The Czech republic has become much more sensible gun wise. I don't know if the USA had any influence though
It applies to handgun purchases and transfers after the ban. Gun advocates are paranoid about gun registration leading to gun confiscation. But here's a case of that not happening. The same thing happened in D.C. in the 1970s. When handguns were banned there people who already had legally registered handguns were allowed to keep them.
The NRA, which for many many years now has simply been the advertising arm of the armaments industry HAS played a lot of international games to push gun sales - look at the video I posted
Irrelevant. You are not being truthful about the NRA and the rest of your post is even less accurate. Why so afraid of lawful people owning guns?
I just gained a little more respect for the NRA they're fighting against tyranny worldwide it's good for them.
Can anybody find any stories where all the biker gangs and other criminals immediately flooded police stations and city halls to turn in all their illegal firearms as soon as the law went into effect?
At the last minute, with no warning, Canada's Liberal Party added in an amendment to the bill, so that the bill would not only affect handguns but also ban a large number of different types of hunting rifles. There was no consultation with the Conservative Party about the new amendment, and the announcement came very late so there was no time for public debate, and they will probably be passing the bill into law soon. How Bill C-21 turned from banning handguns to hunting guns | CBC News
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