There are a lot of places on youtube that condense movies into like 10 minutes and narrate it. It sounds like you are 100% not interested in this movies but for movies you are on the fence about but don't want to invest the effort, i highly recommend it.. Here's one of them:
Texas secession will not result in war. Northern blue states, at best, will come up with an army populated with folks more interested in their boas and makeup than their weapons.
I would guess after 5 minutes of being without support San Francisco and La descend to chaos rendering the rest of the state which is actually really quite conservative in charge.
Haven't seen the movie and heard they don't really cover it, but maybe enough Californians moved to Texas and turned it blue.
Legit. I'm fine with the female custodes. Hell, I've even thought of buying some 3d print headswaps and making a femstodes Kill Team of my own. I'd even be fine with them introducing female Astartes. But saying they had always been there was complete bull ****. and introducing the concept in basically a throwaway fiction mention in the codex was bull **** upon bull ****. But I'm more upset with the way they are ******** all over Warcry, though. I hate that such an awesome franchise has the shittiest of possible companies running it. Even Wizards of the Coast can do better than this.
I heard an interview with the creator saying that he deliberately wanted this to be ambiguous and just wanted to stress that there was a President so awful that he brought Texas and California together in opposition. It is certainly annoying that there wasn't more backstory, but I get the point. And, again, the movie was pretty incedible.
I think they went out of their way to make a map that didn't align all too well with current politics. Which was a good call. Hence why California and Texas end up in an alliance.
The film absolutely gets into the depth of the conflict. There's no mindless action. And I can appreciate a good/bad mindless action film. The legitimate complaints have mostly been about the lack of background info, but I personally think that works out in the film's favor.
Then you would disagree with the criticaldrinker and I can’t associate with you anymore because the criticaldrinker rocks too much He’s a YouTuber movie commentator who if you haven’t seen his vids I recommend!
I think I've seen him around before. I'll check out his commentary. ScreenCrush is normally my go-to, but that's more for nerdier content.
I normally only get goosebumps for wholesome scenes. This was one of the only times I've watched a film and legitimately got goosebumps out of intimidation. And I love the fact that I had only ever seen him in comedic roles before. Some buddies and I were talking about this yesterday. Plemons isn't exactly physically imposing. But he scared the ever loving **** out of me.
The script is profoundly stupid given the states it claims would be allied. Maybe this is a black comedy.