were pro open borders). Next thing that has to be done is throwing out misbehaving immigrants who haven't yet earned their citizenship or - in extreme cases - draw in their citizenship.