Genesis 3 22 And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' -- Ie ............. mankind (the zionist pigs, to be exact) created israel.............. not some dude on a thrown (a god)
"...the man is become as one of us." God created man. God created Israel. God chose Israel above all other people and nations of the earth. Quantrill
Judaism is an amazing religion, the only one I know in which a huge number of its adherents do not believe in any god, hmm, I guess they are Jewish atheists. In fact of the 4 "law abiding" (don't eat pork,etc) Jewish people that I know, two of them are self-professing atheists. The follow the cultural heritage of their ancestors, go to synagogue, say the words and love their ancient ancestors, but they do NOT believe in a god, of any kind. And, if you follow the news from Israel, it is quite easy to believe that a huge number of the politicians there are also atheists. That does not say much for your concept of whatever god you happen to believe gave the land to them.
That is why majority of Palestinians become Muslim because Islam gives them the right to exterminate the Jews in order to seize Jewish land. According to Biblical historians, the Palestinian ancestors were instructed to settle in the land of Egypt and parts of Saudi Arabia but they refused instead their ancestor squatted and seized the land that was promise to the Jews which is Isreal, that is why it is called the Promise Land the Land that God promise to the Jews.
All that you mention is immaterial. It does not change anything about God, the God of Israel. Try again. Quantrill
talk about an uneducated post. Wow funny...... muslims have lived in palestine for almost ever. Many of the people there have family roots of almost 500 yrs. Nothing about changing religions to take land. Your historians are monkeys. Egypt controlled canaan during any period of exodus. With the proof of the amarna letters to put archeology before babbling idiots of religous beliefs. Islam is the evolution from judaism and christianity (same god). it is almost like Protestants are just evolved catholics. Or better yet, christians are just evolved jews (same genesis (torah based)) the three religons of egypt, (moses, born and raised in egypt) are Judaism, christianity, islam. the three horns
There were no Muslims back then, Muslim came about just like you said 500 years later after Jesus Christ during the Holy Roman Empire era, Muslims was started by Mohammed. Nothing about changing religions to take land. On the contrary, Islam is very clear the land of Israel must be Islamized. So is every body else. Egpyt control they are not the inheritor, the son of Shem were promise the land of what is Israel, while the son of Ham were promise th eland beyond what is now Israel but they refused to accept Noah's land distribution instead Ham's descendant choused to squat at Shem's promise land. Wrong, Islam is the plagiarised form of the Bible it has no originality and full of contradiction. Preotestant believe in the same God, Islam don't believe in Jesus Christ, Islam have their own god. Moses time there was only Judaism no Christianity no Islam, Jesus CHrist reveal the New Testament that would become Christianity. Islam would come later as the anti Christ to distort and spread false stories and teachings. the three horns.
Nothing can change anything about pink and purple polka-dotted flying unicorns, or an imaginary god or gods.
According to the Book of Jubilees, the Israelite conquest of Canaan, and the curse, are attributed to Canaan's steadfast refusal to join his elder brothers in Ham's allotment beyond the Nile, and instead "squatting" on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, within the inheritance delineated for Shem.
This is always the atheists go-to defence. As soon as his argument isn't going anywhere, he resorts to either comparisons with Santa Clause, or Unicorns, or he says, prove it. In your post that I replied to you indicated the disbelief of many Jews as though that would affect the God of Israels being faithful to Israel. What I am telling you is that all that you said does not change Gods faithfullness to Israel. Quantrill
When the Jews show the deed to Jerusalem, signed by God, then they will have a legitimate claim. As such the Palistinian claim is more legitimate.
The church is the new Israel. Though the Jews are supposed to be respected. Just like everybody else. Which means, the mistreatment and refusal to be fair to Arabs by the Jews is something contrary to the Christian faith.
Shame on any Christian who thinks the same God who said "Blessed is the meek;for they shalll rule the world" and "Love thy neighbor as thyself", would accept the government of Israels actions towards the innocent Palestinians. The blood of the Christian Martyrs, and blood of the innocents will be your accuser on judgement day.
Both have the right to live their. Neither has a right to run a government sole based off one part of the population. Or atleast give the Arabs their own statehood.