David Crockett, and his Conservative idea on "Charity"

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by yabberefugee, Sep 16, 2023.

  1. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    I do agree congress does take bribes in the form of campaign money by well off donors, but that has always been the case, even in the 19th century. However, unless you can prove that any bride or kickbacks, then you need to have evidence and that is by definition a crime no matter who the person is holding that office or which political party they belong to.

    Private pensions are dwindling because of unfunded liabilities is getting too great for the employer, but then the GOP helped introduce the 401k and the IRA tax-deferred plans in the 1970s. Most companies offer this, even small corporations with HR 11 or SEP IRA plans, even for their small number of employees. But many of the oldest companies like Ford still have pension plans for their employees. For both defined contribution plans, aka pensions, and 401k accounts sponsored by the employer, about 66% of the total private workforce has access to those types of plans. If you are not living with a pension, then that was your choice in the employer you chose or be self-employed. But I guarantee you have either a 401k or a IRA of some kind, which was not available prior to the late 1970s. And they work much the same way as a pension if employer-sponsored.

    The best pension in the US is the railroad pension fund. It is completely solvent with two tiers: Tier 1 is the Railroad Retirement SS type fund, and tier two is their pension fund. And because the railroad was the most important industry in the 1930s to about the 1950s, and yes it was important prior to the 1930s as well, the Railroad Industry did not squander what it had, even in difficult times like the 1980s and so forth. Next is the US military Pension fund, and the Federal government is third, followed by state and local employees in 457 plans. Teachers is a mixed bag of nuts depending on the state for its Teacher retirement system and how that fund is invested, among other things. For todays young bucks, the 401k or even the IRA are good if you start early enough, don't borrow from it, and invest modestly, then by the time you retire at 65, you should have a good retirement account. But that too depends on the job and your expanses, including school loan debts.

  2. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    that bill that Crocket was speaking against was for one widow of the deceased, not all widowers.
  3. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    A "widower" is a man who lost his wife, not the other way around and it is not the plurality of "widows". In this case the widow addressed here was the wife of a man who had connections. Crockett spoke up for all the other widows of war that had no such connections.
  4. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    that is the myth of US history you are tying to invent here. During our revolutionary war, we had three major groups: the loyalists, the revolutionaries, and the fence-sitters. Most of the fence-sitters were in the South because they did not care for the Northern Colonies. The loyalists wanted to keep things the same, aka retain the king. The revolutionaries came in all shapes and sizes, meaning that it was not just one thing that was driving them to revolt against their king. The Tories were conservative and wanted to maintain the status quo, which is what the loyalists in the colonies also wanted, along with rewards for helping the crown and destroying their personal enemies to boot. The revolutionaries were the progressives, who wanted things to change. And the fence sitters were waiting to see who had the upper hand. Most of the fence sitters chose the Revolutionary side when Britain took over Charleston South Carolina and other southern colonies as an occupying force. It was no longer a Northern Colony revolt.

    I think you would be surprised with David Crocket. He would be more of a Reagan conservative than anything else. The Revolutionary modern may Mega Man would be Thomas Paine, the atheist who was very ardent in having pretty much no government whatsoever. Even disagreed with the Articles of Confederation and the proposed US Constitution.

    the main reason why I said no one today would survive in those days is threefold: one we are too accustomed to our modern conveniences from running water, to sewage and toiletry facilities to the grocery stores to even the convenience of payment, the idea that you were very concerned how you are perceived publicly which was a major thing in those days, and the fact that if you run your mouth, the chances of a duel may occur. For most people, they can't handle that, period, which is why they won't survive in those days.
  5. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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  6. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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  7. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    It is still part of the general fund.
  8. yabberefugee

    yabberefugee Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 23, 2017
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    I now understand your thought process. The idea of Conservative and Liberal does change with time and is not consistent with ideology. That is true. I error in the idea that today's conservatives stand for Individual Liberty while Progressives lean heavily to "statism " or "collectivism".

    Have been in fisticuffs to defend my family and honor, so a modern duel in some sense. If pressed, I never shy away.
    I am about to leave today for a two week hunting trip with bow and arrow. Also carry a more lethal weapon in case of dangerous animals. No running water, no grocery stores, I won't be spending any money and I like it. I know many many like myself and guess what? All conservative or "promoters of Individual Liberty".....much like Crockett!
    Nothing at all against Ronald Reagan. I believe he would be a MAGA today the way this nation has gone!
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2023

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