Breakin NEWSFLASH! Additions to the LGBTIQC ,A and P have asked for membership!

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by philxx, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Yes ,the LGBTIQC now recognises other Non Hetrosexual identities that have requested protection from hetrosexual imperilism ,and no one voted on it as is the LGBT tradition which must therefore make it real in the Anti democratic LGBTIQC community ,EQUAL rights of membership for the ASEXUAL and PANSEXUAL Communities I say ,and thus it was ,and the LGBTIQCAP community did mutiply!

    the 'B" is conditional and seeking separation and Alliance with the hetrosexual community in the HB,hetrosexual\Bisexual Alliance.Afilliated with the HBH sexual identifiers.Homosexual =H Bisexual =B Hetrosexual =H the HBH sexual identifyers united will never be defeated .

    Victory of the HBH against the LGTIQCAP I say.

    Saves a lot of ink and elctricty is more accurate. HBH.

    Discussion of 'Gay and lesbian rights as distinct from homosexual should be moved to the HUMOUR SECTION !

    As "Gay and Lesbian Rights "are not nor ever be concided CIVIL RIGHTS!

    Civil rights denote DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS ,we still don't know what "Gay and lesbian rights" are?
  2. Makedde

    Makedde New Member Past Donor

    Apr 16, 2008
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    What does the A and P stand for, though? Asexual and pansexual, I would assume?
  3. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Thank you Maka ,Yes as always on the Ball ,Asexual and correct .

    it is getting out of hand Maka and if it keeps going then a 'R" definition will be forthcoming and then its LGBTIQ CRAP,which most educated humans already think it is.
  4. Makedde

    Makedde New Member Past Donor

    Apr 16, 2008
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    While both are actual sexual orientations, it's going to get confusing with all those letters. LGBT sounds fine the way it is.
  5. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Letter to MAKA>>>

    Dear MAKA ,

    Darlin' ,we have been a bit remiss in not sending the updates to your LGBT computer ,many new and developing Identities have applied for inclusion in our exclusive community ,the Gods of Sexual Identity politics ,have decided to included them ,so please if you wish to identify correctly use the LGBTIQCAP ,Lesbian ,Gay<Bisexual ,Transexual,Intersexual ,Queer\Questioning ,Community ,Asexual,Pansexual definitions we must march on against scientific definition s and join in marriage aginst the Homosexual ,Bisexual ,hetrosexual Homosapien alliance.

    Down with the HBH Oppressors .

    Forward to a LGBTIQCAP planet!

    Ps. the order of use is still totally your choice ,some Bisexuals are getting pissed about always being 3rd so we suggest for the month of May ,BTIQCGLAP just to show that we play no favourites ,those pushy lesbians always want number 1 position .Well thats over .B this month and we just rotate after that .

    Yes Maka disassociate yourself from the LGBTIQCAP community rubbish before its to late ,you are not that stupid Darlin'.
  6. JeffLV

    JeffLV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 18, 2008
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    Did the A's and P's vote on this request, or are you just trying to invent a drama that you're the only one that see's as a drama?

    The only anomaly there seems to be asexual, and pansexual is just a minor variation from the rest.

    As for "voting" on it, you are correct. There is no voting, not on a large scale anyway. Hence why you see many people simply refer to it as LGBT, some LGTBC or whatever. Nobody agrees, and nobody has to agree. If a label is not accepted, it will fall out of use in favor of more generally accepted labels. The evolution of the accepted label for the category/movement is developed over time and general acceptance.
  7. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    I would just add that the aggressive non-acceptance of one person in an Internet forum amounts to shouting at the wind. It has no effect on what the rest of us are going to do.
  8. Colombine

    Colombine Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 5, 2005
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    I'm thinking an all-out obsession with insignificant detail can be a very worrying sign.
  9. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    yes the labeling of humans into sterotypical catagory's has to be stopped .Thats what i love about just plain ,Homosexual,Bisexual,Hetro-sexual Alliance or HBHA.It is based on a Human Inclusion of UNICULTURE,v\s the Exclusionary,LGBTIQAPCXYZ,Multi-Cultural Identity Politic's,Liberalism in its most decayed form .

    See, my alligence is to a unified humanity thats what defines communism\socialism ,see SOCIAL INCLUSIVE ,except for the Capitialist Paracites of course.
  10. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Yes the Trotskyist's shouted out into the Siberian winds ,across the Tundra of History .Its what they did as they were killed in the Gulag's of Stalin.Don Quixote ,is one thing ,and yes i have been told that the problem i have is windmill tilting behaviours,but that being as it may ,i don't like what this particular whatever it is ,treats real living breathing Humans that are of my aquaint.

