Is it possible that marrying Meghan Markle is Prince Harry's subconscious way of taking revenge on the Royal Family for having his mother murdered? Chew on that all you closet psychiatrists.... Personally, I could see this happening. Not in an intentional 'I'm show them those buggers' manner but in a subconscious 'I hate these bastards for killing mom' sort of way. I'm sure hope that he loves her but what was the underlying attraction knowing the issues that would/could come about?
Jeez Not ONE closet/couchpsychiatrist willing to post on this? Guess it isn't about President Trump so all our resident psychiatrists have nothing to say.. Well color me surprised...
Or is it that she is just great in bed and a fun person to be with? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Seems you're the "closet psychiatrist", bringing up this weird and meaningless scenario... How is it "getting back" at anyone? What possible difference could it make to anyone...?
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Markle has some horribly sexist views, but I like her. She'll make a good patrician. I'm not generally attracted to blacks, but she's unquestionably top tier attractive. Watch the most entitled people on the face of the Earth virtue signal about how Mr Johnny Doctor needs to give up his hard earned $250000 income after 10 years of medical school.
DID the Royals have Di murdered? I kinda doubt it. Although I tend to doubt Harry has some kind of ulterior motive for marrying her, I'd think that if there IS some kind of motivation going on here, it's because they guy is never going to be King even though he has a bit more personality than Prince Will Not, which isn't saying much considering Will Not has all the charisma of a tree stump. Also, bear in mind that the guy is incredibly lazy. I mean, Phillip at around three times Harry's age did more engagements than that ginger whippersnapper. Holy moly! When your grandfather works harder than you do, it's time to consider what you're doing. I'll say this for Markle, she's gotta be very considering of Harry's views considering the guy once dressed up as a Nazi for a party.
would Prince Harry be the only person who has ever had their parent murdered? Some use their self misery and self 'pity' and self 'woes' to further their wickedness. They use their first 'event' as an excuse for why they do more.. it's like when a drug user says he/she cannot stop because of all the drugs they did in their life.. even if only after a year or so... Or it's as if a drunk driver that 'killed' another while driving will secretly seek to overthrow MADD, Mothers against Drunk Drivers, because they were unable to prevent him/her from driving drunk... These are forms of 'personal' vengeances' they take out by using their hidden pain and shame for the excuse. And for others, since they don't desire to stop their drugs or get out of their pains, they continue in their ways of receiving 'fun', which might be secret plots and secret thefts and lies and slander and such.. A really good thing about the Catholic Church is that it offers secret confessional booths where one can go into, remain anonymous, and confess the wrong doing(s) to the Priest on the other side of the faded barrier.. Confessing such things to the Priest and having that person listen and then the Priest surrendering those confessions to The Lord through instructions of prayers, really can free the burdened person from carrying around all that secret weight. And for the illegal doings, with the laws of the Land, the confessionals remain private and undisclosed, even if Law enforcers should inquire.. The confidentiality that the Church has to keep personal confessions private cannot be breached. So if Prince Harry really did have his mom killed, him confessing this to a priest in a confessional would remain between him, the faded barrier, the Priest's ears and The Lord. But if a person knew for a fact that Harry had his mother killed and did nothing about it, that person, if the murderer is apprehended, could possibly be tried for conspirator to hide evidences, maybe under the conspiracy to defraud section, if that person was brought forth for evidence. All of these fall under civil duties of keeping society safe. If a citizen or civilian fails to do their civil duties, the society can become very unsafe..
OP I'll be glad when they 'tie the knot' then we'll never hear that weird alliterative name ever again.
No, revenge on society would have been if Prince Harry had a sex reassignment, or not, and married Donald Trump.
Closet psychiatrists know it’s best not to confront unpredictable fantasists on their delusions and as long as they’re not actually hurting anyone, it’s best to just leave them to their own devices.
Apparently you know nothing about Princess Dianna, her death and the Royal Family. But otherwise it was a well written homily in regards to forgiveness.