Bachmann and the glass ceiling

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Flanders, Oct 12, 2011.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    I am praying that Tea Partiers along with conservatives in general come to realize that Michele Bachmann is their best bet among the wannabes. MB has more positives and fewer negatives than all of the men who are higher than she in the polls. Happily, the only polls that count are the ones taken in each primary. That’s why it is important for Bachmann to get a lot of support from conservatives in the early primaries. Without that support she will be forced to drop out and the country will end up with a media-backed RINO for sure.

    I loved what Michele said in this 57 second video about the Spanish-American War tax:

    This is an excerpt from a previous thread:

    Look on your telephone bill and you will see a tax that was first implemented to pay for the Spanish-American War when relatively few Americans owned a telephone. The FCC has since prohibited telephone companies from listing it as a tax on your monthly statement so it became a fee. Americans are still paying that TAX although the only thing most Americans know about the Spanish-American War is that it had something to do with Teddy Roosevelt.

    One question: How come peaceniks along with all of those liberals who never stop moaning about the military-industrial-complex do not demand an end to funding for the Spanish-American War?

    In 2000 Bill Clinton vetoed the legislation that would have repealed the tax. In one of the safest votes ever cast by most Democrats they voted for repeal. Their message: We also want the Spanish-American War tax repealed —— but not enough to override Clinton’s veto. What a surprise!

    The glass ceiling

    Unlike Geraldine Ferraro —— Michele Bachmann has to overcome the glass ceiling in the nominating process. Ferraro was selected by Walter Mondale in 1984 to be his running. She did not win any primaries; so you can’t say she broke the glass ceiling Michele is faced with.

    Finally, the word going around is that Hillary Clinton will replace Joe Biden on the ticket in 2012. As much as I’d like to see Biden outta there, replacing him with Hillary Clinton is akin to fighting senility with cancer. On the plus side, Hillary Clinton will the same as Geraldine Ferraro; selected not elected. Also, remember that Clinton lost the nomination to Hussein leaving the Democrat party’s glass ceiling intact.

    Aside from the fact that Michele Bachmann is the best choice for conservatives they should help her shatter the glass ceiling. Ditto all Americans in the general election.
  2. Uncle Meat

    Uncle Meat Banned

    Jul 13, 2010
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    That is just so sad.
  3. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    If anyone is facing a artificial glass ceiling wrongly imposed by others it is the MORMON .
    And those imposing the religious test ?
    The very same that pray that a Mormon doesn't win the nomination.

    MB will be very fortunate to survive in congress.
    Amazing that the religious right is counting on IOWA and SC to finish Romney off.

    IOWA has become irrelevant because of this idea that their religion trumps the well being of the nation.
    SC cannot risk the same thing..
    The nation cannot risk electing MB..and wont.
  4. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Uncle Meat: The saddest thing of all is people who clutter up my threads with inane comments because they have neither the intelligence nor the wit to defend their own positions with clarity.

    As to Michele: She was on point in last night’s debate. Sadly, it was not televised.

    Michele nails Rick Perry at the beginning of this video:

    [ame=""]Dartmouth College/Bloomberg Republican Presidential GOP Debate Oct. 11th, 2011 - Part 6 - YouTube[/ame]

    Move the cursor to 6:22 in this next video. That’s where it gets good:

    [ame=""]Dartmouth College/Bloomberg Republican Presidential GOP Debate Oct. 11th, 2011 - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

    The following text interprets what you heard in the video:

    The lower tier candidates were more interesting, especially Michele Bachmann. She’s had some campaign missteps lately, but tonight she was playing to her strengths: she was tough, focused, and quotable. Her Weird Moderator Moment kicked off the evening, when a bizarrely ranting Karen Tumulty asked her, “Do you think it’s right that no Wall Street executives have gone to jail for the damage they did to the economy?”… and then cut Bachmann off ten seconds into her answer to argue with her.

    When Bachmann made the entirely accurate and reasonable point that “it was the federal government that demanded that banks and mortgage companies lower ‘platinum level’ lending standards to new lows,” setting the stage for the subprime mortgage crisis, Tumulty wailed, “But the federal government has also deregulated them!” She simmered down when Bachmann brought up the Community Reinvestment Act, which is checkmate for that particular line of witless liberal argument. She should have fired back by asking Tumulty when Barney Frank and Chris Dodd would be going to jail. (Newt Gingrich actually raised that issue a few minutes later with Charlie Rose.)

