Climate activists… what did you do to help the climate

Discussion in 'Environment & Conservation' started by Joe knows, Dec 3, 2022.

  1. Sunsettommy

    Sunsettommy Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2017
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    Personally, I think many people don't think about conserving the precious resources because it is.... "cheap" thus don't care which I say is why Stewardship classes in middle and high schools should be mandatory and that architects should be designing homes that uses at least 50% less energy to heat and cool and make the homes smaller as 1250 sq.ft which is plenty for a family of four not the stupid ego driven bullcrap 2,500 sq.ft size that is idiotic as it is expensive and energy hog.

    America like many European nations turn night into day with their stupid overuse of night lighting which is another source of energy waste to the point where some areas all the stars are gone that is incredible waste!

    When will the Human being ever wise up stop the overpopulation trend of the planet which is now suffering from overharvesting of the ocean waters and running out of easy arable land?
  2. politicalcenter

    politicalcenter Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    325 kilograms of coal to run a 100 watt lightbulb for a year. And politicians want go with all electric vehicles. We need to get smaller nuclear power plants on line right now. Uranium is 40,000 times as effective and the fuel is cheap.
  3. Pieces of Malarkey

    Pieces of Malarkey Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2022
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    It's mostly because the loudest and most powerful voices (at least as far as forcing people into crap that isn't reasonable) are typically rich politicians who can afford to live through the hardships they so blithely impose on us little people. If you think Joe Biden or John Kerry really give a rat's patootie about "climate change" you're sadly mistaken. It's an easy path to totalitarianism and that's all they're looking for. That's why nobody flies commercial to go to Davos or wherever the latest climate summit is. And then they tell you to just buy an EV if you can't afford the gas to get to work. What the heck, they've got a staff to handle transportation and paying the bills with virtually unlimited funds.

    Meanwhile, the common man can't afford to really do anything. Maybe write a check occasionally to some organization who's promising "carbon offsets" or something else to sooth the guilt the elites lay on thick.

    A huge comedy of a con game that can't end soon enough.
    bringiton and Sunsettommy like this.
  4. mamooth

    mamooth Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I don't fly. That alone crashes my carbon footprint way down. Flying is astonishingly wasteful.

    And boy howdy, have I planted trees.

    The premise of the thread is kind of invalid, since nobody is asking anyone to abstain completely from fossil fuel usage.

    In general, any "but I saw someone be a hypocrite, so the whole issue is bogus" argument will be logically invalid. I could make up a several such arguments for any issue.

    And any "Well, the president or other political leader should be held to the same travel standards as a common citizen" argument is also really bad.

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