The Doctor of National death is seen stepping off his assisted suicide bus which is equipped with complete facilities for disposing of nations bodies.
I imagine the conservatea party jet dropping health vouchers will do wonders for your health. I'll take the bus. Bee
My grandchildren: "Wow grandpa I like learning about all of these great men who led our country like: George washington Abraham lincoln Teddy Roosevelt John Kennedy Ronald reagan Barack did Al-quaida invade our country??"
You've already explained the Obama Kevorkian plan, but maybe you can explain to me the GOP plan.....honey. Bee
Sure darlin', First you take a small slice of what everybody is paying for medicare. Create a personal health savings account for every american to be managed by the individual, which they may assign to a management company of their choice. Secondly the individual may choose to put an extra portion of their pay into their account each week to build up their savings. Succesive generations will have more of their medicare payments put into the private accounts instead of the Gubmint system. At a certain point the people will no longer need medicare and can be weaned off the Gubmint Teat. Have you ever heard of the Chilean or City of Galveston retirenment systems? You should really read up on those.
How odd that the people who support ending medical care for Americans suggests Obama, who tries to ensure ALL Americans get medical care, is "Dr. Kevorkian".
It's the black bus. It looks like a giant hearse. Obama is on the "National Mortuary Tour" for Americas economy. Or maybe he's trying to bury his presidency. Like John Kerry's sperm suit or Michael Dukakis tank ride. All we need is a photo of him stepping out of that thing in a black suit to complete the picture.
who supports ending medical care? we just support ending the government deciding who gets what, we think we are grown enough to make our own decisions.
I have a few questions. 1. Why do you believe that the ordinary individual has a higher understanding of investment strategies than the government as a whole....and how do you protect that person from a less than honest management company. 2. How does your voucher program prevent the more affluent from getting better care than the less fortunate that are either disabled, out of a job, or unable to make the neccessary contributions to obtain good medical care. 3. And, most importantly, how does your program help my friend who has Crohn's disease which requires monthly infusions of Remicade at $3800 a pop just so he can stay alive to work and support his wife and child. Bee
Seriously? Have you seen the reports about our deficit and debt at a national level? Knowing this you have the gall to ask this question? Don't read too well do you? That precious government of yours would screen the companies. Then also you would have an equivalent of the FDIC to insure those accounts. I don't have a voucher system. Why don't you try reading what I wrote instead of making (*)(*)(*)(*) up. There would be a system of catastrophic insurance as a back stop. We just won't be paying for you to visit the (*)(*)(*)(*)ed emergency room for the flu. It's not an emergency and you don't need to be seen that quickly. Go to your family doctor or the med clinic.
Yes, I have the gall. Your answer to my question then is that the government will still be involved helping those who don't know how to manage their personal health account. And, your plan would have an insurance program similar to the FDIC to protect those funds. Is that right? Ok, I'll drop the word "voucher" if you can answer my question. How does your program prevent the more affluent from getting better care than the less fortunate that are either disabled, out of a job, or unable to make the neccessary contributions to obtain good medical care. Could you please hold back the swearing? As far as the "catastrophic insurance back stop". who pays in to that, how much do they pay, what protects it from going into the red, and how is it determined who falls into that category. In summary, plans like yours all sound good when they don't explain the unknowns....much like the republican health plans. Bee
Did you even bother to look up the Galveston retirement plan? The Chilean Plan? I'll bet dimes to doughnuts you didn't bother. Until you can tell me something about them, don't bother me with your obtuse garbage. As for not being able to tell me what's in a plan. I'm not trying to tell you to pass it before you knooow what's in it. I'll swear when it (*)(*)(*)(*)ed well suits me.