    Just about everyone at the table was in favor of repealing the disastrous Dodd-Frank banking legislation, but Bachmann sounded like she wanted to shred it and staple the pieces to Dodd and Frank’s foreheads. She’s taken to referring to their legislation as “The Jobs and Housing Destruction Act.” She mentioned the “dirty dealing” that led to the Durbin Tax that lower-income Americans will now be forced to pay, because “Senator Durbin had former staffers that came to lobby him on behalf of retailers.”

    Bachmann was sharp in her criticism of ObamaCare, which she called “the number one reason businesses aren’t hiring today.” She provided a terse and potent summary of the deficit situation, noting that “we paid $2.2 trillion in taxes” last year, which is “a lot of money from all the American people”… but the government “spent $1.5 trillion more than that – that’s the problem.”

    Bachmann also voiced a concern that’s been nagging at me for the better part of twenty years, noting that future taxpayers are looking at absurd tax rates to pay off our profligate government spending, and “who’s going to get out of bed in the morning to go to work if they’re paying 75 percent tax rates?”

    Newt Gingrich didn’t get a lot of spotlight time, but he made excellent use of what he could get. He noted the new government push against prostate cancer screening, and said it was “basically going to kill people.” This led him to say “I think, candidly, Governor Palin? got attacked unfairly for describing what would, in effect, be death panels.”

    This set Michele Bachmann up to discuss those “15 political appointees” of the IPAB, who will “make all the health care decisions for over 300 million Americans.” Gingrich seemed to be making a real effort to build up the other candidates in this way. He didn’t have much mud to sling at his opponents, beyond prodding Romney about the means testing on his capital gains tax cut proposal. Noting that Americans hire Presidents to solve problems, rather than sympathizing with their plight, he declared “every person at this table is more likely to solve those problems than Barack Obama?.”

    The Dartmouth Debate
    This wasn’t supposed to be a playoff game.
    by John Hayward

    To MnBillyBoy: Give it a rest. Tying Michele to religious bigotry is absurd.

    In truth, JFK shattered the religious glass ceiling. You’re not convincing anybody they should vote to nominate Romney because he is a Mormon being put upon.

    Hussein shattered the race glass ceiling.

    The gender glass ceiling is the only one left.
  5. Uncle Meat

    Uncle Meat Banned

    Jul 13, 2010
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    So why do you keep posting then?
  6. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Bachman is finished..

    Her cutsey remark about turning 999 upside down just shows you have trite she is.

    Never mind that she has been working the system for money her whole life.
  7. kshRox01

    kshRox01 Banned

    Sep 18, 2011
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    oh, please - give me a moment, my eyes are watering . . .

    We've had a black president,
    we've had calls for a woman to run against this president,
    We had a woman VP Candidate,

    Yet poor wittow Bachman is up against the glass ceiling????
    Poor wittow Bachman - the religious nut whose Christian voodoo husband is expelling gay spirits -
    is our best hope?
    is the most qualified?

    Okay, I respectfully disagree . . .

    (I do agree obsolete taxes need to be elminated, but I've never seen a politician who didn't like taxes on the Middle Class)
  8. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Quote " To MnBillyBoy: Give it a rest. Tying Michele to religious bigotry is absurd.

    In truth, JFK shattered the religious glass ceiling. You’re not convincing anybody they should vote to nominate Romney because he is a Mormon being put upon.

    Hussein shattered the race glass ceiling.

    The gender glass ceiling is the only one left."

    Sorry I strongly disagree.The far extreme right of the tea party is strongly opposed to electing a Mormon..or a Muslim or a Jew..or a atheist.
    that is pretty much a fact represented by Perry's guy and poll after poll taken by the tea party right.
    I doubt a gay person would ever be elected by them..and the tea party threw Bachmann under the bus ..not the media.
    They jumped for the strong male guy from Texas.. and now would be hypocritical for them to have to accept a woman they didn't support after IOWA.

