MB, but I doubt she will be nominated. She would certainly be a breath of fresh air. She has principles; she knows we are already overtaxed; she has guts! I'd prefer Ron Paul, but he probably has less chance than her.
I think she can beat everyone on the ticket and start a movement like Obama did of being a national first. Honestly she is the only woman running. I think it can happen. We can have the first woman as president of the United States. WOW!!!
Has Perry been a carrer politician? Is he more apt to go along with the status quo or will he actually cut spending and make the hard choices to tackle the issue of government growth. I Guess what I am asking is will he identify with the Republicans and wall street? Does he feel that the two party system has sold out the values of America? I just looked he is an INSIDER A career politico. A BUSH wanna be. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Perry
The only candidate who poses a real threat to the status quo is Ron Paul, but Rick Perry is a decent alternative if Ron Paul does not win the primary (which is very likely). Rick Perry's record in Texas is far from perfect, but he has shown himself to be a competent overseer of their state government as well as a very business friendly governor who helped lower the state's property taxes, institute "loser pay" tort reform, and cap medical malpractice awards, all of which has helped to facilitate economic growth in his state. Essentially, Rick Perry isn't going to rock the boat, but at least he will attempt to implement policies that will benefit our economy in both the long and short term. At least, that's my opinion.
I still want Bachmann because honestly I think the country will be fine I don't think an inexperienced president is that big a deal. Obama has had some issues but he hasn't ran us aground, The ship is still afloat. I Want to see the first woman president in my life time. We are fresh off the heels of breaking a major psychological barrier for the nation by Electing A black American. Now I wanna see a woman elected. What I think these changes are doing is dispelling myths about America as Bigoted rednecks and showing the tea party as a legitimate third party movement that may soon have their own candidates. If we have this much change in such a short time the two party system will be confronted with real competition, that has to be good for our system of government.
Why not a woman? We can have another first in our lifetimes it will be amazing. Our generation made a big stride in righting the walk of the talk of this great nation EQUALITY. Honestly its within our reach. Obama looks like carter a one termer. The tea party is ripe for change- less governemnet. If we dont do it now we may not see it for a while. Lets strike now while the iron is hot. Lets elect the first Woman as ,"The President of the United States of America".
So what if Bachmann has a vagina? That is probably the most irrelevant criteria I've ever heard of. Perry has a proven track record of job creation. To me, that is infinitely more important than whether or not he has a vagina between his legs.
Who cares if she is woman!? I don't vote for someone on the basis of their genitals or their skin color, I vote for them on the basis of their qualifications and vision, and, in my opinion, Perry's qualifications and vision are superior to Bachmann's. His record of job creation in the midst of a severe economic contraction speaks for itself. Would you rather have the first vagina in the White House or someone with over a decade of executive experience and job creation? For me, the choice is simple.
Ok the fact she has breasts and two sets of lips is irrelevant.The fact we would be electing someone who is outside the status quo is whats important. If we elect someone that is an outsider of the political system it sends a message to both the politicians and careeer arm chair two party suck ups that get their identitys from their politics. We can challenge the two party system. Perry is a BUSHY and an INSIDER in the party thats whats been wrong people and the country are challenging that its what gave rise to the tea party.
I don't really consider Bachmann as a serious threat to the status quo. The only one with the philosophical vision and intellectual depth needed to threaten the status quo is Ron Paul, but he is very unlikely to win the Republican nomination, so the best alternative, as I see it, is Rick Perry because he will be a competent executive and Commander in Chief who will help facilitate our economic recovery while effectively managing foreign policy.
are right about the nomination. She had a good showing in Iowa so it will be interesting for sure. That will be what they look for in the ticket for her is someone with foreign policy experience I bet. Thanks.
I know we can't have four more years of the one punch kid and his big left. I hope she gets it and Ron Paul is her VP.
LOL, I've never considered the possibility. I find no immediate objection to the idea, I think I could settle for that. Basically, I'm up for anything but four more years of this. RP is my first choice, but when it comes down to it, I'm supporting whoever has the best chance of winning.
There needs to be a third option...'Why vote for either of them, I'll just go surfing in Australia.' Bachmann is a career politician of the absolute worst sort, while Perry is a so-called constitutionalist who wants to shred ours to pieces and create a theocracy (and on top of that, he's 10x the flip-flopper Romney is.)
The culture of Perry: http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpoli...ells-boy-evolution-is-just-a-theory-with-gaps No comments :-S
Actually it looks as if we need to put in Bachmann, to throw a wrench in the whole works. In four years get someone else. Lets change presidents like we do our congress. I will make this final point. American citizens are fed up to the point where they fell that actually their governement is, becoming a threat to their civil liberties. I feel like the Governemnt is doing what it wants no matter who is in Republican or Democrat I no longer identify with the elected representatives they send to washington.
Tough one. I think Bachmann actually believes in all of her craziness, while Perry is largely more bark than bite. As such, I think Perry might be less dangerous in the short term. The long term? Bachmann would be disposed of quickly. And with her career, the Tea Party would die. Perry might actually do good things or at least avoid a lot of damage while the economy comes around to recovery... The problem is that low-information voters will credit the stuff in Perry's extreme rhetoric rather than the opportunism and timing. It would have the same effect Reagan did, carrying on the maniacal Tea Party-like movement for decades. But... I'd take my chances with having to fight the far right longer over having a person who is clearly insane put in office. So I have to go with Perry. Obviously I won't be supporting either one in the general or the primary. PS: Don't get me wrong. I actually DESPISE Rick Perry. I just think Bachmann's a moron. I think Perry is pure scum. But... I guess I'm a pragmatist.