    Ive seen what they do in the Evidence based Universe ,so I must be obliged in the Other Non-existant Virtual one.

    Hasn't capitialism turned NASTY ,lately and it still needs Ideas no matter how crackpot ,to keep the Ideological boilers bubbling .left unchallenged these political tendencies go from a, scratch to gangrene, very rapidly in the Political Hothouse called Nationalism in decay!

    Hey all i hope is that the coming reaction differentiates the LBGTIQAPC ,from the Homosexual ,in which i have many friends.Well its what us Marxists do really ,see a social revolution of the Proletariet type requires Ideas .

    and it has to be combative in its Class struggle of Ideas ,kcicking the crap out of Nationalism in whatever Wacky form.Essentially the LGBTIQAPCXYZ,is defined as Queer Nationalism ,yes that is the form of Nationalism that must be supressed .
  11. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    I am neither a Marxist nor a Nationalist. The fact that you can find subsets of GSMs who subscribe to the latter doesn't mean that everyone who uses the word "gay" or the LGBTetc. acronym share nationalistic ideas. You can't judge the rest of the world by anecdotal experience in NSW.
  12. Osiris Faction

    Osiris Faction Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    Watch out Batman my drama senses are tingling!!

    Seems like a wanton search for drama. So much so that you're willing to attempt to create some on your own.
  13. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Oh please if you want to keep up with the Political phenomena of the Queer nationalist movement then do something called research ,Queer nationalism do some searches and then tell me that isn't the goal.Its the stupidist ,most idiotic form ,the not a snow balls chance in Hell form ,but hey i don't determine what Nationalism does and how it cloaks itself.

    In sydney australia ,and i can only really Speak for sydney Australia as my Personal experience offline,the LGBTIQAPC crowd have now suddenly said ,"Oh no the whole basis for our bullcrap,the ALP ,is imploding',and the most nationalist of all political Parties in Australia is the ALP.

    The only Party's that gives the LGBTIQAPC twaddle any basis in Australian politics is the ALP and the Greens,says everything really.

    Oh well the Queer Nationalist Party may well be the end form of ALP politics .
  14. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    You can't judge the rest of the world by anecdotal experience in NSW.
  15. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Anecdotal,isn't quite the word for living experience of persecution right in front of one ,ADMIT ,That Most of those that identify as Gay are bisexual and hetrosexual HATERS

    Known all over the world ,ever meet a Man hating dyke lesbian ,if you haven't then you don't associate with 'the community called the "Scene "do you??????

    but every openly homosexual and bisexual has experienced the putrid Man hating lesbian dyke crowd ,HAVEN'T WE!

    Hey,i pull the women Hating homosexual crowd heads in sometimes with a clip behind the ear ,or a good ear bashing ,and they back down ,so who is pulling the men Hating Lesbian Dykes heads in as i cannot attack women.

    bisexuals are the only fully loving both men and women crowd BTW!
  16. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Maybe not ,but none of us are NSW Individually ,and if one was to define the largest single population of any city in the world defined as 'homosexual"then sorry Its Sydney NSW Australia no1 ,San Francisco no2

    That does lend WEIGHT ,behind my anecdotal experience ,hey i hear in a lot of cities the homosexual community is forced underground not in Sydney NSW ,but else where.gee ,guess what i have real open and proud but not pushy homosexual friends MANY actually dozens even .

    And as far ,as me being some homophobic idiot well guess what I am openly Bisexual so Knowing homosexuals well is very ,lets say handy.And i don't mean fisting BTW!
  17. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Um, yes it is. While it may be true, we must consider it unreliable because it is your unverifiable, personal account. And you're missing the point - you cannot assume that what is true in one or a few instances is true of the whole. For example: If you see a dog that is small, shaggy, white, and yappy do you assume these are traits of all dogs?

    I'll do nothing of the sort because I consider that to be a false statement.

    No, I do not associate with "the Scene". Which doesn't mean I've never encountered a man-hating lesbian. I have, however, known plenty of women who identify as lesbian and are not man-hating. In fact, I lived with a lesbian couple for a while.

    So what you think you know isn't so. It's called a stereotype, and it relies on the flawed logic behind believing that what is true of one member of a group applies to most or all. It doesn't, it's a stupid assumption to make, and when willfully clung to despite being confronted with contradicting evidence can be truthfully characterized as bigotry.

    Right along with promiscuous bisexuals, and married bisexuals trolling public restrooms and parks for anonymous same-sex encounters. Should I judge all bisexuals by the subset of people who are the exceptions and not the rule?

    Here's a thought: Hating on "putrid man-hating lesbian dykes" doesn't make you any better than them. You're being just as hateful.

