Welles was blacklisted because his film exposed the hypocrisy and corruption of newspaper owner William Randolph Hearst and his stupid untalented mistress. Hearst was a Nazi and unleashed his newspaper private investigators against ordinary American citizens to "cancel" them for against oligarchic power. The Nazis loved Hearst so much that they gave him and Henry Ford medals. Ford did not return the medal even after the war against Hitler. William Randolph Hearst with his fascist friends and business partners Henry Ford with Hearst's friends....
Oh, yes you do. You wrote, "Are you suggesting that Orson Welles was blacklisted because of his religious views?" And now you know I wasn't suggesting anything about Welles religious views and blacklisting. And I pointed out the different between 1600 century King James I reaction to Macbeth and Hearst's reaction to Welles' Shakespearean themes of Citizen Kane. It's not all that complex.
So, you let me know of something you do NOT believe as well as what a few from history have believed. But, my question is how you apply the rest of this to America today.
This is a thread on "attack against christendom". I'm guessing it wasn't meant to be focused on history. So, I'm wondering how your posts relate to today.
Obviously you have not looked at the title "Attack Against Christendom" by Christian Theologian Soren Kierkegaard. If the topic is "history" it would be a good idea to at least read history instead of trying to come up with drive-by half formulated commits. Here is the pus that America presents and calls it "Christianity." American Christians are shitty people....here are a few of over 600 cases involving torture (Brother Dollar), beatings, rapes, and even murder...READMORE! Christianity Today publishes a shocking exposé – about itself "Olatokunbo Olawoye was arrested in 2017 in a federal sting operation and pleaded guilty to attempting to pay for sex with a teenage girl..." Old Wounds Reopened By Leef Smith November 24, 2002 Rev. Leyva became so well known among American Fundamentalist Christians that he even replaced Rev. Jimmy Swaggart with a weekly television show while Swaggart was off air dealing with a sex scandal in which Swaggart was being blackmailed for blackmailing another Christian minister for his sexually hypocrisy. The Rev. Leyva was later discovered by police to have molested over 837 boys in fundamentalist churches across the American South since 1969. Brother Leyva was deeply involved in child sex slavery. Police estimated that Rev. Leyva personally molested more children than any single sexual predator discovered at the time and the American Christian molested child record may still stand. TEXAS Pastor David Pettigrew gets 30 years in prison after setting up network of cameras to secretly film children getting undressed Illinois pastor Joseph M. Krol charged with grooming 15-year-old after frantically deleting Snapchat messages Liberty University professor William Atwell, a professor at the evangelical Liberty University arrested for sexual battery and abduction Christian school owners Sister Linda and Brother John Dollar gets 15 years in prison for torturing kids with pliers. "Jesus Saves!"--Brother Dollar A couple accused of starving and torturing five of their seven adopted children, including yanking out toenails with pliers...The five children were so severely underfed that twin 14-year-old brothers weighed just 36 and 38 pounds each — about 80 pounds below normal. Police compared their conditions to victims of Nazi concentration camps.
OK, I should have read the OP! I'm pretty well aware of history of attacks that are based on religion and target those who don't share that religion. I got further misled by the focus I was seeing on history rather than on what's happening today, plus picking individual cases of truly horrible people who even commit crime in the name of their religion. I do agree with you that we have a religion problem in America today. But, I don't believe it is as you depict it - religion causing individuals to take part in clearly immoral or criminal activity.
Just a quick comment re machete and the Western Christian concept of the divine right of Kings. Elizabeth and world view held that creation was a hierarchical affair which works both horizontally and vertically.thus a king on earth is gods moral and legal representative and regicide was the highest sin a man could commit. It was Lady Macbeth who killed Duncan and was cursed for committing such a crime against the Christian god. Macbeth himself was cursed for other sins...greed, envy, weakness and straying from goodness into evil. Speared audience would have accepted every one of these references. The interpretation via visual metaphor is of your own choice. I once saw a production which took place in a South American jungle.
Interesting stuff! So much of history is filled with the political and social requirement that one religion be accepted under severe penalty for lack of compliance. If there were a god, would that god be looking for compliance? I think not.
“Only an atheist can be a good Christian; only a Christian can be a good atheist”--Ernst Bloch, Atheism in Christianity I can understand the misreading---this thread is over 250,000 words of just my essays. I have a secondary edited backed copy if you are interested on my lowly website at Strange Phenomenon. Any term can easily be searched. I have taught symbolic logic and that is also incorporating in the essays. When the theologian, Paul Tillich, met a person who would tell him they were atheistic, he would answer, "Wonderful! That means you're still thinking!" It is better to be a thinking atheist, or even a non-theist than a shitty American Christian.
Good points. It's easy for the righteous to believe their actions are supremely important, even when they are actually morally destitute.
I do not know you at all. This is the first time that I have contact with you. And I have no girl friend here.
Without quoting the whole of the above, I can categorically tell you that the critique is, as all others are...one person's reading of the symbolism and meaning of someone else. (who happened to be a genius). It is good enough try at answering something that has no definitive answer because S'peare used metaphors (visual and textual) in a multi-layered way and which could be explained as simply as "symbols of evil" to complicated analysis of the common understanding of what evil was in the 16th century England and its church , which was of course going through a serious schism with the Catholic church and trying to establish its own interpretation of things. People back them really thought witches were real...they burned them. But that they were the devil in human form and could influence and turn god's plan for the future of mankind. I don't have time to analyse the actual text here (and where the witches meet again later on) to include all the cultural references understood at the time. This is, after all, Shakespeare who wrote on many levels through the use of one word, let alone one play.
Fascist Washington D.C. has failed you; fascist law enforcement failed you; the fascist Supreme Court failed, the fascist secular and religious universities failed you, and now your fascist Christian Church has failed you. Christian School Director Matthew Taylor Coleman murders his two children: 3-year-old son, Kaleo, was found stabbed 17 times at a ranch in Baja California, Mexico,...Coleman’s 10-month-old daughter, Roxy, was stabbed 12 times for having "serpent" DNA.
"Remembrance of the past may give rise to dangerous insights."--Marcuse I signed up for a year subscription at Chris Hedges new web-page setup after all of his RT videos were removed after the Ukrainian war broke out ("Disappeared": Chris Hedges Responds to YouTube Deleting His 6-Year Archive of RT America Shows). Hedges never asks for financial help and his new web-page at Chris Hedges Report offers voluntary paid subscriptions otherwise it is free so if you can subscribe at his website, I am sure it would help out his family. Chris Hedges Quotations
I thought I was the only Hedges supporter here. Well done. Well done. Hedges is one of the few who has kept his dignity as a reporter and will speak truth to power without becoming a mindless outrage machine used by the powerful.
Hedges lost me at "the cruelty of corporate capitalism". I've lived through the cruelty of non-corporate non-capitalism long enough to understand that Hedges is a left-wing idealist. The most dangerous people in the world are idealists who believe they hold the key to absolute truth, absolute justice, absolute everything. Hedges reminds me of a mutual acquaintance who thinks that tools (corporations in this case) are using humans, not the other way round. Humans, not corporations, are using - and abusing - other humans. We can see this simple truth in every type of society on Earth. It's human nature. I have to add that using and being used by other people is not necessarily a bad thing, because this is how a human society functions. There's no other way.