Black Man Celebrated As Hero For Trying to Date White Woman?

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Brewskier, Aug 20, 2016.

  1. DoctorWho

    DoctorWho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Well maybe when you consider all the rotten stuff people do, and how the media hardly reports any of the good stuff anybody does, maybe it is nice to hear of something decent someone did for a change.
  2. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    All black men that date white women are heros!!!
  3. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!

    This man is a great hero!!!

    Where can I meet him so I can get his autograph?
  4. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    I know just what he is gonna do

    Knock that boot to the moon bro

    Tell her to back that white a$$ up

  5. WJV

    WJV Banned

    Jul 30, 2016
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    That chick is ugly as hell. Why do you think the man wanted to have sex with her just because he interacted with her and paid for the supplies? Is it really so hard to believe that the guy wanted to contribute to the positive things this ugly female teacher is doing and to help with it? And what does this have to do with race even if he was doing this to try to pick up?
  6. precision

    precision Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    Its just a bunch of the type of racist nonsense that is quite common in this forum. I can't believe that someone would actually start a thread like this.
  7. Object227

    Object227 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    Can a white man be a hero for dating a black woman? Incidentally the OP is making a big deal over nothing.
  8. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    I find your take on this situation disturbing, and the subject matter sad,

    Let's take the subject matter first. I live in a low social economical area. I mean the whole city. Yet, every year just prior to the beginning of the school year businesses in the area buy tons of school supplies, and even provide workers to hand them out. Each volunteer business is assigned a school. The school provides the business with a list, and the business purchases the items. The employees then go to the school on a given day, and hand out the supplies. They are usually packed in a brand new backpack. These free items include free school uniforms. It is how the local businesses give back to the Community. In fact there are usually more businesses volunteering then is needed.

    It is sad that in San Antonio, TX, school teachers have to buy these supplies for the poor out of their own pockets. It is also sad that Walmart was not the one stepping in to pay for these supplies.

    Now, your disturbing response. A African-American stepping in to pay for this teacher's supplies is a good thing. I will not go as far as saying heroic, but it was a notable gesture. I am sure that he took into account that many of those students that the teacher was buying supplies for were also African-American. The fact that this teacher would be willing to pay for these supplies out of her own pocket is also commendable.

    The point of these stories is to note the gesture that Mr. Brown and Ms. Drude have made, and to inspire other to take interest in providing schools to provide for these low income students. We as a nation give them free lunches and breakfasts, but our commitment should not end there. I would challenge the San Antonio Board of Education to establish a program like the one we have here. There is not many thing that this area does right, but this is one of them.
  9. Bow To The Robots

    Bow To The Robots Banned at Members Request

    Jun 17, 2009
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    All I can say is...

  10. willburroughs

    willburroughs Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    It is possible your motivation for this thread is a deep-seated hatred of minorities and women. We have to just accept that your little outrage is simply because of general pessimism about human nature?
  11. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    cute chic.
  12. Bow To The Robots

    Bow To The Robots Banned at Members Request

    Jun 17, 2009
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    That is very nice of those local businesses. By the way, what is a 'low social economical area?'

    What is sad is people making babies when they can't afford them and then expecting the rest of us to pick up the tab.

    Most teachers do that - because the money for schools goes to pay the grossly-inflated salaries of the inept administrations and to pad the coffers of the teachers' unions.

    I would challenge the man who put his penis into the vagina from which the baby emerged to feed it and not expect me or the school to feed his kids.
  13. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    I hope you don't mind that I take your comments out of order. I do so merely in an attempt not to have to repeat myself.

    Would you prefer the term Low Income?

    Sadly true. But as I said, the community should do more. That includes the local business communities.

    So, you would punish the kids for the actions of the parents? Maybe you would bring back debt prisons too?
  14. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    The point of this OP seems to be that the OP is so jaded and views the world through such a warped lens that all he sees is a person's color rather than a good deed done. The guy could have been gay for all you know. And what damage do you have that it would
    not be OK for this man to to date a "white" woman?

    So much wrong with this thread - except for the actions of the people actually in the story.
  15. Pax Aeon

    Pax Aeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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  16. DavidMK

    DavidMK Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2015
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    The only responce worthy of the OP:

    Haters gonna hate. :roll:
  17. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Stories like this annoy me because they are contrived towards reinforcing gov-edu-union-contractor-grantee-MSM Complex themes, and our tax dollars often pay for them. Public union PR reps are constantly combing local media for stories like this to seed with their Complex MSM and LW sewer pipe media pals. It's dishonest and manipulative, yet is presented as some kind of naturally arising "news."

