The latest report from the IPCC was finalised on April 4th 2022. This reports is about what we can and are doing to wean ourselves from fossil fuels. Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change It is worth reading to see where technology is taking us and what the impacts will be. An example of this is that two new mines are about to open up in my state - not coal but Vanadium. The companies involved are betting on a rising demand for Vanadium for grid sized batteries to compliment RE power sources. The report also talks of under utilised sourced of RE such as Hydro and geothermal. Bottom line this report is not about doom and gloom but what we can do and how to shape a future
Thanks for posting this! I'll start working my way through it. It's good to hear that there is optimism about weaning the world off of fossil fuels.
Notice the "we" in the OP. China-India-Russia-Pakistan-Indonesia-Nigeria-Iran-Iraq-Kuwait-UAE-Saudi Arabia are not getting the message. Notice how the piece below kisses up to the Chinese as they built dozens of coal plants.
How do you know? There is a bottom line - cost. Land based wind is one of the cheapest options for electricity generation Although I just got surprised by my own graph lols!
Is it? Are you basing that on Faux news assertions because that report shows what the world is doing and it does not match your assertions
Your state is also going to supply renewables electricity to Singapore ----->
But when people like me call you tribalistic types out you should know you are only doing things for tribalistic ends.
The Aborigines here think of the Earth as their mother and treat it with the same respect. Is this also tribalistic?
The Chinese are building coal powerplants left and right. There is not a single form of "clean renewable energy" that can be manufactured or maintained without the use of petroleum and it's byproducts. Not one...
The Chinese are buying third world gratitude by almost giving away coal fired power plants and what WE a have to do is beat them at the game and invest in building infrastructure in third world countries ourselves. Kenya is a classic example. It is sitting on one of the greatest sources of geothermal power in Africa but geothermal is expensive to build cheap to run. They do not have the money for the initial build
Thing is Indonesia is another country that if one of the big industrialised nations bothered to give a boost, could be kicking back on near free geothermal I love the ABCs story of solar in Aus - seems the panels are just high enough off the ground to allow sheep to graze underneath. Sooooo…….
If only the Neanderthals had implemented a carbon offset tax, they could have stopped the Ice Age....
That explains the Vanadium mines at Richmond and Julia Creek I am guessing the battery attached to that solar field is going to be a Vanadium flow redox battery
No. When you're not sure what a word means you can look it up.
Don’t you lot ever tire of sounding like you haven’t read the first page of anything about this topic? MM and I are talking about private enterprise mega projects affecting multiple countries and your whing about some made up rubbish
This is true I think the best move away from fossil fuels would be nuclear power but that's to functional so we can't have that. The only issue I take with solar and wind energy is the extent in which it is subsidized in several orders of magnitude over petrochemical. And it's still operating in bankruptcy we're talking about 39 cents per megawatt hour for fossil fuels and $80 per megawatt hour for solar I think wind operates at $18 per megawatt hour. And they still can't make this work. Fossil fuels operate with very little help from the government in fact they operate with a lot of interference from the government and still I'll do all green energy by several orders of magnitude.
Long story short, new more efficient technologies are great, but we aren't getting away from fossil fuels until they are all gone. Most who whine about fossil fuels don't seem to realize that they aren't just used as a fuel and power source. There are over 6,000 products that we use every single day that are produced using petroleum and its byproducts. These people wouldn't even have the device they are using to complain about petroleum without it...
The respons is basically telling you how unsophisticated you are because you can't see the beautiful new clothes the emperor is wearing.
Wow! You got that from the linked IPCC report? Now would it not be better if we started to transition away BEFORE the fossil fuels run out? We are also starting to transition away from plastic. Australia has gone to bamboo for disposable cutlery and although a small step it is a start