    Perry jumped in for a reason..The far right doesn't think a woman is ready.
    Not the media..not her district in Mn. either.
    We dont cling to religion like we used to up north anymore..sad ,but true.

    Dont drink that poison just yet..lets see how you support Cain..You know he is black..right ?
  9. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Uncle Meat: For intelligent people with more than a sound bite mentality.

    To Margot: All of your replies in my threads indicates you’re a flaming liberal; i.e., a Democrat. Naturally, you prefer a RINO to conservative Bachmann.

    To kshRox01: Now you’ve seen one —— Michele Bachmann.

    To MnBillyBoy: Don’t play the race card on me. Whatever I think of Herman Cain has nothing to do with race. However, his skin color must be bothering you because you brought it up.

    For that matter, Romney supporters must be racists because they do not support Cain.
  10. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    I am a conservative and don't care for evangelical twits who have fed at the public trough their whole lives.
  11. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Margot: You sure fooled me.
  12. kshRox01

    kshRox01 Banned

    Sep 18, 2011
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    Intelligent people are why Michelle Bachmann does not have a chance in hell of gaining the presidency.

    Bachmann may pander to conservatives on social issues which is pretty much the same as politicians who pander to liberals on social isssues.

    We need politicians who will stop pandering period.
    To left wing flakes to right wing nutjobs.
    Especially to Big Business and foreign interests.

    We need a politician that will clear away the taxes (which excuse me the S/A War is a token, not a policy) and regulations on Small Business to allow them to thrive again.

    This BS about jobs is just that BullCrap.
    We need opportunity for small business to thrive which will create jobs.

    We need a politician who can't be bought and paid for.
    One who understands the rule fo law and economics.
    One who knows what they stand for.

    I really don't think so.
    As I said, teh S/A War tax is a token not a policy.
    A sound bite, not experience or knowledge.

    Cain is an idiot.
    He would definitely screw up the economy in short order as well as alienate Independents & Libertarians.
  13. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To kshRox01: Crooks and pandering politicians will always be a part of government. Limited government will not get rid of them, but it will limit their number and influence. Bachmann wants to go back to limited government.

    It is the true believer who uses BIG government to impose his or her morality on society that is the true evil.
  14. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Bachman stood up in her state of the Union address and blamed Obama

    7.8 % unemployment when Obama stepped into office .. over 9% by the end of 2009

    10 Trillion dollars Debt

    Failed stimulus .. wailed on about deficit spending.

    1) The unemployment rate in 2009 is mostly attributable to Bush. The decisions lay off workers and freeze hiring was a direct result of the crash.

    When Obama stepped into office the Dow had dropped from 14,000 to 8000 and a month later it was 6500. The housing market had collapsed (no job losses there ??) and the financial system was near deaths door.

    Only and idiot would think that it was possible to turn the sinking titanic around on a dime.

    Need one say more about the intellect of this woman ?

    2) The Debt was 11.8 Trillion when Obama got control of the books in October 2009. Not 10.

    Does Bachmann not know when the fiscal year starts and ends ?

    3) Did the stimulus fail ? We are not currently in a 1930's style depression which is what happened after the last crisis of this magnitude.

    The Dow is no longer at 6500 last time I checked ?

    Does Bachmann not know that Bush increased the DOD Budget 300 Billion to 700 Billion during his reign (400 Billion) add another 150 Billion for war spending, homeland security and other items (150)

    Factor in a decrease in revenue from 2008 to when Obama took office from 2.7 Trillion to 2.15 (450 Billion)

    Add up the numbers and we get over a Trillion dollars of deficit.

    Bush was handed a balanced budget. Obama was handed a 1.4 Trillion dollar deficit coupled with housing market crash, stock market crash, and a financial system teetering.

    I am a fiscal conservative ... Bachmann is a disingenuous clown.
  15. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Giftedone: Your responses in previous threads identifies you as a flaming liberal. My problem is this: One person cannot be a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. Quite simply, there is no way in hell a fiscal conservative agrees with tax dollars paying for the programs social liberals demand. Conversely, social liberals cannot be fiscally conservative.

