This roughly reflects my views on the subject, so I will be no help to the Op. I might refer him to 'Fahrenheit 9/11' : It raises good well sourced questions but doesn't scream INSIDE JOB. So of course Moore is an agent and "truthers" have dismissed the film as a "limited hangout" whatever that means.
Can someone provide a short list of the holes in the official story and good sources to follow up on- you guys should all have sites as sources at least... can someone here make a valid claim? And oh yeah- people- stop attacking the conspirast believers. Free speech, remember? They have the right to say whatever they want so stop censoring them.
I don't think anyone here is censoring the truthers. I ask them to back up their claims. I don't ask them to shut up except when they are purposefully avoiding the discussion to be annoying and that doesn't happen much. Good luck getting a truther to actually stand up for what they believe. They've learned that to stand up for what they believe means they have to actually answer the questions raised by their theory that HAVE to be answered in order to back up their claims. Scott is the only one I've seen lately, but once it was obvious he couldn't respond to the questions, he stopped coming here.
soon as you watch that video and admit explosives were used and you fell for it hook,line and sinker otherwise you will ignore those like you have this video.
Moore is definetly and agent.When Jones asked him why he did not talk about the stand down orders that day he replied to him-That would be unpatriotic.Moore is one of those more clever agents unlike the ones that have penetrated this site to try and derail 9/11 discussions.Unlike them he pretends to be on our side but is really working with them.He exposes bits of it but withholds many critical facts as well.also you ingored the other points I brought up that screams inside job so its quite clear none of anything you said at the very beginning was truthful.
Explosives were not used. Why? Because of logistics- it would take a week-three weeks to properly rig it to blow and that is too much going on that can't be 100% covered up. In other words, if I wanted to rig WTC 7 to fall it'd take weeks and tons of high explosives to do. Unlikely.
Not only that, but people would have remembered you doing the rigging post 9/11. Has ANYONE come forward claiming there were unusual people in and around WTC 7 wiring up a bunch of stuff nobody knew about? Nope.
Here is an excellent paper on why there were no explosives. It is written in layman's terms and by one of the top experts in the field and by someone with firsthand knowledge of ground zero. This paper is ignored by the truther crowds because they cannot address the points made nor can they dismiss the author as a government agent.
again your living in did not watch that video that cant be debunked.thats why the trade centers had many emergency power downs in the months to come before 9/11 which was unpresedented in their history.while they had the power downs they had evacuations going on,plus they had may signs of construction work going on with signs that said KEEP OUT. the workers reported unusual sounds of work activity going on in the building.some said they could not go to certain floors.the people planting the explosives had service elevaters they used that the employees did not have access to to use.also they found thermite a high grade explosive that is made only in the military. plus steel jet fuel fires only burn at melt steel temps have to reach 2800.there were molten pools of metal found,no stel beams were left at all. buildings dont collapse and disintegrate into powder and they dont shoot out steel beams found in other buildings 600 feet away and body parts were found on roofs several blocks away. you still say no explosives? your in denial.your coincidence theorys are falling apart in smoke. well since your not going to watch that video,that proves your in denial.over a thousand architects and engineers dont accept the official collapse of the ignore these people is being just plain idiotic not to mention to accept the COINCIDENCE THEORY that the only buildings that fell that day were owned by JEW larry silverstein. you kill me to no end with your coincidence open minded my foot.great fairy tale there. also not that it will do any good,we both know you will ignore it like you have the video,that the barry jennings testimony of bld 7 is the smoking gun that explosives were used for bld 7.Nobody has ever been able to debunk it just like nobopdy has been able to debunk that video I posted.oh and this is the THIRD time I have mentioned it that you are aovinding addressing many of my pther points brought up that proves it was an inside job because you know you cant counter this is your last chance,if you dont bother to address any of them and admit you have been proven wrong,then you are proving in spades to everybody here that you are in denial and NOT open minded at all.
Not only was it unprecidented, it NEVER HAPPENED! There use to be ONE GUY who claimed there was one weekend power outage. He was shown to be a liar. So what evidence do you have to back up this bull(*)(*)(*)(*) claim? Wow! So now they evacuated two of the largest towers in the world on numerous occasions? Last time I remember them being evacuated it was 1993 and that was because a bomb went off. Got ANY evidence to back this claim up? Any at all? What workers? Surely you have some actual quotes and names, right? We're not just suppose to believe you, right? Evidence? Thermite is not a high grade explosive nor is it make only in the military. Thermite is a common material used in numerous industries. Of course, they don't use it for demolitions because, as I've already stated, it isn't a high explosive. The by product of the reaction is superheated molten iron. It is used by many industries as a means of welding. Yet not one expert has ever said the steel had to melt for the collapse to take place. At 1100F steel loses half its strength and rapidly loses more as temperatures rise. At 1800F, the temperatures are high enough that steel structures will fail. Yet no molten pools of metal were found. The closest is a picture of a stratified blob that looks like parts of it could have been melted. Really? Wow. So what was shipped to China? What are those beams in all the pictures of ground zero? Do you even think about what you are saying? So says the expert in collapses. Really? OK, how about you address the paper I just linked by a TRUE expert in controlled demolitions? Who gives a (*)(*)(*)(*) about a small, disgruntled, delusional band of losers? There are over 700,000 civil and mechanical engineers in the US alone. The majority of people at AE911 are NOT civil or mechanical engineers. So once again truthers are relegated to believing the slimmest minority of a profession instead of the vast majority.
