Is this a serious comment? Because it couldn't be further from the truth with regards to building design.
So when is ANYONE going to give us hard evidence that their truther theories are correct? Truthers are CONSTANTLY claiming they have evidence and it somehow supercedes all other evidence, yet for some reason truthers can neither tell us exactly what they believe nor give us any evidence to back up the general truther theories out there. Despite this complete lack of evidence and despite the truthers' complete lack of confidence in their theories to the point they won't even profess which ones they believe, every truther is completely convinced that they are right and everyone else is wrong. Can anyone say delusional?
oh please,everything you have said since have come on here has been B.S starting from this first post of yours. Don't waste my time with babble- I want facts- or interesting questions asked. I want theories and ideas. I am one-minded on this, but part of being open minded is listening to the other side's argument, so I will entertain you all. Keep in mind I did my own 9/11 conspiracy research years ago and found no conspiracy, so I am well-versed in the topic. Even hard entire volumes of 9/11 sites that aren't up anymore- mostly text with images somewhere so I took a hard interest at one point. So tell me your version of 9/11. __________________ we give you facts that prove it was an inside job and you keep on ignoring them and not addressing them continually saying saying crap like "it wasnt an inside job." messnger my contradict yourself in all your posts.guys dont waste time with this guy,he is just here to do that with you,waste your time.
Hate to break your heart but the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING debunks that crap of yours you cant hold a candle next to it.
yeah these conspiracy theorists that defend the official version,those paid trolls that have penetrated this site,No they havent given up on trying to derail 9/11 truth discussions so yeah you are right,they havent given up defending the governments conspiracy theory despite getting their rear ends handed to them on a platter here everyday.
Of course not. All the methane generated by the bull(*)(*)(*)(*) of "debunking the 9/11 debunking" creates a major fire hazard. Funny how you STILL can't produce a single shred of evidence truthers are right and everyone else is wrong. Just like you can't actually state which theory you believe is true other than the government / Jews / <insert boogie man here> was behind it.
excellent point,if he bothered to look,he would see THE COINCIDENCE THEORISTS spend far more time here in this section than we do and they have to resort to lies and changing the subject all the time when they are losing the argument and wont even bother addressing facts you bring up.just evade it by changing the subject all the time.
translation-I am here to troll.thats why i cover my eyes and close my ears when facts are presented to me that prove it was an inside job.I am only interested in untruths from the government and talking about how these untruths from the government are the truth.
This coming from someone who is only capable of spam posting is just HYSTERICAL!!! Thanks for the laughs 9/11!
Well, if anyone would know a troll, it would be you. Unfortunately for you, the only real troll here is you. You come on here, make nonsense posts you can't back up and then run away like all your other truther buddies. You think people don't see and understand just how pathetic truthers are? Pretty funny!
The kinetic phase of the building lasted significantly longer then the amount of time it would have taken for an object to free fall from the top of the building. Some portions from the top of the building did hit the ground at near free fall speeds because they were ejected outward and did not come into contact with any of the mass of the building below. The portions that did accelerate straight downward, however, did so at a rate much slower then the acceleration of gravity. The best question to ask a truther is: How slow should it have been? They can never answer that one. One of the many problems with truther misunderstanding is the difference between crushing and buckling. The WTC buildings buckled level by level. The WTC towers did not crush down level by level like flat disks sliding down a dowel. The position of a column is very important. When structural members buckle, they move from their stable, vertical positions to positions of extreme instability. When a column is buckled and no longer in its intended position it provides nearly zero support. Therefore, the only factor slowing the collapse was the amount of energy required to buckle each level. This is far less energy then would be required to crush a column straight down. Now every time a truther says the buildings fell at "nearly" free fall speed, or "almost" freefall speed, what they are actually doing is acknowledging that energy was used up during the buckling of the building. What they don't realize, or care to calculate, is exactly how big that difference in energy really is. If the building fell in 12 seconds, that's about 3.5 seconds longer then free fall time. Truthers seem to think that's not enough time, but it really represents a difference in acceleration of only 5.8 meters per second instead of Earth's normal 9.8 meters second. The amount of energy it takes to accelerate 100 tons of building 3.0 meters per second for 9 seconds is huge. There's no question that the building lost enough energy to buckle the structural members.
The real question is why truthers can't answer how a ton of acorns fell somewhere else. Truthers (distract, blah, distract). Now. it water boils at the boiling point, how many cups of coffee could be provided. THAT is what truthers can't answer, and they never will. See where I'm going? NO? Imagine that. Lotsa mud...lotsa different directions. If that doesn't work, throw endless irrelevant details of something focus in another direction. That doesn't work, call in reinforcements. That doesn't work, ban them.
Wow! Thanks for proving the complete irrelevancy of your retarded opinion! That is the best self-defacing piece of writing I've seen in a long time. Funny how truthers can prove their own incompetence so thoroughly in such a little post.
Retarded, self defacing, incompetence. Keep 'em coming bud..never mind the topic. Weird how I get banned for that kind of stuff, but others are free to reign.
RWF. if the towers should not have fallen at the rate they fell, what is the correct rate of collapse?
I said your opinion that Fangbeer was trying to distract when he was making a very salient point directly related to the topic at hand was retarded, not you. I was right as well. I said your writing was self-defacing, not you. I was right as well. I mentioned truthers being able to expose their own incompetence. I did not say you are incompetent. I suggest you read more thoroughly next time.
Fangbeer provided VERY SPECIFIC and RELEVANT information about how and why the building collapsed the way it did and you respond with that? And you have the audacity to accuse HIM of muddying the waters? Refute what he said using physics if you don't like his explanation.
You conspirasts have two more days to show some proof of something before I conclude there is no conspiracy...
One hundred and fifty posts since you first politely asked for someone.... ANYONE.... to produce real evidence. So far no one has even made the attempt. What does that tell you about the state of the TBM?
Did I read this correctly? Did "Suede" actually track you down at another forum and register there just to harass you? As of now Suede has only 2 posts there: What kind of freak signs up at a forum just to creepily say, "Hi Gaze." ? That has got to be against someone's rules. Also disturbing. Now we know where his accusations about people being 'obsessed' with him stem from: psychological projection.