To was progressive I will not were the restistence some whole Saudi Arabia etc. This is fine rightly ?!
Communism in Soviet Union and Vietnam are fine even America does not won the war in Vietnam 1965-1975 Vs Vietnam.
Soviet Union were in 1920-1945 Socialism. Before they get big nuclear arsenal and become Communism Before Stalin died. It was well in 1951 Soviet Union change they strukture to Communism ?!
Catholics are not God for me even they will were God. In Protestantism many are Believe on God and Lord. Jesus and Lord two wrong persons for my interests.
In Protestantism many are atheist too. Allah want this way with us. But we can know thing. A couple of trusted we are. A Little Believe it is. Maybe Allah is dumbass.
Arabic era 5000-6000 years Before profit Jesus live are not true for Jews. Even Egypt era does not exist 10.000-15.000 years ages back of times.
At least 8000 skinheads in Sweden I wonder. But is more hard rock pigs actually. Yes. I am hard rock pigs.
Question about Nazism in Sweden. I know left wings dislike Nazism but I does not. Negro cannot allways lucky.
How do Swedes feel about Ford and GM? GM bought Saab, sold Subarus with Saab labels, then let the company die - it was a good car company founded by aircraft engineers. Ford bought Volvo, then sold the company to the Chinese.
Lol. Most people are probably even more clueless than I am on this issue and therefore simply don't care. However, I would like to remember SAAB was having big financial problems and that GM actually saved them from bankrupcy.
So do swede's think it's bigotry to not allow the poor to come in and sleep in your house. Because I have heard that once people break into a house in the EU then you can't evict them. It was in a movie I saw set in France.
I guess it is but I really did see a movie where they claimed it was against the law to kick people out of your house in France even though you didn't ever consent to them being there.
Not in a trillion years! ...Unless you send Silje Norendahl to my door. Then I might be ready to start negotiating.