    In English, please? If you're perpetrating violence on anyone, then you're a despicable person.

    You're obviously biased.
  18. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Never been to San Francisco and have no desire to visit. The size of the homosexual population in NSW doesn't lend credence to your anecdotal experience. What your doing is little different from the guy who, when confronted about is prejudices, whips out the completely unbelievable "some of my best friends are gay!" line. So you know some nice "homosexuals" and some despicable 'gay' men and 'lesbians'. Big whoopdy-doo. You're not an authority on language or orientation, so your obviously distorted opinion has about as much value as the tissue with which I wipe my hairy ass.
  19. JeffLV

    JeffLV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 18, 2008
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    Considering how often you consult with such tissue, you apparently place a pretty high opinion on its value and usefulness to you.
  20. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Your obviously biased as if what i am sayiong is true which it is that the LGBTIQCAP community is a nonexistant community of real humans then ,what are we to do about it?

    and Man hating DYKE Lesbian Homosexual women are the ones that come up with this LGBTIQAPC trash .BTW!

    So what do you think ,yes what is your position ,which we note you NEVER give on the Trash that is the LGBTIQCAP?

    And when you do come across a Man hating dyke ,let me guess you don't say anything you just run ,as they are the male in the room!

    My biais starts and ends with the defence of the Homosexual community against discrimination and persecution ,so the LGBTIQAPC community whoever they are can take a flying leap at a dildo as far as i am concerned!

    As the LGBT ,represents no-opne and do nothing in relationship to improving humanity!

    iN FACT,they are the most vicious ,anti-democracy ,anti-Science inhumans that i have met for many a long year!

    dispicable types that have attempted to use a disease ,Hiv\Aids to further their own stinking careers,whilst Hiv\Aids sufferers die in front of them or get kicked to the curb!Because they don't meet the sexual orientation requirement or disagree with the LGBT.

    Unlike you I will say what I think about the LGBTIQ,Crap,Anyone that actually gives any credence to this dross ,twaddle and gobbly goog is either mentally ill ,totally uneducated in science or Part of the LGBT gravy train Themselves ,anyway the LGBt Dosen't in any way voice the concerns or naspirations of normal homosexuals .how do i know this well study their documents ,u8nderstand the stupidity and untruths they promote ,like lesbian women having a higher incidence of brest cancer ,which is a lie and an insult on all women .

    Or that the Lgbtiq requires special health care ,special recognition ,and just plain acceptance by everyone else ,about the Special place they hold in society ,Crap!

    Being Homosexual is no different to anyone else and nothing special.
  21. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    history will show that those trying to deny them their civil rights were on the wrong side of history, just as those against inter-racial marriage were at one time

    "Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And, but for the interference with his arrangement, there would be no cause for such marriage. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix."
    -Judge Leon M. Bazile (January 6, 1959)
  22. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Have you ever met anyone that is openly Homosexual in Michigan ?

    It would help you understand that which you do not know if you came upon a population of homosexuals over 2 or 3 indivuals ,i live in SYDNEY ,one of the Largest and most accepted homsexual community's IN THE WORLD lives in Sydney Australia ,didn't you know that,deary.

    Oh so you think the LGBTI should be accepted as good coin because you think they are WHAT?

    go on dare you to hold a position and defend it ???

    Go on I know you can't!

    the value of your opinion on this subject just took a nose dive ,because all you rely upon is your own individual anecdotal experiences ,whereas i have lived and mingled with one of the Largest openly Proud homosexual Communities in the world for the last 40years.

    Got any openly Homosexual; communities of any number in Michigan ,didn't notice any in Detriot when I was last there????

    And have you decided on your Sexual lifestyle identity yet ,are you Gay ,or what?

    Gay is a life style choice ,wheras humans are born homosexual ,bisexual or hetrosexual which is not choice like Gay and lesbian ,but Naturally determined.clear now or do you want to be shown up more ,hey i am easy.
  23. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    All forms of Marriage are sick and Religious in charcater ,are you a faith thunker?

    And as far as "Race'being anyway a scientific definition ,well its about on par with Gay and lesbian as far as science is concerned ,TWADDLE!

    Invalid ,non evidence based identity politics ,gay ,lesbian ,white ,yellow ,red ,black ,all artifical arbitary political definitions of backward un-scientific minds.
  24. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    actually the bible says it's better not to get married, but if one cannot control themselves and are gonna burn with passion if they don't then it's the lessor of two evils Corinthians 7:8-9&version=NIV

    8 Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am.
    9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
  25. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Thanks for that could come in handy against the god nutty gay and lesbian crowd.Cheers.

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