That's why I clean the store where I work with a spray bottle with 30% bleach solution and a bleach water rag, continually. I was using pure bleach but it kept eating up spray bottles. I have far more confidence in bleach than a mask. Our store is the cleanest in town, when you walk in, you smell bleach and other cleaners. I'm glad I work third shift, around much less people.
Content free? THE BIG LIE is in the content. The very existence for the believers of the 2X. Wholesome content for them.
Of course you missed what the topic about masks are all about between posts about it. Figures. It's not a solution at all. It's a means of NOT overloading the HEALTHCARE system where the virus is running rampant.
LOL. Talking about another being overly sensitive. The master believer of THE BIG LIE, posting content free posts. Feel free to post about the topic instead of other posters all the time and how dumb or content free they may post. Live up to your own words.
But at home, Cruz admits he and his family (who are eligible) have been vaccinated. And BoingBoing reports that he sends his children to a school with mandated mask-wearing in Houston. Yes, it’s a private school and no, they don’t care about federal legislation, even if it is being introduced by one of their parents. They found the school’s face covering rules list, which says explicitly, “All persons on campus will be required to have a face covering.”
Says nothing about DeSantis's kids. What's difficult to understand about the difference between private and public schools?
Of course she would not include what and who you were responding to, to give the reader full context....
Polio is not the same as COVID, lol. But you stick with it if you need to. And we're the science deniers, lol.
So, it is somehow ok for a private school to require mask but no a public one? I take it that you are then ok with private companies requiring their employees get the vaccine but not the government forcing people to?
the vaccine of both trains the immune system to fight it once you get it, that is fact, neither stops the virus from entering your body you can keep on making up strawmen and attacking them if you want, but what I say is fact I got the vaccine, because I want a well-trained immune system to fight covid if I get it
but him saying public schools can't do that, while his kids school requires it, and not mentioning it would be wrong, would you not agree why do rich children private schools requite masks?
The masking of kids is about breaking their spirit just like transgender rights is all about breaking parental rights. In Scotland they just changed the law to allow children as young as 4 to change their gender without the consent of their parents.... effectively giving leftist teachers more power over children than parents. The left is going for all the marbles.... full on authoritarianism.
Are your parents sending you to a private company on their dime? Are the kids paid to attend? Parents are free to CHOOSE to have their kids mask up in PUBLIC schools, just the school cant mandate it. Private schools are a CHOICE.....many parents cant afford that, thus being deprived of parental choice
Both schools are paid for by the parents in one form or another. Actually they can. You may not like it, but they can and are doing so. They are not the only two choices
Many working parents can't homeschool or afford private, thus NO choice but public schools. Those schools can face the consequences. It's retarded to force small kids to wear mask KNOWING they wont were them properly, will have bodily fluids on them and kids will smear that on whatever they touch.......plain insanity
does DeSantis have a choice, his school requires it, if so, then he chose to have his children wear a mask ... right? and he chose to send his children to a school where every child was required to wear a mask.... his choice... right? he should let the public know he made this choice, is all I am saying
Jonas Salk's original polio vaccine was rather ineffective, actually. It was Albert Sabin's oral live attenuated vaccine that did most of the work worldwide, because it also helped stop vaccinated people from spreading it. Polio was largely an intestinal borne disease that sometimes spread through the respiratory system. COVID is the opposite. The fact that there are annual updated flu shots and not updated annual polio shots is proof of the difference. Kids get the polio vaccine when they're young, and that's that. Polio mutations are rare. There was one in the Congo in 2010 that allowed polio to spread despite vaccination. In a year and a half, we have at least three major strains of COVID already, and there are more. There are no polio or small pox reservoirs in animals, unlike COVID, meaning that since we don't vaccinate animals against COVID and never will, it can live in animals, continue to mutate, and reemerge easier than Polio. You want to gloss over this massive distinction here and ignore the science. Knock yourself out.