I am sure there will be outrage from the militant Christians here in Australia. Penny Wong and her girlfriend are destined to burn in hell for daring to bring a gorgeous little girl into the world. But they have been waiting for months for this arrival, and now baby Alexandra joins their family: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/more-news/penny-wong-and-sophie-allouaches-labour-of-love-their-new-baby-girl- alexandra/story-fn7x8me2-1226221376822 She is soo cute! I am sure they will be amazing parents. Tony Abbott (Opposition Leader) will a statement likely saying he wishes them well and that he thinks the'd make great parents because he can't say what he really thinks and that is that Wong and girlfriend are sinning deviants. Alexandra was born on Sunday using IVF and a sperm donor who is known to the couple. What a wonderful man to give these two ladies a precious daughter.