    The pseudo-position of ‘fiscal conservative - social liberal’ is a favorite political scam of politicians trying to get votes from conservatives and liberals. Politicians who make such a claim have more balls than a brass monkey because no two groups in politics are more incompatible than fiscal conservatives and social liberals.
  16. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    You can cry and stomp your feet all you want while demonizing me for posting the truth.

    Demonization of the opposition and making up false claims, instead of addressing what was stated, is a pathetic tactic all to common and a disgrace to "real" fiscal Conservatives who respect the Constitution as something that made this country great.

    Constitution: Respect for individual freedom liberty, limited govornment intervention in the affairs of citizens, freedom from religion.

    There is only one candidate who really spoken up for the Constitution and coincidentally also for fiscal Conservatives. Bachmann and Palin are closet Theocrats (which is much worse that a democrat)

    A real Fiscal Conservative stands up and calls a spade a spade when fiscal policy is run amuk.

    Save your name calling address my points.
  17. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Giftedone: LOL. Would you be less offended if I called you a flaming Democrat instead of a flaming liberal?

    Your vehement opposition to Michele Bachmann is even more nonsensical than a self-proclaimed fiscal conservative citing the Constitution in support of liberalism. More so in light of the two wannabes leading in the polls:

    RomneyCare: Making a Fool of Every Republican It Touches Since 2006
    Posted by Michael F. Cannon

    [ame=""]ObamaCare is RomneyCare 2.0 - YouTube[/ame]

    Herman Cain is looking more like a RINO every day. Considering the part the Federal Reserve is playing in this country’s financial mess how can any private sector American trust a man who thinks the Federal Reserve is a good thing:

    By Huma Khan
    Oct 12, 2011 1:28pm
    Herman Cain Praises Greenspan at Risk of Tea Party Support

    Every Republican candidate except Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul is acceptable to the media. More than anything else that should tell conservatives the country is about to get shafted by another establishment Republican.
  18. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Wow... a good logical post.. you even have the sense to classify your conservative veiws as fiscal...refreshing...
  19. signcutter

    signcutter New Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Your a pathetic... you think that bible thumping idealists are social conservatives?...Your an extremist.. from all your posts i can only deduce that your a narrow minded partisan hack with sound bite logic..the fact that you can even consider Bachmann as a person that should be in a position of authority renders all your opinions worthless.

    Its laughable that you cant get your pathetic mind around the fact that a fiscal conservative can have socially liberal positions.

    I am a fiscal conservative.... I have used liberal fiscal policies in my past to increase my financial holdings... but I as a general rule will follow and support a fiscal conservatism... I also dont give two shiats if homosexuals get married and I think most religions are ridiculous archaic forms of government.

    The fact that I exist makes your logic ...illogical
  20. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To signcutter: Anything said against Hussein’s policies is automatically fiscally conservative even when it is said by a liberal.

    To signcutter: So long as participation is voluntary there is nothing wrong with organized religion. On the other hand social liberals insist that everybody practice socialism. The current healthcare bill is an example.

    BTW, I trust a “fiscal conservative” like you opposes Hillarycare II, or does a “social liberal” like you support it?
  21. Lady Luna

    Lady Luna New Member

    Nov 5, 2008
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    LOL! True.

    Well said! :)

    Cain is another status quo politician who talks the talk and that's it. We don't need anymore of those.
  22. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    The rational for my opposition to Bachmann laid out in my post.

    You have not commented on the rational given so I can only assume you either agree with it or can not refute it.

    Saying that my claim is nonsense without stating what about my rational is nonsense ... is nonsense.
  23. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    And we wonder why the Tea Party and OccupyWallStreet groups are getting such traction.
  24. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    To Giftedone: And my support for Michele has been detailed throughout this thread. If you want to talk about your opinions do so in a thread of your own. You’ll be ahead of the game because I will not read it. In fact, I’m seriously considering putting you in my filter so I do not see your replies in my threads.

    Quote Flanders
    As much as I’d like to see Biden outta there, replacing him with Hillary Clinton is akin to fighting senility with cancer.

    To Phoebe Bump: Exactly what does your reply have to with my comment?
  25. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Got it .. you have no rebuttle to my claims.

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