Cutting a deal with an employer

Discussion in 'Member Casual Chat' started by Balto, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. perdidochas

    perdidochas Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2008
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    In addition, there are skills and knowledge to be taught in a university. There probably would be more efficient ways to do it, but under the current practices, it indicates a lot.
  2. rickysdisciple

    rickysdisciple New Member

    Mar 4, 2016
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    Sure, I learned how to translate Chinese fairly well and developed some solid writing skills, but it cost a fortune and a tremendous amount of my time. It could have been done for about a tenth of what I paid and a quarter of the time spent. Most degrees do not teach real skills, so I'm not sure what you are arguing. Business degrees are of marginal value, and most liberal arts degrees, outside things like foreign language, don't teach much. Natural science teaches very little of practical value, unless you want to become a research scientist. What are we left with? Engineering and teaching? Everything that is useful is still inefficiently taught and terribly expensive. The only reason you, and others who don't seem to care how much of a scam our system is, aren't worried about it is because you didn't have any issues while in college.

    It (the lack thereof) indicates more for those from the middle-class, and very little for poorer people. Yes, if you had a social support network and good parents while in college, I'm sure completing college says a lot. After all, college is ridiculously easy if the only thing you are worried about is getting good grades, so it stands to reason that you would judge the well-off who didn't complete college--they truly have no excuses.

    The total lack of awareness from conservatives on this issue, and anything that challenges the dogma of meritocracy, is one of the main reasons I never show up to vote for them. They are too egotistical to admit that factors other than hard work play a role in success.

    I will be creating a thread soon with the intention of eviscerating the myth of meritocracy, with respect to income, so I hope you will be around to debate when I do.
  3. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    sometimes, even learning discipline may require some discipline.
  4. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    you will probably have to move to North Dakota and drill for oil or natural gas.

    there is no deal with an employer unless you are a foreigner with an h1b visa, they will not hire you because you know what its like to have rights and not be belittled.

    unless you are willing to humiliate yourself for accepting salary less than you're worth, long grueling hours of low pay and high stress, and barely meeting your needs, interests, and expenses they will not deal with you.

    basically approach an employer on your knees and in tears with no dignity, and maybe they may take pity on you in this economy
  5. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    they make it harder to be disciplined or learn a discipline than is ever necessary.
  6. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    Have you found a job yet? Im not reading through the whole thread but as a person who has held many jobs because I am literally cursed and can't just stick with one lol, I can offer a little bit of advice. I have worked many jobs from a young age from fast food to being a supervisor in distribution. I see you never had a first job, so that is kind of a strike for some employers seeing that you are in your 20's . But the thing about bargaining with an employer is not trying to demand anything, its all about your presentation, you attitude and how you address the person who is hiring you. But what is also important is being able to show them what you can bring to the table, reasons as to why they should hire you.

    With that let me make a suggestion and tell you to go to a staffing agency. That is the easiest and 100% most certain way you will obtain a job. Not only that but it's not fast food so you will not be working for minimum wage, usually staffing agencies can get you jobs for at least a couple dollars above minimum wage. They don't need a resume, they don't need a work history, and simply their job is to get you employed and take care of their accounts. Just be ready though because there are going to be a lot of odd jobs or crazy hours starting off and possibly working overtime alot and even weekends. Then of course there are going to be jobs in which are only seasonal, but after that assignment is over they will place you somewhere else. Even if you get fired from the job they will place you somewhere else. I used staffing agencies to my advantage, and if you are cool with these people and prove to them you are a reliable worker they will find better jobs with better hours and better pay for you. I got a job starting off at $17/hour through a temp agency, granted it was a season job it was given to me because the company asked for reliable workers and I was one of the ones selected with a few other choice employees. Also a good thing is most of these jobs you get sent to just do group orientations rather than one on one interviews so you dont really have to sell yourself as the staffing agency has already sold you basically. Your only job is to get to work on time and perform your duties. Do NOT walk off the job either, if you are unhappy with your position you can usually ask your staffing agent if they can find somewhere else to place you and they usually will. But if you simply walk off or quit, it's unlikely they will help employee you anymore.

    Now let me tell you another good thing that comes from this, you create a good work history and because you will be working in different places more than likely you will show you have a good amount of skills built up.The main thing here you get hired for is warehouse work because we are a main source of distribution in the country. In a 4 year span I had gained experienced in picking orders,packing, team leader, RF Scanner, learned how to drive every piece of equipment you can think of, gained a ton of customer service experience, supervisor experience, tons of experience in logistics, office experience, sales , many of the programs distributors use and I am even TSA certified. All of this looks great on a resume along with a healthy work history. Quite simply it shows the employer that you are trustworthy, experienced and they don't have to baby you. Also use your temp agency as a reference, because if they end up admiring you and the employer calls them for feedback they will give you a good review and basically sell you to the person who is looking at hiring you.

    All in all the selling point is your background, work history and experience. For me when I interview the only thing I show them is confidence, not cockiness , but confidence that I know what the hell I am doing. Be relaxed, have a smile on your face and generally just shoot the (*)(*)(*)(*) with your future boss. Just be honest and cool and let your resume do the work.

    This has worked for me, there is pretty much no place i can't land a job if I want one. I work for myself at the moment just fixing cars because it is just easier simply because of my womans work schedule and taking care of the baby so we dont have to pay for a damn babysitter or daycare. I'm 34, im not rich but im not poor and I like to think I live comfortably. BUt if something happened and I lost business working at home, I have no doubt in my mind I can take my resume and go find a good paying job in just about any warehouse in the city as a supervisor or even a manager.

