Bridenstine, Climate Scientists Are Not Noble, Stop Paying Them Hmmm, some honesty from an actual climate scientist!
Boy, this guy could use a mirror in that glass house of his. His entire rant is about politics and is based on HIS political views - and then he blames other scientists for getting involved in politics. There is absolutely no attempt to make a scientific stand against climate change, just a political one. Going to have to chalk this one up to another viral right-wing chain-email bunch of BS.
So basically you are saying you can't believe a real climate scientist that has experience with the system. BTW: the whole current hysteria is based on bad models and politics.
Reads a bit like a climate scientist with a personal grudge against management - not really one with scientific evidence. It would be interesting to know why this person left the Space Center. When someone stresses "anointed" to the person appointed above him ... I think someone got passed over for a job they thought they deserved and now has a sour attitude.
Again - the language used by your scientist ... I'm going to say this reads like a rant against an organization that passed him over and gave what he felt was his job to someone else. If he had presented scientific evidence A,B and C rather than a political and personal rant against management, I would give it more consideration.
During this thoroughly religious like fealty to the 'consensus' one doesn't last long by presenting inconvenient facts, especially in university and government. Now if you have proof of your 'opinion' please provide it.
Oh ... so now "facts" equals anything someone puts up on the internet? What a joke. No wonder Trump can pull anything from his ass and his FanBoys lap it up.
That you don't know what is happening with climate science in acedemia and politics is not my problem.
the author seems to suggest that climate scientists will work for food if governments stop paying them. Now that is what I call a really serious analyst spouting really serious batpoop.
Yet the huge gravy train will be defended no matter the bad science that comes out of it and policy will still be driven by models. From IPCC 3 "In climate research and modeling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible."
Except all kinds of economic benefits are starting to emerge from this whole "climate change" hoax. Seems to me that the advancements in our understanding and use of at least six different scientific disciplines and any number of applied technolgies is offsetting a lot of cost of that "gravy train" you are so fond of excoriating without understanding.
And I just love how they think that all science happens in America or that Everyone in the world has the same politics as America
climatology, mathematics, computer sciences, material sciences, meteorology, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, oceanography, geology, If you need to be told why, then you don't know much about the subject.
We can't even forecast the track of a hurricane more than 48 hours ahead! Go out three days and the cone gets so wide that no one can tell what is going to happen! And that's just for the two most dependable models! If the climate models can't get enough resolution and computational accuracy to predict the track of a hurricane 48 hours ahead then tell me again how they can forecast the temperature 100 years in the future?
surely you cant be suggesting that the techniques and tools of hurricane track predication are at all the same as long term trend analysis. No wait of course you are.
Even if the US government was paying for every climate scientist in the USA it would still only be a fraction of the number of scientists world wide
This just tells me that you know nothing of the climate models. Go look up the "global climate models" and "general circulation model". Never mind. I know you won't. so go here: "The T85 resolution is typical for current models. Its grid cells are about 100 by 150 km (60 by 90 miles) across at mid-latitudes." "Climate models are typically run with time steps of about 30 minutes. A climate model run for a century might, therefore, involve 1,753,152 (the number of half-hours in a century) time steps. All model parameters (temperature, wind speed, humidity, etc.) would be calculated at each of the thousands to millions of grid points in the model at each of those time steps. That's a lot of calculating... sounds like a job for a supercomputer!" Hurricane track prediction and climate models are *closely* related. If they weren't then the models wouldn't be very useful!