I smell a con job. It's not hard to round up a group of scientists to support something with no credible research; ask the climate change denial people. Speaking of cons, wasn't the leader of AE911 working with Mike Gravel, who later diverted some donations into a charity he founded?
the fact that you listen to anything HE says shows how incredibly gullible you fails to mention that as usual,he is lying,the number of 700,000 is far more than it even is and he conviently fails to mention that all the ones that have gone along with the officia version have government contracts and if they go against the governments version of events they lose their jobs like many have that have courgeously spoke out and said the government is some free country this is,cant even question your government without getting fired from your job.yeah this is a free country alright.
Your comment is unclear. Who do you think I'm 'listening' to? P911? Gage? Gravel? The guy who posted the event on Indymedia with Gage and Gravel?
oh my bad,I at first thought you were listening to patriot 911 and ignoring Gage but after further reading your post,I see you were not.sorry bout that.thats hysterical that he goes and calls these credible people LOSERS.He sure provides comedy relief
I think you need to slow down and read carefully: my post here The only group in question is AE911 group...who sounds "like a group of scientists to support something with no credible research" Sorry to disappoint you. I further wrote: "Speaking of cons, wasn't the leader of AE911(Gage) working with Mike Gravel," Mike Gravel is a con artist. The AE group looks like a con. Gage is either a con artist too, or has been duped by one. Again sorry to disappoint you, but you've been duped too if the take the AE 911 group at face value. Hope that clears things up.
after your reading your profile and knowing your friends with official conspiracy theory apologist hannible who blatantly ignores facts that prove him wrong all the time,theres no reason for me to believe a word of what YOU say since your friends with him and HE never tells the truth about anything.seeing how your friends with him,I now know what YOUR stance on this is.that clears that up for me.thanks for referring me to your I now what your TRUE true intentions are here.
Give everyone a break. You saw my profile before; you've been registered here over a year and you know how to look up someone's posts via their profile. Saying I gave you the idea isn't just lame, but implies you don't know how to do basic searches. So you might want to rethink that tactic. OTOH maybe you don't know how to do basic searches or research. AE911's leader Gage worked with Gravel on several occasions and it's all online. So is the fact Gravel is a con man:
Wow. What a crock of (*)(*)(*)(*) you've written there. So there aren't 700,000 engineers? You're right. As of 2008 there were 1.6 million, but I was going with the relevant ones. Source Or are you going to try and pretend that the government is lying about the number of engineers just to make you look like a fool? And I love how you claim if you question the government you lose your job. What kind of bull(*)(*)(*)(*) is that? You keep making claims, yet I have yet to see you back any of them up.
Good luck. I've yet to see a crapologist with actual evidence of anything. They like to pretend opinion = evidence and that lies are OK as long as they are for the government. Occasionally you'll get someone with real questions, but usually they resolve themselves into impossibilities.
Don't waste my time with babble- I want facts or interesting questions asked. I want theories and ideas. I am fact-minded on this, but part of being open minded is listening to the other side's fantasies, so I will entertain you all. Keep in mind I did my own 9/11 research in the last four months, and a silly looking drone came from the west and exploded the south tower, so I am well versed on the topic. So, tell me your fake delusions of planes for either tower and I will show facts derived from video and eyewitnesses.
You continuously cite the volume of signatures on the Architects & Engineers for Truth petition as evidence that there was a controlled demolition of the WTC towers. More specifically, you state that to "ignore these people is being just plain idiotic". I totally disagree with you. The AE911 petition allows anyone to sign the document without requiring any authentication of the credentials, qualifications, experience or even existence of those who purportedly support the groups conclusion. As such, perhaps you can explain why you think it is idiotic to ignore them. Conversely, the American Society of Civil Engineers publishes 33 different journals that are peer reviewed by fully qualified, vetted and liscensed engineers. Every year, the ASCE publishes 7000 CE papers yet since 9/11 ASCE has not published one paper that supports ANY of the truther movements claims that controlled demolitions were involved in the collapse of any building on 9/11. While some people may think I'm living in denial, I think I am being objective and rational by using the peer reviewed publications of the largest CE Association in the world to form my opinions. Believe who you want. I believe the ASCE which in Brief was Founded in 1852, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) represents more than 140,000 members of the civil engineering profession worldwide and is America's oldest national engineering society. ASCE's Mission Provide essential value to our members and partners, advance civil engineering, and serve the public good. In carrying out that mission, ASCE: Advances technology Encourages lifelong learning Promotes professionalism and the profession Develops civil engineer leaders Advocates infrastructure and environmental stewardship Far mor credible that a website or a youtube video in my opinion...
Oh look! It is a truther pretending that if he repeats things other people say that somehow people will be entertained! This from the guy who believes some mysterious orb nobody else on 9/11 saw was what really hit the towers. 7forever's posts are good for a laugh, but that's it. Intellectually they are bankrupt.