    Oh and I did this with only a semester of college lol. Hell it's sad when I was training college grads to do the job I was doing, especially when they went to school for it lol. But get your education anyways, because that diploma will get you a few extra thousand than what I would get paid simply because you have it. So it's still good for something.

    I don't know how temp agency's work where you are, or rather what they cater too most. But simply use them to your advantage for experience and to have people that can put good words in for you. Good luck.
  7. Dware

    Dware New Member

    Feb 26, 2010
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    I'm not reading that whole thing but....

    I will tell you low skilled workers are a dime a dozen and you will have to compete with illegals to boot..(poor people against illegals for that very reason)

    Get yourself some real skills: plumber, electrician, etc...or some REAL schooling that ends in a real job : nurse, doctor, dentist, etc..

    Or you could always go into the military (possibly)
  8. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    thank goodness for modern times and YouTube.
  9. Balto

    Balto Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2013
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    No, I haven't but I am working with a program hosted by the city, ultimately to get some paid internship though. Thank god I have understanding relatives, or else I would literally be homeless. I have tried temp agencies, like Employment Solutions and Manpower, and both times those have fallen through. My general outlook on life is suicide seems more attractive than a middle class lifetime. Why suffer for 50-60 years, and contribute nothing but to a companies quarterly profit margin? There's nothing to justify living at that point, anyone can see that. Everyone should aim to become someone like Mark Cuban.

    More on topic I'm glad you're self employed, and not slaving over to your boss rolling high in his Rolls Royce, coming home to lobsters for dinner, in a mansion at the top of the hill. But more on point, until I get that paid internship, I ask what use is there to trying to get a job, when the program hosted by the workforce center is ultimately going to get me when I'm really going after right now, a pay stub. That's the whole incentive to getting work. That pay stub will buy me freedom. So, I've put sort of a halt to the job applications at the moment until I have that 300-something hours of paid internship under my belt.

    Nevertheless, your post is a good one.
  10. GeddonM3

    GeddonM3 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    Hey hey now you need to let that suicide talk go, been there and done that and let me tell you it is not worth it and you should not think of cheating yourself and others. Yes things can get bad, but not that damn bad bud.

    But moving on I am going to be a bit blunt with you. Homey you have to start somewhere, not everyone who is driving that rolls Royce had one just given to them, most where like me and you starting off and collecting those pay stubs just the same. Unless you can come up with some killer app or make some kind of social media breakthrough right now it is very unlikely that anyone at your age is just going to come off on top and live the good life. The majority of people have to put their time in to reach that goal. And your first goal should be to create your own foundation and get out on your own and do it comfortably. It's hard at first but I promise it gets easier as long as you stick to your goals.

    It took me years upon years to get the clientele I have to where I could simply live off them just by fixing their cars. Also I was self taught working on vehicles. I had to do this while working those other jobs so not only I had a constant check coming in, but also the time I needed to get good at doing my own thing. All in all it took me about 7 or 8 years of learning, gaining customers trust, the help of friends to get the word around and acquiring the tools needed in which I have about $20k worth of tools at this point and I still have the same tool box from when I started lol. Lots of sacrifice too as working my daily and squeezing in time to get multiple cars finished. For about a 3 year period I damn near gave up most of my weekends.

    Like I said I'm not rich, but I am far from poor and I am not stressing about paying my bills. In fact at this point right now I am on vacation in LA and I have zero worries on my mind. I don't have to be ungodly rich to be happy, but that don't mean I couldn't do it if i really wanted too. Plus I also must give credit to my woman who went through school and got her job she wanted and she makes good bank. On my own I did fine, but with her we make things easy together. So I am blessed to have her and am proud of it. But now if you want that ungodly richness, keep your head up and start now. Life is ALWAYS going to throw curveballs no matter what kind of money you have, it's just up to you on how to react to it in the end. There will be things you simply can not control , let it go , do not dwell on it and come up with a new plan of attack.

    You can get it done, just stay driven and in the meantime build (*)(*)(*)(*) in your head, you never know what might pop up that can be a gold mine. You are going to fail sometimes, but failing is trying and failing also shows you what you can do better and apply it for the next venture. If you are not failing, then you are lazy lol. Gotta get your ears wet is all.

    But keep trying staffing agencies, yes some of them do suck and I forgot to mention that but there are still good ones. Just gotta find them.

    Also look into places like Stanley Steemer, moving companies , car washes, look into becoming a bartender, or even do security.

    But first off try Stanley Steemer, they are always hiring. It's hard work and sometimes long hours but it's also easy to make $1k a week once you know what you are doing. I averaged around $800 a week and I was just 18 at the time. Grueling but a great learning experience as you learn sales, customer service, and gain a sort of management experience being that after a month you will usually be a team leader.

    Moving companies are a dime a dozen and ALWAYS need help.

    But also with all the jobs I mentioned, besides bartender, you get regular wages and usually you will get an extra bump in tips in most cases. Bartender you get the reduced wage but if you land the right spot your tips really REALLY make up for it.

    Also if you can do it, look into Uber or Lyft.

    Man there are a bunch of opportunities out there to start and make yourself some real money, just gotta dig a little. But keep your head up.

    If you need anymore help just ask man. Or let me know where abouts you live and I will gladly help you source a job.
  11. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    learning a discipline on youtube that may take many years to master doesn't pay the bills in the meantime.
  12. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    but, you can do it easily and conveniently. Just like watching tv.
  13. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    if all of your time isn't spent working minimum wage to survive.

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