'Democratic' Israel show their true face...again.

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by Jack Napier, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Dickjanes

    Dickjanes New Member Past Donor

    Aug 31, 2012
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    oh, u mean the Dhali Lamma? used to.
  2. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    brilliant. seriously brilliant. well crafted.
  3. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    I think its sad that some ppl actually belive the crap above......,

    That's not true ofc, I never heard of cousin marriage and wierd here as anywhere else, I suppose Jack found some article about Orthodox cousin Jews that married each other or something but its really not common, I dont know of anyone who did,

    Your theory of gene selection is just part of your fear from Jews, Western Jews marry Eastern Jews, we really have no gene problems.
  4. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Obssesion is like a Cancer, althou they do get to me sometimes we should remember who the real victims of all this hate really are, the haters themselves, If it constantly on their minds they can get no peace and always fear always radiate bad energy, what a waste of lives.....:sad:
  5. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    I suppose you could ... Muslims in General, I mean.

    So I agree with you. That is why I tend to confine myself mainly to the MYTHS created by Zionists in order to shore up Israel's tarnished history.
  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It's true.

    Not saying you would do it, I certainly would not, but historically speaking, it is true.

    Judaism also allows for an uncle to marry his niece.

    It is also a fact that Ashkenazi Jews suffer from many genetic health problems, that are almost exclusive to them.
  7. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Jack, people like Gilos rarely bother checking their facts before stubbornly embarrassing themsleves clacking off denials,


    Owing to their dispersion among populations professing creed different from their own, Jews have marriedr relatives more frequently than the rest of the world. The marriage of first cousins and even of uncle and niece is quite legal and usual among them (see Marriage). The limitations on the marriage of those of priestly descent would tend to limit the choice of Cohens to those nearly related to them.The tendency seems to have begun early, since Abraham is represented as having sought a wife for Isaac in his mother's family. In the Middle Ages it is difficult to ascertain how far the Jews tended to marry within their own families; but the Ghirondi family, to which Naḥmanides, Gersonides (who married his first cousin), and Simon Duran belonged, appeared to have married relatives for several generations (Steinschneider, "Cat. Bodl." cols. 2305-2310).

    An attempt has been made to ascertain the proportion of first-cousin marriages among English Jews upon the method invented by G. H. Darwin ("Fortnightly Review," July, 1875), based on the number of marriages in which both bride and bride-groom have the same surname. This method gives a proportion of about one-fifth. Judging by this criterion, the percentage of cousin-marriages in the English peerage was 4.50 among the landed gentry, 3.75 in rural districts, 2.25 in London. Applying the same method to English Jews, Jacobs calculated that 7.52 per cent of their marriages were first-cousin marriages. By another method W. Stieda found that there were 23.02 per cent per thousand consanguineous marriages among the Jews of Alsace-Lorraine as compared with 8.97 among Catholics and 1.86 among Protestants ("Die Eheschliessungen in Elsass-Lorhringen," 1872-76, Dorpat, 1878). It would therefore appear that the proportion of first-cousin marriages among Jews is about three times greater than among the non-Jewish population.

    It seems that consanguineous unions are more fertile and less sterile than other marriages. In England the ordinary percentage of sterile marriages is as high as 16.03 (Duncan, "Fecundity, Fertility and Sterility," p. 153, Edinburgh, 1856), whereas among a number of Jewish consanguineous marriages only 5.4 per cent were sterile. The children who lived numbered 4.6 on an average as compared with 2.26 among ordinary Englishmen.

    It has been contended that the neurotic tendency of Jews is due to these consanguineous marriages. Boudin ("Traité de Géographie Medicale," ii. 140, Paris, 1857) contended that the greater prevalence of deaf-mutism among Jews was due to this cause; but this view is no longer credited among medical men, who regard consanguinity in marriage as aggravating any diathetic tendency in a family, but not as causing the tendency per se.

    Bibliography:Jacobs, Studies in Jewish Statistics, pp. 1-9, London, 1891;
    Huth, Marriage of Near Kin, p. 244, London, 1875.


    GILOS here's more for you - I'll await your further denials /rebuttals :

    As far as cousins go, the Shatzer Rov (see "Or Ganuz, parshat Mattot/Massaei) says that whenever the Torah says "good", according to esoteric tradition and the Arizal, there is an eternal blessing. Hashem told Moshe Rabbenu to tell the daughters of Tslophkhod to marry their cousins (see Bamidbar 36: 5-13), and the Torah says "tov" about it (ibid, verse 6). From here, the Shatzer Rov zatza"l says it's very good to marry a cousin. If it worked for Bnot Tslophkhod, it'll work for you.

    It's worth noting that quite a few of the Melitzer Rebbe's 12 children are happily married to cousins. It saves a lot of headaches in shidduchim, because you already know the family, the prospective soul mate, and there're much fewer surprises. Let me know the good news. With Blessings always, LB


  8. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Maybe in Bible times....perhaps in Middle ages, its not common in modern times, dont remeber I herad of it.

