An Idea According to Christian scholars and priests, aborted babies go directly to Heaven with their innocent, freshly created, unspoiled souls. So, the idea is to abort as many babies as possible as a Christian parent. For example you make and abort 10 babies and send them directly to Heaven. Sound like a good idea to me. Well, there is a price to pay, of course - the mother and father would go to hell. But it's a good deal (and let's be honest, everybody love a good deal) at the end - 10 souls in Heaven vs 2 souls in Hell. I think it's worth the sacrifice, don't you think?
There is not one verse in the Bible that says that babies for to heaven. The Islamic version says that children can go to paradise. "Narrated Hasana' daughter of Mu'awiyah: She reported on the authority of her paternal uncle: I asked the Prophet (ﷺ): Who are in Paradise? He replied: Prophets are in Paradise, martyrs are in Paradise, infants are in Paradise and children buried alive are in Paradise."
Well, that doesn't stop preachers and clerics claiming so. After all, it makes sense - the baby doesn't merely have the time to sin.
It might be a good idea to review 1 Corinthians chapter 15 in its entirety, Acts chapter 8:26-40, with attention to verse 37. Some versions omit verse 37. 8:37 And Mark 16:16 = 8:37
Except that their spirits come from heaven and you rob them of the experience of mortal life, preventing the enlargement of their souls and murdering their tender hopes. Not to mention possibly robbing society of whatever their gifts, talents, and callings that they might have shared with society. It robs Gods Sons of Wives, and his Daughters of Husbands, along with the offspring they might have had or were destined to have. So what is saved by damning the whole and thus cursing ourselves by bringing so much sorrow to heaven. Would we say that God has no heart when the dearth is ours. Or that he has no feelings or caring when ours are dead and beyond concern. Are we God with whom we struggle and have no peace, that we lay it to him and accuse him. "The chastisement of our peace was upon him." Isaiah 53:5
yes, when we used to ask if God sent babies that died to hell, people said, no, God is good and all babies go to heaven guess now, some do not think God is good?
If you think about it you are sacrificing your life to save the lives of these innocent babies by killing them and sending them to heaven so your sacrifice should be forgiven and just like Jesus you can go to heaven too. I didn’t realize that murdering babies was such a selfless act.
According to the biblical fairytale, one of God's hobbies is killing babies, but in some cases he saves the girls to be rape victims.
The Israelites followed Mohammed? Numbers 31:18 (YLT) = "and all the infants among the women, who have not known the lying of a male, ye have kept alive for yourselves. 31:17-19&version=YLT edit verse
He was a sick dude. It's little wonder one of those child brides poisoned his ass. That's Karma hand-delivered.
A trolly thread, but.....some believe there is Biblical evidence that the soul enters the body with the first breath and leaves with the last, so it sounds like the fetus is going nowhere.
So, all the anti-abortion crowd consist of fools and buttholes then, I presume? And aborted children don't have a soul?
No, I think they are generally conservatives who have trouble with ambiguity and see things in black and white. Fetus=Baby, which is not true. I gave you what some Christians believe.
No, that's not how it works in Christianity. A person is BORN in sin. Another way of saying it is that a person is born with original sin of mankind. It is NOT a matter of whether you are born and THEN sin. You can debate about how God may judge those who had no chance to become Christians - babies, those who never get the Christian religion explained to them, etc. But, there is no question about the FACT that the Bible says that every person is born with original sin.
Duh, the idea is to abort the child BEFORE being BORN. That is without the "original sin". And therefore send it, the child, directly to Heaven, white as a snowflake.
I find no reference to that, in my quick Google search. Not saying it isn't possible but-- is this pure speculation, on your part, or did you read this somewhere?
If there is a God, why would he have to make everyone the same? Even the Bible says that everyone has a different purpose. With an all-powerful God, you could be the only real person in the movie and everything else could be an illusion that you think is real. Since you claim that some things are wrong, are you doing anything to eliminate them?