You dishonestly dismiss any claim as "official BS" if it doesn't come from a Nutter. Here is one claim. There was no evidence of any explosive materical found in the WTC...NONE. Agree or Disagree. Support with evidence and proof.
Utterly hilarious. The bolded section you have no desire to seek the truth, all it shows is your aversion to it.
No, actually you don't. You have swallowed hook, line and sinker the complete Nutter myth. It's been over a decade and not one Nutter claim has been found to be true....NOT ONE. But yet, you all claim to know the truth. How do you do that being wrong all the time?
waste of time when since the troughers here have no clue what variants explosive demolitions can be performed under. another illogical DUH
It's a lot easier to disprove outrageous claims made in the "official" BS story, than it is to explain exactly HOW they pulled off every single detail, I'll grant you. The reality you mention? Well, that appears to be very open to speculation. I think the effort made to debunk a bunch of "crazy kooks" says quite a bit towards determining which way the truth detector pendulum swings. "Official" supporters are (*)(*)(*)(*) sure nothing is "official" amiss, and seem to go to an awful lot of trouble to combat a bunch of "kooks". Same players, year after year, and over, and over. Must all just be "good, caring Patriots", to persist with such vigor, wouldn't you say?
You can't get through a sentence without hurling insults, can you?, I'll play it the "official" way here, and say 'cite your source' for your claim. I'll show you how the shill approach backfires.
I can't prove Mart Poppins didn't exist either but, I'm pretty sure she was part of a "story" (official, of course). Doesn't seem to slow down the continuous attacks on "a bunch of kooks", claiming fictional characters don't exist though, does it? Their story has changed more times than Carter has little liver pills since 2001, but WE'RE the kooks. Cracks me up.
You don't get to do that. Absence of evidence, in some cases, is evidence of absence. You are just going to have to show evidence of explosive charges and none exists.
Neither does Mary Poppins. Everybody else has to "cite their source"....except for supporters of the "official" fairy tale. I know. I'm just highlighting it here. On a side note...I'm good with the "absence of evidence" mentality though. Take supposedly buried planes, for example. It goes on and on, friend.
Aww that hurts. Another insult. You know, I often hear (on this forum) how architects, engineers are all whacko, and OCTers are always correct, despite people that say differently, and want to know who these "kooks" are that support outrageous "conspiracy theories". Well, here are some of these "kooks" here: Now, why is it that all of these folks are "kooks", yet somehow, the anti-Nutters (please excuse borrowing of the phrase from above but, I'm trying to highlight the obvious hypocrisy...thanks) are 100% infallible and 100% correct. How is that....always? How is it that nobody else has any "good points" raised (other than the anti-Nutters)? The Nutter myth? Glad you have something else to call it now. Hey, I admire your dedication...really. Takes an extreme amount of loyalty to all things "official" to accomplish what it is that you do. Kudos bro.
Waste of time since Twoofers just like to make up nonsensical claims to cover their BS. Debris was tested and found to not contain any explosive materials. Neils Harrit's work was thermite found. Cadaver/Explosive material detecting dogs were brought in and did not "hit" on anything. Once again, you Twoofers can't back up your BUSLH. - - - Updated - - - Wish I could return the compliment...Takes nothing but stupidity, ignorance and simple hand-waving ability to be a Twoofer. Come back when you have an argument that makes sense.
Really? WHO tested it, exactly? The same entities that "enhanced" the act? "Twoofer"...that's an insult, or it's supposed to be. Am I right?
This is the report, independent report that refutes the claims made by Harrit, Jones et al.
we did this already, his test was (*)(*)(*)(*)ed from the start. still waiting for a properly performed test for the energy signature. you got it? Do you even understand what you are reading? NO!
Prove it. I bet you can't and you won't because it requires research...something you have absolutely no idea how to do.
No, it was not. You just don't want to take your fingers out of your ears and stop warbling. When the termite sniffers can show us some free aluminum in their crap, they will look at least as bright as fifth graders on the short yellow bus. Yes, when are the termite gang going to give us one on a chip from Jones' stash burned in an inert atmosphere?