    That true about Ash Jews, they have some special gene tests its reccomended for them to go when two marry, from what I told its for ppl originated in a specific place in Europe, perhaps in that place during the middle ages it was common, I dunno...
  9. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Millions more from from the myth of a god commanding a Yacob to change his name to Israel down to a Lithuanian Yid ,Ariel Scheinermann calling himself Sharon and a certain David Grun born in Poland calling himself David Ben Gurion, etc.etc...

    ... Nowadays there' presure within Israel on Haredi/Sephardim/Mizrahi Jews + those Arabic sounding family names to have their names AshkeNized.

    ( Ashkenized ? = hehehe - Now there's another new word - for me - to think abt + conjure with . ).

    I wonder how many amongst this foruma Israel defenders have been Ashkenized

    ... LOL ..
  10. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Are you Ashkenazi or Serphardi, Gilos?

    Anyway, like you say, and like I said, there are a host of genetic diseases which Ash Jews are literally hundreds of times more likely to get, than a non Jew, even if both are from the same country.

    I personally don't see an issue stating it as known medical fact, much like one could cite sickl cell anemia, as being something which is race/ethnic specific.


    Genetic disorders among Ashkenazi Jews:

    Having been reproductively isolated for centuries – and having grown from a small number of founders into a large population in a fairly short period – Ashkenazi Jews are a relatively homogenous group that have inherited a range of rare genetic disorders.

    For over 50 years, much research has focused on identifying genetic disorders among people of Ashkenazi descent. More than 20 disorders have been established as being of particular relevance to this group. Though rare, many are serious, debilitating and life-shortening.

    Other disorders established as being of higher prevalence among Ashkenazi Jews include: Glycogen storage disease (type 1a), maple syrup urine disease, non-classical adrenal hyperplasia and non-syndromic hearing loss..

    Maple syrup urine disease??? Who the hell named that one?


  11. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Like I say, it is not controversial to state truth, and the truth is this - no other body of people have rountinely altered their names, as much as Jews have. The old excuse that it was done to avoid discrimination, doesn't wash. They do it for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is a means of false flattery to the host nation, if you sound like a native, look a bit like them, and alter your name to a more gentile one, then they are more likely to accept you, as one of their own, perhaps not even be aware that you are operating under a false name. The other reason, is that if all Jews were to use their real names, it would be even more obvious than it is, re their disproprtionate presence, in all key areas. They don't want that. On top of this, one of the reasons that Jewish legislators encouraged massive levels of immigration into the US, and fully supported the multi cultural experiment there, is down to the fact that it was seen as much safer and better (for Jews), to do so. Think about it. If you had a mainly monolithic people, it would be ten times harder for a minority group to obscure their disproportionate presence, in all key areas. The less monolithic it is, the easier it becomes.

    Look at old style US conservatives ( a dead breed), and what people call Neo Cons.

    They are not to be confused. The former, they would have naturally be against rampant immigration, while the latter have been v much pro immigration.

    The former, old school US conservatives, would put the US first, and generally be American gentiles. The latter do not care about the US, and are full of Jews.
  12. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Once again you're - wrong. NOT only in biblical but right into the 20th century. I accept what you say abt gene tests - nowadays in late 20th -21 century , the fact remains that cousines are still permitted subject to the results of medical tests.
    In which case , who've been telling porties , in preeviously saying that there are no Jews who're marrying the cousins / Uncles marrying Neices< or any other inbreeding , Cohens etc...
    OR that there's any Jewish Laws prohiting such incestious inbreeding.

    tata ...

  13. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Moreover, the old school US conservative tended to incline toward non intervention, wherever possible.

    The Neo Conservative is very pro war, and pro perpetual intervention. The old school US conservative was frugal about tax payers money. The Neo Cons are happy to take more tax payer money, and spend it on their intervensionism, and of course, their own salaries and perks.

    If you want to know why the Republican Party in the US is so wrecked and distrusted...blame the Neo Cons.

    In my eyes, it used to be the party of gentile old school conservatives, not this Neo Conservatism, which is primarily made up of Jews, with an Israel first agenda.

    A good number of the original Neo Cons were communists, as well, something they prefer not to mention, given how Americans tend to feel about the C word.
  14. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    AFAIK, in the UK, it not illegal to marry your first cousin.

    It may be, in some US states, and not in others.

    I suppose it may depend a bit, on the circs. I mean, if you grew up together, as kids, it would feel totally weird, to me.

    But maybe had you not seen each other in 20yrs, barely knew each other as kids, I suppose then, it is possible, there could be the basis for a just attraction?

    Uncle to niece though...I don't think that would be legal in any European nation, or the US, and that is a bit more odd.
  15. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Where all this cousin marriage/ inbreeding takes place? what country are you talking about?
  16. Gilos

    Gilos Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2011
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    Yes I suppose its possible that in some places the Jewish communities were so small they prfered to marry cousins rather than non jews, im just guesing thou I have no knowledge on the matter.

