Bachmann confused Elvis' birthday with the day he died. Perry wants 10 year old girls vaccinated for STD's. WOW ! These two are both "nutso" and just how crazy are their supporters ?
...anybody who advocates teaching creationism in the Public School system is, in my opinion, a dangerous religious fundamentalist. People like do whatever they want to and find some screwy passage in the Bible to justify it. For God sake when Americans are killed by the state by injecting poison into their arm as punishment the same people make sure someone stands there saying a prayer for them - sick, disgusting, vile, and putrid. No better than the crazy Islamists who cut people's head off.
Which one what? Which would you rather see sent to Uranus? I choose Perry. Bachmann has entertainment value at least.
Perry has a great chance of beating His Fraudship! Perry is a three-time governor with a decent track record. Perry is a winner! I like Bachmann's ideas, but I don't believe she has much of a chance of being nominated.
I say its time we elect a woman as president and on the heels of electing the first black American as Executive Branch Director. Enough of using government to manage our freedoms. We don't need no stinking insider. Do you honestly not know what sin you commit? You are for Government so you get a good government so I must have the best and the brightest to keep me less free. Honestly its all the rage to rail against the establishment these days we did it in 2008- COME ON PEOPLE," lets put a pair in the Whitehouse"!! What would history say about us and our time on this big blue ball?
Perry is a White guy Governor from Texas and the last thing the Repubs need to run is another Governor or Ex from anywhere. The American People are thirsting for a chage. Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain will win the day.
I believe we can do it again. Thru our new found," collective conscience". What we demonstrated was that America works! We voted against the INSIDER.
Good comment, that about covers it with me too....We have to get back to putting experienced people in office, this ''Fly by the seat of your pants'' [or skirt] is for the birds...Obama's inexperience has shown through like a nightmare, and the same will happen with others. People were correct when they said he has no experience in anything, this on the job training is not for the Presidency,,we asked for Walmart,,,we got it....
Margot to stop doing the same thing over an over and expecting different results. Stop taking yourself so serious every election. You keep showing up Margot and growing the established two party system and making me less free. We can come together again like we did in 2008. This time by electing the first, "Woman as President of the United States of America". Stop being a political groupie. Thats so ordinary and predictable. The closer it got to the Election of Barck Obama- I felt like I could make change for the sake of change. Not, because I believed in him. It was, because I believed in us, " One nation indivisible with the good sense to be original and honest about its values"- walk the walk . How cool is that I elected the first Black American as president of America. hahaha now I am gonna try and do another first! Elect a" WOMAN TO BE THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD"!! Help me angel, lets put a pair in the White house.
Do better than what?,,Obama? Please Margo,,they just could not do much worse,,the guy has only been there a couple of years and is already the worst...Do you realize if Bush was running he would give him a race? and would anybody be shocked if Bush won? I am glad we did not get to see all of Obama's college records, I am sure some place is written the word....LUNATIC... Bush had a eight point higher approval around this time, Hell I think Bin Laden was higher than Obama. We cant get rid of this guy fast enough, even Maxine Waters is ready to dump him.......MAXINE WATERS??
As," The one punch kid". He leads with his left. He blocks with it. And when he is about to get hit he ducks right. He has the one big punch his left. Nationalized Health Care anyone?
Well it depends... if we are talking circus style side show.. I'd go with bachmann... If we are talking used car sales.. I'd go Perry
If you say, Presidential material you obviously have a notion of what that is, I am assuming you mean someone who has experience at BEING in government. My issue is that you have career politicians scaring people like you with their unfounded -tactics, of saying," He/she hasn't got any experience" vote for me I am an experienced leader. Well all they're showing to me is- they have people who are scared of change, to rely on to steer them and their incumbent machines to victory. And they play that card every time they get a chance. We have Barack Obama he had no administrative experience and we are still afloat. The one thing I see is people in the forums say you have to get the best and the brightest to run the country. I say Those are the very pool of candidates we are all complaining about. We can't have true change in our system of politics Margot if people are afraid to challenge their fear of losing their well established political identity's. Thanks for answering my post, I appreciate it.