Gotta disagree. It is way, way more about the drama than the action. And it doesn't glorify the violence. Much the opposite. There are at least two amazingly written and acted scenes and the ending was a phenomenal gut punch.
Can't wait to see it! I just remember that scene from the trailer when the guy with the gun asks what side they are on and they don't know what answer to give. that little part alone was full of suspense. Can't wait!!!
Dude. It gets better. That actor? He wasn't even supposed to be there that day. The actor who was supposed to play the role had a conflict, and so Kirsten Dunst asked her husband if he wanted to play the role in his place. I don't think he's even credited. That's definitely one of the two scenes I was thinking of.
I heard that the journalists were portrayed as heroic objective observers who only documented what was going on. I can suspend a lot of disbelief when watching a movie but it would be an extremely heavy lift for me to suspend that much. Actual journalists left the American scene at least a decade ago.
Lol, that one is hitting home today. The drama in the community has cranked up to 11. My Battletech group is already starting a "get ready for another wave of 40k refugee" threads.
I don't really care that they added femstodes, I care that they did it by handwaiving it as "they've always been here" full on Nixon style "We have always been at war with East Asia". All they had to do was say something original like "o gee Cawl got bored one day and worked out how to apply the tech alchemy that makes custodes to females because the custodes were going to enter the wider galactic conflict and so need to replace themselves more often etc etc". Or over the last 10k years, the normies who work the custodes program have been crunching away on some homework big E left for them and finally finished it so now they can apply the process to females of the same carefully cultivated bloodlines that the emperor husbanded during Old Night to create the custodes bloodlines in the first place (custodes being only drawn from certain terran nobility, with a short describing people traveling to Everest during old night and being taken in by Big E if they have genetics amenable to that process. ). Its lazy writing, shows a lack of care for the IP. Plus I don't take kindly to being gaslit by corpos who got told to improve their ESG scores because blackrock is an 11% institutional shareholder in GW.
True. Twitter is a thousand times better than traditional journalism. It is widely dispersed and done by ordinary Americans who film the news as it happens. We get to see everything instantly before the sociopaths calling themselves journalists get to apply their narrative to it. They no longer get to bury stories that are inconvenient to the narrative of the billionaire elite. Much love to Elon.
Havn't seen this yet but let me guess. All the good guys are a mix of diverse people and the lead is a POC, all the bad guys are maga caricatures? Would that be accurate?
Only a fool would value the word of “ordinary Americans” they know nothing about, and don’t need to stand behind what they post, or even know what they’re talking about as “news” Trump nation seems to have retreated into this sewer of validation. But a lot of us seriously doubt the wisdom, integrity, and even the identity of Joe blow on Twitter, Telegram or Rumble.
Nope. There are some POCs among the protagonists, but calling them "good guys" would probably be a stretch.
with the state of hollywood...color me shocked that all the bad guys are not straight white men wearing red hats.
Twitter is why we have more misinformed and uninformed populace than ever before. Anybody from Bubba in the hollers to a whiney college kid to our adversaries overseas now have their extremist views amplified to be consumed by the most gullible.
A24 makes some good movies. They probably went for $$$$ over wokeness (haven't seen woke stuff from them). I did see breitbart called it anti-trump but they sometimes jump the gun with their movie assessments IMO. Plus I trust @Lil Mike 's assessment Maybe I'll do a review too after I see it
Well yeah. If you are a movie maker, and you see "civil war" trending on twitter a couple of times, you might think it would make a good movie.
That was a good scene. I imagine that's not uncommon during civil wars. You don't know which side the guy with the gun is on and you don't know what sort of answer will allow you to live.
Jesse Plemons was phenomenal in that role, even though it was a small one, it was a pivotal scene in the movie. One day of work-collect an Oscar.
I agree with you that those types of journalists don't exist in America anymore. Seen any great photojournalism from Ukraine or Gaza?
if you like 'Civil War' and 'the Hunt' as political movies, check out 'the Human Centipede.' It's a great documentary about the GOP.
I didn't claim Civil War was a political movie. If that's the level of your reading comprehension, I can guess your position in the Human Centipede.
That movie is more of what I call, a leftist utopia Think about it. 3 people can now get by on the same amount of TP that 1 can. GENIUS! Great for the environment!
Sounds silly to me. If you’re going to make a Civil War movie you should have some balls and say something meaningful about it. The true tragedy of our historical Civil War was that it pitted brother against brother, friend against friend, father against son, and comrade against comrade. Nowadays the ignorance is so rife that people just think it was racists vs non racists but the reality was so much more poignant than that as to make such sacrifices for something as ridiculous as rich men’s property patently laughable. Sorry black people, but other than rich southern elites, not many cared enough about you one way or the other to risk their lives for you much less kill their father to do it. I doubt this film even touches that aspect of a civil wars true sacrifice since to do so would again require an explanation for what’s so important that they would do so. Long story short: it sounds like a mindless action show. I’ll pass