Fine. If you believe that people leaving California is of no significance, I can't help you. Let me explain to about poverty. My father passed away a few days before I was born. This was in the days before social security. My mother was left with five children and not much else. She worked at whatever she could to keep her family together. We all worked as much as we could. In one of our houses, there was no electricity or running water. Growing up, we had neither a telephone or a car. Through all that I never felt deprived or poor. I knew we did not have as much as other families, but it did not bother me. I worked my way through college and became an Air Force officer and an engineer for a couple of aerospace companies. Every member of my family was successful in one way or another. I was from one of those dirt poor states you look down upon and after I retired I moved to another one of those dirt poor states you look down on. That state where I was born plus hard work made me what I am today. While on business and while in the Air Force, I spent a lot of time in California and New York. I would not want to live in either of them.
Are you seriously trying to merge births with populations moving to a different state? I highly doubt people are hoping flights to Syria and the Sudan in droves. But you already know that. Carry on
That's some seriously backwards logic. In one case, a service is provided to the consumer for free, in the other the business is given a break on the taxes they have to pay. In what world do those two things align?
I don’t look down on the poor. The entire liberal ideology is to take care the poor, take care the sick, take care the orphan, take care those who are having hard time to lift them up. Not everyone in society can lift up from poverty like you and your family. Some of them need help, some of them need just a little help from government to go ahead. That is why as liberal/ Democrat we support many welfare programs to help the poor. And most of those programs are used in RED state then blue state. yet, it is conservatives , who are the benefactor of those welfare system, call liberals “ socialist/ Marxist/distributing wealth/ live on government tits” .again and again conservatives vote against these welfare programs, and those people who need the welfare programs most, they keep electing those conservatives. No , I don’t look down on the poor. But I criticize the hypocrisy.
Then why did you say you were paying for our electricity? Are you criticizing yourself? That certainly was not meant as a complement?
Well that states do show we from blue state are paying the electricity and for some state almost 45% of state budget. Is that not a fact? No it was not a complement , it was to tell “shut the f$$ up and stop calling liberals socialist/ live on government tits, it is the red state resident who depend on welfare system”.
Show me the study. Most of those look at the amount of taxes which the state pays rather than money being returned to the state from the federal government. Yes, most of the poor states receive more in assistance for the poor from the federal government than the richer states, but they still pay more in taxes than they receive from the federal government. Like I said, democrats want richer people to pay more in taxes and now you are complaining because that happens. But most can. We just worked harder than most. We were willing to take any dirty job we could. I never met my father, but my siblings said that he always said that he would never accept a dime in welfare. We were taught to work.
Well .. if most can work hard and lift themselves up from poverty then RED state shouldn’t be full of poor people. They should all have wealthy people like blue state. apparently majority red state people are lazy.
You really blew it with that comment. Poverty is just a legal definition. Like I said earlier, we never thought of ourselves as being poor. The employment rates are just as high in those red states as in blue states. We do not consider the "all mighty dollar" to be the judge of character.
Then RED state don’t need food stamps funded by Blue state. after all they don’t need “all mighty dollar” to buy food , they can just stand by the grocery store and say “ judge my character”. 5 out of top 10 states with SNAP participant are from RED state. seems like they do need almighty $$$ after all.
The red states pay may times more in federal taxes than they receive from the federal government. So all the money for food stamps is not coming from blue states. Therefore, 5 out of the top ten states with SNAP participant are from BLUE states which is also paid by RED states since we pay more in taxes than we receive from the federal government. It still comes down to one very basic fact. Blue states tend to have higher costs of living and therefore tend to get paid more. That is the result of the blue states own doing. They keep raising the minimum wages in their states which drive up all wages. Maybe some day they will learn, but I doubt it. You are not very good at this.
It comes down to this Poorest state by poverty rate in the country – 8 out of top 10 states are RED state, Lowest GDP per Capita. Again 8 out of 10 are RED state Crime rate by Per capita – again 8 out of 10 states are RED state Homocide rate by per capita. Again 7 out of 10 states are RED state.
Poverty rates are just a legal definition based on income. The red states tend to be more rural and rely less on money to get by. They have gardens and farms. They might not live in big fancy houses, but they are content with their lives. I hate to bring race into this, but it is a fact. Blacks are about six times as likely to be murdered by another black than whites are murdered by whites. The homicides tend to be in the black population and in the metropolitan areas with a high concentration of blacks controlled by democrats.
You are the one who wants to stop sending those federal welfare dollars to the poor blacks not me. If you like those programs then stop whining about paying for them.
Buying food with food stamps is the very definition of poor. You can call it as legal definition or not.
According to one of your links, five of the top ten states for receiving food stamps is a blue state, or at least five of the ten were red states and that pretty much leaves five blue states as the other five.
More Doubts About Bribed Joe's Claim that his uncle was eaten by cannibals. ‘Daily Show’: ‘Would A Cannibal Even Eat People Out Of A Wreck?’ “Look, at some point, we all get to an age when we confuse our own life story with the plot of ‘Indiana Jones,'” Klepper argued. “Even if this story was true, Americans are in no position to criticize how anyone else eats, okay? These cannibals eat people … yeah, well, you know what? We eat Subway sandwiches to lose weight,” Chieng riffed. “Would a cannibal even eat people out of a wreckage?” Klepper wondered. “I mean, that’s like their version of eating roadkill … Biden apologized to the Papua New Guinea prime minister by inviting him to a dinner with Pete Buttigieg, who will be served over rice with balsamic reductions.” Mayor Pete generally isn't that useful.
The President is keeping a campaign promise that stimulates the economy. It's understandable that older generations feel frustrated by the debt relief Biden is providing. It's also true that student loan debt has doubled over the past two decades because of the increase in students pursuing degrees after high school. When older generations complain about younger people being "entitled," they should remember that debt relief helps the economy overall because it helps people save money for milestone purchases, like buying a car or house. []
Actually , we don’t have to take anyone, because we are coming to turn RED state to blue state. 20 years ago CO, NV, NM,VA, were all RED state. Today the are reliable blue state . AZ, GA, NC, used to be reliable RED state. today they are purple state. it is just matter of time these states became blue state like MI or MN. TX will take another 20 years but that is coming too near them, the liberals will sit in governor office.