As I watched the news clip of the fifteen-year-old Swedish girl, Greta Thunberg, addressing the U.N. on climate change my first thought was that she looked spooky. Then she spoke spooky. Even her message was spooky. Could she be an alien from Klingon warning us that we are running out of time? It seemed weird to me and I would not want to watch it twice. When she's 50-years-old she will realize how she was propagandized and used by the weird radical left.
Why is a conservative's first reaction to anyone talking about climate change an attack on the person making the comment?
She has Asperger's. But, good job mocking the person instead of the message, you fit right in with your leader.
So the left, and her parents, sticks a child with Asperger's and history of other mental illnesses in front of a microphone after convincing her the world will end during her lifetime. We're not the one's who should be ashamed.
The parents are against her climate activism. They think she should have stayed in school. They probably are also worried that she'll get attacked by nut jobs. So, what was your point again?
She is a fifteen-year-old Swedish girl, there is little doubt there has be "Generational" brain washing
No one stuck her there. Her parents are against it. She put herself there of her own accord. It's just sick listening to all the vilification of a child just because of her message. Don't shoot the messenger.
She's a smug, arrogant little thing and won't have any success with her message so long as we remain democratic republics.
They should have taken her to China and had her plead her case in from of the emperor, the King of pollution..
Exactly which part of the message. That eternal economic growth in a closed system is unsustainable? Because this is obviously correct.
Should have been around with the lefts vilification of Barron! He had everything from retardation to down syndrome or just plain stupid.. I'm sure you would have posted to your displeasure there too
Still no facts to support an argument just attacks on the left in general and the girl specifically. I think she said it best: "When haters go after your looks and differences, it means they have nowhere left to go. And then you know you’re winning! I have Aspergers and that means I’m sometimes a bit different from the norm. And - given the right circumstances- being different is a superpower.#aspiepower"
Essentially, yes we do. Yes we get energy externally from the sun, but for the most part every other resource is limited meaning it's a virtually closed system. What a bunch of BS.
I don't really regard Aspergers, especially highly functioning Aspergers as a mental illness, given that many of them function fairly high socially but end up much smarter than the average person regarding everything else. It's a genetic anomaly, many times yes it's detrimental, but also many times not really. It's a completely separate situation but even then, it would still be just as sickening.
You are using oversimplification of a scientific law to prove your point which is a basic logical fallacy. I said virtual closed system for a reason. Of course it's not completely closed.
Right. That's why they're putting her on stage. Svante, Beata, Malena and Greta co-wrote a book, titled Our House Is On Fire: Scenes of a Family and a Planet in Crisis.
Actually, the earth is basically a closed system. It means energy in and out, but no matter in and out. If there is also no energy exchange, it is an isolated system. I'd be an interesting discussion, though, to bank the future of our planet on the ability of man to leave it. Talk about fairy tales.