It's not really about being green it's about virtue signaling. Take for instance in electric car if they become a large percentage of vehicles say 15%, that is an ecological disaster because then we have all these decaying batteries piling up in a landfill and polluting the water table with toxic heavy metals we can talk about recycling but that uses more fossil fuel transporting it across the ocean then if we just drove the regular cars. They are efficient statement they buy them so that they can appear as though they care about the environment and if they really cared they'd buy used car. A used car is the greenest vehicle you could possibly own I don't care if it gets 5 miles to the gallon and burns a quart of oil every 500 miles. Nobody had to produce anything and all of the plastic and rubber and components that cannot be recycled don't go into an incinerator or a garbage dump. So we're talking about a fashion statement and that's the whole point of green to appear fashionable if they really cared about this they produce their own energy with their own solar panels on their own property I think that's the future of solar panels but it won't be because that equals Independence and the government wants you dependent on the power grid
I don't think you can make those things without fossil fuels. In order to cultivate bamboo you have to have the right environment and you have to work diligently to harvest water and replant it this requires a lot of fossil fuel. And then there are famines and diseases that strike things like bamboo and it can decimate the crop requiring a fallback to petrochemical based products. I think the best use of bamboo is clothing fiber.
Dang. And I was really looking forward to having a bamboo iPhone or the entire formerly plastic dashboard and interior of my vehicle wrapped in bamboo....
In that case, having a sense of altruism towards one's environment could be a universal quality. So we wouldn't necessarily call people sharing that view tribes.
Or too difficult and costly to extract compared to available alternatives. That process is happening now. True there might be some things that run on oil for a while, for example ships. I believe that biofuels can replace most petroleum products.
What would help greatly is mandatory recycling. Like I said, eventually we are going to run out of that slick substance that we extract from the Earth used to make petrochemicals and polymers. Got an old garden hose or plumbing that you are going to just toss in your local landfill? Take it to a recycling center instead. It can all be melted down and ran through a fractionating tower and turned back into usable polymers again. It would also help if the recyclers actually did their job instead of shipping it to foreign countries where it gets dumped in massive piles of electronic and plastic waste everywhere. We should also gather up all the old broken vehicles from junkyards and scrapyards all over the country, melt them down, and turn them back into usable metals, rubber, and other materials. That is ridiculous that millions of tons of otherwise reusable materials are just getting dumped into landfills and covered up.
It's obscene. The Northern Europeans are ahead, because they don't have enough resources or room to do anything other than recycle.
The problem with biofuels is that now you have a food source that is also being used as a fuel source. Not only would you have to greatly increase the land available to raising biofuel crops, it will greatly increase the cost of the base food source.
to some extent sure but the reverence a particular group of people have for say a mountain range doesn't mean that that's going to be universal. But we aren't talking about that view. The reason why people want to move away from fossil fuels isn't because of reverence for mother Earth and it's because they've been told to think that by political thought leaders. You either obey or disobey based on whatever tribe you're in and you confess that when you started crying about the right wing. It's not right wing to be skeptical of nutty environmentalist claims it's prudent.
In part that's true. That's why unbiased education is so important. Eventually each individual needs to become their own student. It's also why there's an acute responsibility for those in control of and providing information to be morally fit to do so.
Have you ever heard about EDCs? Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals? No? Let us say Alex Jones is not entirely wrong about his “gay frogs” only he is blaming the wrong people BPA has been shown to cause type 2 diabetes and that is just one of the many chemicals that leak from plastics
I could not agree more. Plastic is choking our oceans and poisoning our waters. If you though think that we are bad it is a drop in the ocean to the pollution coming from Asia. Somehow we have to get “care for the planet” instilled in people throughout the world but the Climate Change denislism with its corporate sponsored anti environmentalism has not helped
I'm basing it on the simple fact that these largest countries on earth have done little or nothing about reducing carbon emissions and will do little or nothing. They are developing and trying to have a higher standard of living and other than China none of them have done anything to reduce population growth and they will meet their energy needs any way they can. The largest oil producing countries have no desire to stop drilling for or selling fossil fuel energy. Do they? CC is a white western obsession.
The reference to Foxnews is kind of stupid. How many people are talking about this issue the way I talk about it? CC is a white western obsession! There is practical environmentalism where you want cleaner water, cleaner air. Recycling. Less congestion. Countries with high population density like in Europe or Japan care about those things but only the white west is obsessed with calling carbon dioxide a pollutant.
Keep in mind our carbon emissions have declined because of something democrats have been against and want banned. Fracking. NG is a cleaner energy source than coal or oil.
The worst polluting countries on earth. Look how white they are. 1 Central African Republic 2.0 2 Papua New Guinea 2.0 3 Eritrea 2.0 4 South Sudan 2.0 5 Sudan 2.0 6 East Timor 2.0 7 Djibouti 2.5 8 Chad 2.5 9 DR Congo 2.5 10 Guinea-Bissau 2.5 11 Myanmar 2.5 12 Sri Lanka 2.5 13 Solomon Islands 2.5 14 Kyrgyzstan 2.5 15 Haiti 2.5
Yes a boost - start up funding if you like. Indonesia has some of the most active volcanoes on the planet
Hmmm and yet Papua was the nation that stood up at the BALI Climate Change conference and sick and tired of the Bush Governments obstruction basically told them to “lead follow or get out of the way” These are not the top polluting countries - just the ones caught between a rock and a hard place unable to develop further without outside assistance and all too often exploited by those very countries that should be helping them
And why does that stop YOU from reducing YOUR emissions? But wouldn’t it be nice if there was some sort of international agreement amongst, say 195 countries that encouraged all those countries to reach for mission reduction targets? Bit hard though to get that cooperation when one of the biggest contributors on the planet pulls out of the agreement
1. I do not care because I think GW and CC is a fraud. I do not think Co2 is a pollutant. 2. You will never get them to change because it is not in their best interest to change. "Encouraged" lol. 3. As I said clearly and I am right about this CC is a white western obsession where we have to hate and blame ourselves and WE are the ones expected to make all the sacrifices. Who do you think that retard Greta Thunberg is talking to? Not China or India. This is all about white guilt and it is pathetic. Look at Pakistan and Nigeria. 2 countries with over 200M people and growing in population 3% a year. Both are oil producers to some extent. They will never, ever never go green. Again this is all a fraud.
I can reduce my emissions. If I choose to. We could do better at conservation and driving better mileage cars but democrats are obsessed with destroying fossil fuels in our country only.