    For example, local businesses in every community in the country, from medical offices to plumbers, pour out tens of millions of contributions daily to school programs and other community enrichment, do the equivalent of what the guy in the story did tens of thousands of times a day, but from a business donation standpoint. Yet you will rarely ever see ANY publicity other than in the local paper, which is typically run by Democrats and typically downplays those contributions. You will certainly not see it going viral or national. They comb through the day's events to emphasize a story like this because it perpetuates Complex promoting themes.

    This takes place at all levels, and in all paths of information. A shocking number of people on this forum, for another example, believe things like "the government built our telephone infrastructure." "Government funding created the internet we have today." "Government is the primary force in development of all kinds of technology." None of these are even remotely true, but people believe it due to lying, manipulative media and corrupt gov-edu. The amount of misinformation and disinformation is staggering, and it is coming home to roost particularly in this election. Lots of rational, intelligent eyes in the center are being opened wide to the dishonesty and propaganda ministry nature of our media.
  18. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Dude - really? A cigar can never just be a cigar?

    As to the rest of your diatribe -

    Much of the Midwest was settled using the Government funding that purchased the land from a foreign government and then turned it over to private hands through a series of Homestead Acts. That isn't propaganda. It's historical fact.

    Thousands of American schools, roads, dams, airports, sea ports and large water projects HAVE been financed through government
    funds and matching grants. That's not propaganda. It's historical fact.

    The electrical power I am using is brought to me in part by government research on Atomic power. That's not propaganda. It's fact.

    The caveman mentality that "government bad," is a simplistic, bumper sticker cop-out for those too lazy to take a look at the
    symbiotic relationship of private business and government funding that exists in the real world.
  19. DoctorWho

    DoctorWho Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    How is she even remotely ugly ?

    That smacks of utterly ridiculous nonsense.

    Yeah, I looked again just to make sure, she is in no way ugly.
  20. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    This poster starts with a straw man as usual. Should just stop there, but OK. My attitude is a result of 40 adult years of being bombarded by these kinds of manipulative, seeded stories, and at least 20 years of being oblivious to it, of believing that the media were fundamentally just repeating "the news of the day," and if it happened to promote certain political themes, that was just a coincidence, the cigar was just a cigar.

    20 years of legal training and practice cleared that misperception of mine right up. Until about 20 years ago I had no idea of the clubby relationship between taxpayer funded public union PR departments all over the country and the Complex media. They don't even bother hiding it behind a veil of objectivity today, it's that blatant, like a giant hammer constantly banging the same exact Complex enriching themes over our heads daily, so it doesn't take a particularly sharp knife to cipher it out.

    The only people fooled by it are 1. Complex denizens who are willingly fooled via confirmation bias because they know their aims are immoral theft from the productive who are already paying nearly half their working lives for a parasitic, incompetent, corrupt den of thieves, and are counter to rational government and the country's best interests, create gigantic social problems so they can keep their graft machine propped up; and 2. their ignorant, resentful, dependent underclass voting blocs. This latter group is why they spend so many rivers of ink trying to convince themselves that it's their -opposition-, the midlevel taxpayers who fund it all who are just ignorant, uneducated and voting against their interests. The truth is unpleasant, so it must be "revised."

    Just plain dumb... raw land was worth the penny an acre that was paid for it back then. There's land all over the world you can go and get for a $1 an acre today. But you'd like us to believe that those ancient purchases and land deals creates government responsibility for what followed after 200 years? Preposterous, and the equivalent of crediting the cavemen who invented the wheel with the Ferrari.

    And another dumb fallacy, who is fooled by this stuff? QED of my prior claims about misinformation and disinformation. When taxpayers complain about "government" violently taking from the productive, they -could- be complaining about local and state government, but they almost NEVER ARE (unless it's property taxes, and they call that interestingly enough PROPERTY TAXES). They are complaining about a central, grafty federal government that has become elite, corrupt and incompetent as it is entrenched. We all know that LOCAL taxes fund the above with FEW exceptions, and that we have far more control over state and local politics than federal. But the Complex minions want to dishonestly lump all government together as one thing to perpetuate an illusion that the federal government does things it simply does not or did not do. Your LOCAL taxes build schools. RICH PEOPLE build airports and other state infrastructure by BUYING BONDS (which is coincidentally one plank in the "rich money doesn't create stimulus like redistributed consumption money" obvious lie narrative). Spare us the common Complex retort of central federal government trying to take credit for what local government does.

