Canada has just banned the sale of handguns. Canada bans handgun sales in latest gun-control action (USA Today), Celina Tebor, October 21, 2022 from the article: "people cannot buy, sell, or transfer handguns within Canada, nor can they bring newly acquired handguns into the country" I can make one prediction. The Canadian government is not going to be content with just the ban on handguns. It will probably only be a few more years until they try going after the other guns as well. This is something called "salami tactics". They know if they implemented their entire desired policy all at once there'd be too much opposition. So instead they pass it in little pieces. That way they don't cause too much outrage or get too large a segment of the population to put up lots of resistance at once. from the article: "The Canadian government said it's seen a drastic rise in the number of guns in the country over the last decade" Maybe because of the Liberal Party's policies of opening up Canada to mass immigration? Canada is the United State's neighbor to the North. Could this be an indicator of what lies in store in the United State's future? related threads: Canada soon to outright ban more categories of guns (Apr 30, 2020) Canadian Prime Minister does not believe self defense is a right (Sept 16, 2022)
The company I work for is based out of Canada. According to my Canadian peers, gun violence in Canada is primarily gang related in urban areas with dense immigrant populations. Big surprise... Purely anecdotal, sure. Also purely anecdotal- the only time my vehicle has ever been broken into was in one of these areas in Canada. Also anecdotal, everyone I know in Canada is perfectly fine with gun control. Frankly Im surprised it took their govt this long to get around to a handgun ban. Though, to be fair, it was already virtually impossible to get a handgun permit there long before now. I predict this will have zero effect on reducing shootings or on the commonality of handguns in Canada.
Canada is even banning the sale of toy guns that are in the shape of handguns! Can't let those children grow up thinking handguns are normal. In addition to that, gun owners will be forced to modify all their rifles at their own expense to make it only possible for the gun to hold 5 rounds. Trudeau wasn't making any effort to hide his disdain for the idea of firearms being used as a means of self-defense. During a press conference, he explained that such an idea was simply not applicable to Canada. "Other than using firearms for sport shooting and hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives," Trudeau told reporters at a briefing.source: Canada to ban sale of handguns and toys that look like guns – HotAir
I was able to find another old thread about how, in the state of California, only 4 years after taking away the right to carry handguns, they also took away the right to carry long guns. This was only 10 years ago. (For any who may be ignorant enough not to know, there is no third group of guns; all guns either fall into the category of handguns or long guns) Media articles at the time were calling long guns a "loophole", saying that "loophole" should be closed. Quite an audacious statement considering handguns had only been banned just 4 years prior, and proponents had been arguing back then that it did not actually infringe on rights because it was only handguns that would be affected. California bans carrying guns in public (Oct 21, 2012)
I hope you realize that California in the early 1990s was a lot like how Texas is today. Give Texas another 30 years and it is probable it will look like how California does now. Practically all the major big cities in Texas already look like little colonies of California. Don't believe it? You might want to read stories like this one: Texas dad blocked by court from stopping gender transition of 7-year-old son
I do not believe in the inevitability of socialism taking over Texas. I do not believe in the inevitability of men no longer being men taking over in Texas. I do not believe in the inevitability of whining replacing pride in Texas. I do not believe in the inevitability of dependence replacing personal responsibility here in Texas. Yes, there will be incursions of the "California Disease" here in Texas. We can see it happening already in places like Austin. But when Austin started to look like a California city awash in homeless... irate citizens demanded it be cleaned up. The "California Disease" is born of irresponsibility, tolerance for everything taken to the extreme, and the replacement of excellence with mediocrity. I don't see it happening here. But when you throw in the coming chaos, survival may even return California to its pioneer roots.
What is the big deal? Their country their rules - oh! That is right! This is another issue like the Australian success story in relation to regulation of firearms
Are you trying to say that someone who doesn't live in a country should not have an opinion on their rights in another country? Because I'm sure that's not the argument you would be attempting to make here
Someone's opinion about their rights in another country depend on the opinion and the legal rights in that other country, or any other country. The rights one has in one's own country are not a matter of opinion any more than the rights of which you have an opinion are law in your own country or some other country. Your opinion is not law in your own country or any other unless your opinion is in congruence with the law in your own country or any other. Unless you're in a blue state... then you're just screwed.
Sorry... I just read your post: "Are you trying to say that someone who doesn't live in a country should not have an opinion on their rights in another country? Because I'm sure that's not the argument you would be attempting to make here" And I couldn't make heads or tails of what you were trying to say. So I thought I'd have a moment of fun answering gibberish with gibberish. No offense meant. Just a flight of fancy...
Our guns in America don't have a single thing to do with Australia. You're not the only one who can live in a different country and have opinions about the rights of those who do not live in your country
If you think I have time and or interest to watch the propaganda videos that you posted to search for whatever point you think you're trying to make then I'm not doing it. How about you briefly sum it up in your own words?
Ahhhhh! Denial is not just a river in Egypt They caught the NRA -on tape