Thanks; I will try that link. I do already use a little solar charger that plugs into the cigarette lighter; it is better than nothing, but really not sufficient. When I bought it the auto shop denied even carrying any, although it was advertised as being on sale. I had to scour every inch of the store for it. I have been looking locally for someone that works with solar but it seems the business has really been suppressed by outside forces. I did find one solar outfit in an Amish area, but none closer to me.
Good luck with your project. If you don't mind spending a little money go here: I am using a renogy panel right now on my ham radio system. They were easy to work with!
I unfailingly reply to all posts; I didn't to the one to which you refer because I didn't really understand what you meant, but if you re-word it and post it again I'll have 'something of import to offer' have no doubt about that.
Alright let me put it this way then - it could have been more lucid? But don't bother, I'm bored with it now.
To hook up to 120 you probably need to go to an Auto electrician but otherwise I just use a 100 watt Solar blanket to charge my deep cycle battery. It will keep the deep cycle going despite the drain of the refrigerator for about 3 days