    Yeah and reading the words on the page is brought to you "in part" by the Phoenicians who invented the alphabet. The www is brought to you "in part" by Tim Bernors Lee, a government contractor who developed html. Three things 1. That "in part" represents a very small % into both those things compared to private sector contributions in what we have TODAY. 2. Those small contributions would have arisen naturally AT FAR LESSER COST TO TAXPAYERS. 3. That "in part" usually involves brutal wars fueled by central slaving via conscription. That's right, being conscripted into fighting and dying in a war is slavery, and wartime tech comes from de jure slavery of the most brutal immediate nature. 4. I'll gladly concede about 10-20% of our tech base is wartime tech... at what cost though? both in human life and the outrageous costs of war. For every beneficial development of war that results in tech advantage today, there are 10 or more bad, wasteful, immoral consequences of it.

    Not acknowledging the hundreds of datapoints of government as a necessary evil in human history that needs strict limitation as against the governed is the only "caveman bumpersticker" on display here.
  21. Smedley

    Smedley Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2012
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    I think that accurately describes the pathetic point of the OP.
    I think that the OP should have just said this in the first place.
  22. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    The author of the OP has a history of troll posts with very overt racist undertones.

    Who cares what the guy's motivations were?

    PARTIZAN1 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2015
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    So the dispicable main stream liberal media pointed out two people that regardless of their motivations did or are doing something good. So the filthy liberal negus pointed out that there is done good in Americans and America. Maybe even tat Ameruca has great idolize and therefore maybe that America is great and was great. Is that what bothers you OP.? So now some people can see that Trump has been blowing hot air about making America great again and thisevwho belive him just do not realize how great we are. Is that what us bothering you OP?

    So if Ameruca is great already that means that Trump is full of crap and the stinking lying MSM is finally telling the truth and is exposing that fact and coincidently has exposed that Trump is a lying POS.

    Is that what is bothering you OP.?
  24. Bow To The Robots

    Bow To The Robots Banned at Members Request

    Jun 17, 2009
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    No problem.

    That sounds like a better descriptor.

    I thought that's what we paid taxes for. We pay some of the highest taxes in the country here in California and we have some of the worst schools. It's embarrassing how bad they are. Why should the "community have to do more?" Why don't we simply demand a return on our investment?

    How am *I* punishing a child because some unemployed loser couldn't keep it in his pants? Your beef is with the unemployed loser, not with me...

    Your hyperbole aside, nothing I posted could be remotely rationally related to this ridiculous assertion.
  25. rkhames

    rkhames Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    You should be demanding a return on your investment, but you need to realize that will not meet all the demands. Your taxes pay for the building, it pays for the teachers, it pays for the utilities and it pays for some of the teaching materials. That is all. It does not provide notebooks, paper, pencils, pens or materials for projects. These items have to come from other sources. For the majority of the students, that source is their parents, but there are some whose parents can't afford those materials. So, without someone stepping up and providing those materials, they are put at a disadvantage to compete. As a result, they end up lowering the overall standing of the school. As the article in the OP pointed out, some teachers are purchasing those materials out of their own pocket. I say that the community should step up and help them out. Think of it this way. Let's say that you are a salesman. You sell the companies products to your customers, but the company calls and tells you that you have to by materials out of your own pocket to ship these sales. Would you be willing to buy these materials out of your own pocket? It is not going to raise your commission on the sale, It is just a way the company is using to save money. Most people would be out looking for a new job. And rightfully so. But this is what we expect out of our teachers every day. Maybe you would prefer the schools pay for these materials? They could just raise your property tax, or add to you sales taxes. Or maybe they could do what they have done here, and businesses step up and provide these materials.

    Not everyone that can't afford class materials for their kids are unemployed. There is a class of people in this country called the working poor. I know that you would rather that they didn't exist. Until you go into a fast food restaurant that is. These work to feed and house their families, and sometimes do not have extra money to spend for school supplies. But you are not willing to provide some of those supplies, and don't think business should. So, you would penalize these kids because their parents do not make enough money.

    It is not a far stretch from punishing kids because their parents don't make enough money to buy their kids school supplies to debtors prison. Just round up everyone that doesn't make enough money, and put them in prison. Then you won't have to worry about them. Out of sight out of mind right?

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