    My grand parents came from Europe mosly (One grandma was born in Jerusalem) from father side they are considered Serphardi in religous terms, Bulgaria Jews I think oriented from Arab countries where they used the Serphardi version according to tradition. mother side Romania and Jerusalem. Wife side is 100% Iraqi, she made me understand why it takes a Saddam Husein to govern Iraqi's.
  17. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    She may have a point, re Saddam. How much of an utter bastard was he? It is hard to know anything for sure. All we ever have is a media created image, and we cannot rely on those. I am almost sure though, that if you could poll the people there, freely and properly, you would find most would sooner turn te clock back to the days of Saddam, than what has followed since then. I've read, from decent sources, that Sephardic Jews were often discriminated against, in Israel, perhaps less so now, but in days gone by. Any thoughts on that front?
  18. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Here is something else to think about.

    Judaism is 100% a matriarchal cabal.

    Meaning that Judaism promulgates and is inspired and directed by the females while the males are basically drones used for protection and money. When it comes to sex, the jewish women does not discriminate between jewish or non-jewish males for, regardless who impregnates her, her kids according to ancient laws emanating from some dissatisfied babylonian hookers are jewish. The jewish male, on the other hand, is a dud, his kids are not considered Jewish according to ancient talmudic laws.
  19. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Israel's Black Panthers . The Arab Jews who refused to be "Zionized"


    extract :

    Israel&#8217;s humiliating discrimination against Arab Jews

    Although the new state was to be located within the subtropical climate of Palestine, and was, biblically speaking, a re-establishment in an area that had remained home to thousands of Jews over centuries, its essential character was European. Overwhelmingly, those in charge of administration, education, infrastructure and culture before, during and after its inception in 1948 were of Ashkenazi (European Jewish) origin rather than the local Sephardi (Spanish-Portuguese) or Oriental Jews.

    As the population was reinforced by an influx of Jews from the surrounding Arab countries, the newcomers came to experience a sense of exclusion, of inferiority. In many cases, Shabi points out, the migration was reluctant, imposed by Zionist pressure and even, she suggests, acts of sabotage in the Arab Jews&#8217; native lands. In several of these, Jews had long been part of the social fabric and had no wish to leave.

    This was especially the case in the country about which Shabi can speak with most authority &#8211; Iraq. She builds a compelling case, based on the experiences of family and friends, for the benefits once enjoyed by Jews in Iraq, as against the bleak, &#8220;official&#8221; Zionist version. Her forebears, she insists, did not weep &#8220;by the rivers of Babylon, as they remembered Zion&#8221;. They danced.

    She describes many instances of humiliating and sometimes horrifying discrimination against Moroccan, Yemeni, Tunisian and other Jews as they found their lives subsumed beneath the prevailing Ashkenazi culture. Some North African Jews were allowed in only after being sprayed with disinfectant. The picture is one of exploitation and mistrust, based largely on the Arab Jews&#8217; resemblance &#8211; even linguistically &#8211; to &#8220;the enemy&#8221; and leaving them still at the bottom of the heap today.

    fULL REPORT HERE :http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/...liating-discrimination-against-Arab-Jews.html

  20. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    The world's earliest record of the world's oldest profession , comes from them .

  21. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Very interesting, thanks for the upload.

    These Jews sound and come across as NOTHING like the Jews I loathe.

    They seem to be the opposite, of everything i hate the other Jews for - lying all the time, stealing all the time, deceiving all the time.

    Sadly, it seems to be the latter impression that Israel's regime is the global image of Jews, today.

    If I didn't know better, it would feel to me like the Israeli regime are not Jews, and seem to hate Jews so much, that they would to create global antipathy toward Jews.

    I cannot think of anyone that is more likely to trigger global antipathy toward all Jews, than those in the Knesset etc, who say they are Jews.
  22. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I've heard that too.

    Back in Britian, a long time ago, a lot of Jews worked as prostitutes.
  23. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Pimps .

    As for the women , one could hardly have described it as "work" - more a labour of lurve. (wink)

    But , long before Britain , + the Roman Empire , 680 BC- Judah King Manasseh, re-introduced male + female prostiution in Yahwey's Temple including child sacrifice. Says so , somewhere in Bible.

  24. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Jack, do you remember that bible story abt Abe claiming his wife was his sister exchanging here for livestock, slaves, and who knows what else. When exposed as a liar who brought a curse upon Pharaoh and his family, Abe made no effort to return any of his fraudulently-obtained wealth. ? Thats how far back it goes. (wink)

  25. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    That's why the OT, the Talmud, the NT, and the Koran, are probably only worthy of fixing a wonky table .

    Seriously, has it not crossed people's minds by now that man was not made in 'god' image, but god was made in the image of the authors of such stuff? And the authors were very, very, sick people.

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