Ben Shapiro has double standards that make him a hypocrite. In the Ben Shapiro Show 819 and 820, he said that democrats needs to vet their own ranks, something he's said many times before. Yet when Ben Shapiro had the chance to call out Candace Owens for her lies and dishonesty, he refused to. Ben Shapiro says he attacks principles and not people, what a joke! Look at his treatment of Donald Trump and Steve Bannon! Anyways, Shapiro is a hypocrite. #BenShapiro
To be fair, the issues with Candice Owens aren't really the same type of issues of the Democrats he was earlier referring to. I can maybe see a bit of a link, but it seems tenuous. The type and level of issues is just pretty different. Put in that light, he is only mildly hypocritical.
Everyone has a bit of hypocrisy in them. For instance I am pro-choice politically, but personally I am anti-abortion. That is a hypocritical stance. Yet I have it. I'm sure you have some yourself, whether or not you acknowledge it though may be entirely different. Just a bit ago me and another poster was pointing out hypocritical stances that are held by various groups. I find it ironic that I found another thread in a section of the forums that this is the first time entering that is talking about hypocrisy. Must be one of those days.